아이가 영어라이팅을 썼는데, 본인은 잘썼다고 자랑을 하는데
제가 잘은 몰라도 보니 약간은 조잡하고, 단순하게 전개한것 같은데...(제가 영어잘못함)
아이는 자기가 쓴글은 영어적인 표현이 많아서 그렇다며 자기를 칭찬을 안해주냐고(잘했다고 했는데;;)
이글이 영어적인 표현을 많이 쓴글인지;;;
어학원에 3개월 가량 보냈는데 시간을 너무 많이 잡아먹어서 그만두게 했는데,
그때 아쉬웠던게 라이팅 첨삭이 정말 맘에 들었거든요.
집에서 하려니 라이팅이 잘 안늘어요.
아직은 어학원에 다시 보내고 싶지는 않은데요. 죄송하지만 한번 봐주실래요.
지금 올리는 글의 주제는
학생들이 공부하면서 직업(아르바이트)을 가지는 거에 대해 어떻게 생각하느냐 ... 입니다.
아이가 쓴 글은요 죄송하지만
<Turn the way to School>
I think it is very bad that teenagers have jobs as students. The following reason supports my idea.
First, teens need to be educated. If teenagers were all educated, there is more chance that they could be more intelligent when they becomes an adult.
Second, they could get a better career if they work on their education now. There are not very many teenagers that have a great job. They mostly work in supermarkets. This is a very disspressing job.
But, if they study now and be a good student, they can get a comfortable job afterwards.
Third, the country likes it if there is many famous great men in their country. Their country can be famous! Anyone can know who is a better person who really can make their country proud. A teenager who arbeit a supermarket, or a teenager who studies very hard and be a great adult filled with dreams? This shows that education is much better than arbeit.
For conclusion, I think that a teenager studies will be more successful. Than the teenager who quit education.