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해외교포분들께 숙제 내려왔네요.

baker man 조회수 : 549
작성일 : 2008-06-30 11:18:56
해외에 계신 교민 여러분 아래의 글을 여러분들이 계신 국가의 타운의 대중적인 역량이 있는 미디어의 독자 투고란에 투고하시기 바랍니다.

로컬 케이블이나 메인스트림의 방송국, 페이퍼, 모닝 데일리 할것없이 모두 시도하시기 바랍니다.

Dear People,

There is something horrible going on all over Korea, especially in Seoul. The new President of Korea is imposing dictatorship and many innocent citizens are being hurt and injured. I am not exaggerating, and I feel so desperate as a Korean citizen and decided to find a way to let other poeple know what is going on there. I myself want to run there and participate in the demonstration. Yesterday the police got mad and beat demonstrating people, including women.

Police put down demonstrators with force.

The demonstration got caused by the Government decision to import "would-be mad cow beef" from America in disregard of the prevailing public objection. The Government keeps saying that the meat is safe to eat, but in fact it is dangerous and didn't go through proper examination process. It was notified that the cows were being raised not with vegetables but with feed made of meat. Cows are not meat-eating animals and that kind of feed is being a cause of Mad Cow disease. Actually the day before yesterday, there was a recall request from American customers because there was a virus (I forgot the name) causing Mad Caw disease. Our (stupid) Government doesn't care to harm the people with this meat and they are going to import the meat that the American customers already requested recall of.

Demonstrators consist of many strata of people, elementary, middle-high school students, women with young children (sometimes with infants), working and retired people. That is, they come to show that all the people don't agree with the Government. The women with young children came to show that if starting to import the meat, the young children will be the first victims. Because the American beef is so cheap (I don't wonder why), all the school restaurants (where young children and students eat; All Korean citizens must get at least till high-school education, which means they have to eat it till they grow to be high school students) and the Army restaurants where our soldiers serve for the stupid Government will be the first places where the meat will go. Why schools and army bases? Because they are the easiest place to cut the cost.

The demonstrations were held 52 times so far, and there is nothing changed. It seems that our President has deaf ears and blind eyes. Even a Congressman Lee Min Seok who came to help the citizens was thrown away by the police.

Yesterday when 52th demonstration was held, the police put them down with weapon; with stones, heavy sticks and high-pressured water. Many people were injured, hurt, and trampled down.

This picture, which is unfortunately unclear, shows a lady trampled on by military policemen. You can see left side downward her head. The yellow thing is her dress.

the police fired fire-extinguisher to a man with an infant in the carrier.

Yesterday's demonstration. The police right hand.

They say "Lee Myoung Bak OUt"
Lee Myoung Bak is our shameful President.

These are the awful things the so-called Democratic Government of Korea does to its people.  
It is so shameful that nobody can imagine. We never knew our new President was going to do such thing to his nation.

I ask you to send the pictures and the what I said about them to everybody that you know, to let people all around the world to know what is going on in Korea. But please be sure not to make my name mentioned or appeared in any place. You don't know what the "Democratic Government" of Korea is capable of doing.

Thank you very much for your patience to read this long email.

p.s. if you want to find out more, don't go to Chosun or Dong-a or Jung-ang newspaper. They are controlled by the Government. Maybe O-My News or Yonhap News will help. It is less controlled.


허거걱~ 사진은 카피가 안되나봐요??????????????

사진이랑 원본은 여기에 있어요.

IP : 208.120.xxx.160
3 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. baker man
    '08.6.30 11:19 AM (208.120.xxx.160)

    액션!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 액션!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--->http://nystory.ohpy.com/153528/51

  • 2. 화이팅
    '08.6.30 11:27 AM (124.63.xxx.18)

    국민이 이깁니다. 우리 모두 힘냅시다.,,, 조직도 없는 우리들에게
    촛불 50일 지나니까 전문데모꾼들이 나타났다는 식으로 말합니다.
    아침 시선집중에 홍준표대표 나와서 여전히 똑같은 말만 합디다..
    아직도 뭐가 뭔지 모르는 정부입니다... ,, 아직도 국민들의 촛불시위를
    불법으로 이야기하고 선동꾼이 있네없네,,순수한 국민은 이제 참여하지 않느다나 어쩐다나..
    정말 끝이 나봐야 정신차릴라나 봅니다..

  • 3. 냠냠
    '08.6.30 11:51 AM (58.121.xxx.225)

    숙제가 아니라 칭찬릴레이예요~ ^^

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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