개편이전의 자유게시판으로 열람만 가능합니다.
해석좀 해 주세요..
취소하려고 메일을 보냈더니 이런 답장이 왔는데..
물건을 받고 다시 반환하라는건지..
그냥 물건 취소는 안된다는 말인거죠??
정확히 어떻게 하라는말인지 모르겠어요..
도움좀 주셔요~~
Thanks for writing to us at Amazon.com.
I attempted to cancel your order, but I wasn't able to because it's entered the shipping process.
Because orders can't be stopped once they enter the shipping process, the option to cancel it did not appear when you viewed the order online in Your Account. I'm sorry if this causes any inconvenience.
Our Customer Service centers are not in the same location as our fulfillment centers. Amazon.com offers hundreds of thousands of items in our own inventory, and the fulfillment center buildings enclose millions of square feet. In addition, many of our fulfillment center processes are automated and computerized. For these reasons, we are unable to move in to the fulfillment centers physically to stop the shipments.
We here at Amazon customer service continuously strive to assist the customers in each and every way can and feel disappointed when we are unable to address customer's concerns. I hope you can understand our limitations in this regard.
Please refuse this shipment when it arrives. Refusing the shipment allows you to return it without having to pay for return shipping.
Please rest assured that you will be refunded in full and wont be charged for return shipping charges.
If the package is delivered by mail and you are not present when it is delivered, you may write "Refused--return to sender" on the unopened box and leave it for your postal carrier to pick up. If the package was delivered by another carrier, please contact the carrier for instructions on refusing the package.
You can find contact information for all of our carriers on our Help pages:
We will refund you in full, including shipping charges, when we receive the returned package.
If it is not possible to refuse the shipment, you may of course return this to us for a full refund.
To print a return shipping label, follow these steps:
1. Go to the "Your Account" link at the top of our web site (http://www.amazon.com/your-account).
2. Click "Return items" under "Where's My Stuff?"
3. Enter the requested information, including how you received the item, the reason for the return, and the quantity.
4. You will then be able to print a pre-addressed return label.
You may choose to print a USPS return label, request a UPS return label or, in some cases, request UPS pick-up of your return. The return options will depend upon the items you are returning. If you request a UPS return label, we will send you a personalized link via e-mail; simply follow the link to print out your return label.
If you are unable to print this label, we will display further instructions.
Once we receive your return, we will issue the appropriate refund and send you an e-mail confirming the refund amount.
For more information on viewing and changing orders, visit our Help pages:
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience you may have experienced as a result of this.
I've included additional information on these options below.
If you have further questions, please contact us by visiting our Help pages. You can click a button to contact us by e-mail or phone from any Help page on our web site.
Thank you for shopping at Amazon.com.
1. 현랑켄챠
'10.1.15 12:34 AM (123.243.xxx.5)앞엔 뭐 시스템이 이래서 쉽핑했는데 취소할 수가 없다.
받으면 받는 즉시 돌려보내라. 만약 받을 때 니가 자리에 없었으면
개봉하지 않은 박스에 ""Refused--return to sender" 라고 써서
박스에 기재되어 있는 배송인이나 장소로 연락해서 다시 보내라,
어떤 요금도 니가 지불할 필요는 없고, 반송 우편료도 지불할 필요 없다.
환불도 전액(배송료포함) 다 해주겠다. 이런 내용인데요.
이 방법으로 리턴이 안되면
전액 환불을 위해서 다음 1,2,3,4를 따르라고 하는데요.
1,2,3,4도 해석이 필요하세요?2. 현랑켄챠
'10.1.15 12:42 AM (123.243.xxx.5)1,2,3,4번은
1. 본인 아마존 계정으로 가세요. (로그인)
2. ‘Where's My Stuff' 메뉴에 있는 ’Return items'를 클릭하세요.
3. 요청하시는 바(배송이 늦어져서 반품하려 한다)와 물건을 받은 경위와 수량을 적으세요.
4. 그러면 주소가 적힌 라벨을 프린트할 수 있어요.
그 라벨을 붙이셔서 거기에 옵션으로
배송사를 고를 수 있는가 봅니다. 그 배송사로
하여금 물건을 돌려보내면 된다고 하네요.
물건을 받게 되면 정확한 환불 금액을 이메일로 알려준답니다.3. ...
'10.1.15 12:53 AM (221.138.xxx.230)일단 받은 후에 다시 반송하는 것이 아니고 "우편배달부에게 수취거절이니
다시 가져가세요" 라고 하라는 거죠.4. ^^
'10.1.15 1:02 AM (118.222.xxx.229)주문취소를 해드리려고 했는데 이미 물건이 선적(shipping)이 되어서 취소가 안된대요.
그러니 물건이 왔을 때 집에 계시게 되면 그자리에서 바로 반송해달라 하시구요,
집에 안계셔서 물건만 받았다면 위에 현랑켄챠님 말씀처럼 하심 되구요.^^
아마존측에서 반품 받고 나면 물품대금이랑 반송비를 님에게 돌려주겠다 하네요.
근데 물건이 늦게 와서 취소하려 하신 거라면 저같음 그냥 쓰겠다고 멜 보내겠네요.ㅋ5. 원글
'10.1.15 7:24 AM (218.55.xxx.61)와!! 고맙습니다!!!
물건이 안와서 그런거였는데... 히히.. 지금 보니까 쉽 메일이 와 있어요 ^^;;;;;;;;
정말 고맙습니다!!!!!!
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