메일 보낸건데 해석 좀 부탁드립니다
want to see Anne ..
My heart for you, you know?
As I said, I absolutely will be responsible for.
I love you.
You'd be my love forever.
I love you forever, is a woman.
I'm responsible for you until the end.
Please trust me as you always.
Secondly, I have faith in your credibility.
I am very busy, my business is my heart is always by your side.
Always thinking of you ...
I miss you as always ..
When we meet again, we'd love a lot of you very much.
i love you....
i miss you....
이건 다른 여자한테 보낸거같아요
I want to see Madeth ..
My heart for you, you know?
As I said, I absolutely will be responsible for.
I love you.
You'd be my love forever.
I love you forever, is a woman.
I'm responsible for you until the end.
Please trust me as you always.
Secondly, I have faith in your credibility.
I am very busy, my business is my heart is always by your side.
Always thinking of you ...
I miss you as always ..
When we meet again, we'd love a lot of you very much.
i love you.....
i miss you.....
개편이전의 자유게시판으로 열람만 가능합니다.
영어 해석 좀 부탁 드립니다
영어 조회수 : 400
작성일 : 2010-06-07 04:43:11
IP : 116.121.xxx.199
3 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
1. 이거
'10.6.7 5:01 AM (68.43.xxx.235)아주 심각한 콩글리쉬 입니다. 문법이 아주 심하게 안 맞네요...
혹시, 바람둥이 잡을려고 그러시는 건가요?2. 오빠
'10.6.7 5:07 AM (67.212.xxx.71)간단히 말해서 '끝까지 책임질께 오빠만 믿어. 나도 널 믿어' 라고 말하고 싶으신 것 같고, 같은 내용을 두 여자한테 썼네요.
3. ...
'10.6.7 10:10 AM (221.138.xxx.230)곧 죽어도 외국여자 꼬시나봐요?
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