Fight against breast cancer
More chance of living through it
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. Every year, 1.3 million women are diagnosed with breast cancer, and 465,000 of them will die. In developed countries, the right treatment means a survival rate of 80 percent.
More than 40,000 American women are expected to die of breast cancer this year, but death rates have been falling by about 2 percent a year since 1990. The credit goes to earlier detection and better treatment. “That’s the good news,” said cancer prevention specialist Dr. Therese Bevers, who remains concerned about a more recent decline in breast cancer incidence.
She’s worried this drop simply means fewer women are getting diagnosed. The press has diligently reported on a tenyear study in Shanghai, China, that appears to cast doubts on the value of breast self-examination: Women who regularly examined themselves had the same number of breast cancers as women who did nothing.
“But this study was not about whether to do it or not — it was about the value of teaching women a specific technique,” Bevers said. “The majority of palpable breast masses are identified by women themselves. Women should be aware of their breasts: Know what they feel like, and if there are changes, contact your doctor.” (213 words)
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