개편이전의 자유게시판으로 열람만 가능합니다.
MBC 동영상, 영어 고수님들 ~번역 도와주세요.
지금 한국에서는 '대통령'에 의해 민주주의 파괴가 일어나고 있다.
대통령은 언론 장악을 통해 손쉽게 한국을 통치하려는 의도를 가진 듯 하다.
이에 한국의 메이져 방송국의 아나운서들이 세계 각국의 언어로
동영상을 제작하여 이 사실을 알리고 있다.
이것은 진정한 민주주의를 원하는 세계를 향한 메세지이다.
영어고수님들 깔끔하게 번역 되었는지 좀 살펴주세요.
Recently, the president of Korea,Myung bak Lee, he ruins the democracy in Korea.
He thinks he can rule whole country through taking over the control of speech.
Against that, MBC(one of the major broadcasting station in Korea)'s announcers made a movie clip(It has been uploaded in Youtube) in different kinds of languages.
This is the message of the people who want the correct democracy, toward whole world.
(link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f25m6DAvNPE)
1. 현랑켄챠
'09.2.28 3:53 PM (123.243.xxx.5)흥~미워. 아무도 안도와 주시네~ ㅋㅋㅋ
어쨋든 전 다시 출근해야 하는 관계로 호주 abc.com.au 에 올리고 갑니다.2. 도움이 될지..
'09.2.28 4:19 PM (115.161.xxx.89)There is an ongoing destruction of democracy in South Korea, masterminded by its President.
His intention is to gain the control of media, which will enable him to manipulate the public opinion.
Now television journalists in Korea are making video clips in different languages to tell the truth.
This is a message for the world - for those who seek true democracy.3. 카후나
'09.2.28 6:10 PM (119.70.xxx.187)Recently, the president of South Korea, Lee Myung-bak, is taking harsh measures straining the democracy in Korea.
He wishes to dictate the entire country through ristricting the freedom of speech.
For the protection of the freedom of speech, anchors and reporters of Munhwa Broadcasting Company(MBC - one of the major broadcasting stations in Korea) made a video clip (It has been uploaded in Youtube) in different world languages.
Towards the world, this is a voice of South Korean people who believe that right democracy is needed for the right time.
고수는 아니지만요 좀 거들어요...4. 현랑켄챠
'09.2.28 9:12 PM (123.243.xxx.5)도움이 될지..님과 카후나님 감사드립니다.
몇 군데 더 올려봐야겠어요. *^^*