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Love Actually #13

| 조회수 : 2,308 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-09-30 07:48:15

[Scene #39]

Jamie    :  (Aurelia serves tea) Thank you.

(Aurelia takes off used cup and typescrilpts are blown away)

Aurelia  :  (Portuguese) Nao! Eu peco imensa desculpa. Oh, no. Hold on.

Jamie    :  God, it's half the book. Oh, no.

Aurelia   :  Que desastre.  (she jumps into the lake)

Jamie    :  Just leave them, please! They're not important.

                 They're not worth it! Stop! Stop. Aa-ahh.

                 It's all just rubbish. Just leave it.

                 Oh, God, she's in. And now she'll think I'm a total spas if I don't go in too.

Aurelia  :  (Portuguese) Fuck - it's cold!

Jamie   :   Fuck - it's freezing! Fuck!

Aurelia  :  (Portuguese) This stuff better be good.

Jamie   :  It's not worth it, you know, it isn't bloody Shakespeare.

Aurelia  :  (Portuguese) I don't want to drown saving some shit my grandmother could have written.

Jamie   :  Just stop. Stop.

Aurelia  :  (Portuguese) What kind of an idiot doesn't do copies?

Jamie   :  I really must do copies. There'd better not be eels in here. I can’t stand eels…

Aurelia  :  (Portuguese) Try not to disturb the eels.

Jamie   :  Oh god, what the hell is that?


Jamie   :  Thank you. Thank you so much. I know. I'll name one of the characters after you.

Aurelia  :  (Portuguese) Maybe you could name one of the characters after me. Or give me 50% of the profits.

Jamie   :  Or I could give you 5% of the profits.

Aurelia  :  (Portuguese) What kind of book is it? Kind. Kind… Romance ?

Jamie   :  Yes. It's, erm...

Aurelia  :  Ah, er... (Portuguese) Thriller...crime...

Jamie   :  (Portuguese) Yes. Si. (English) Crime. Crime, murder.

Aurelia  :  (Portuguese) Frightening?

Jamie   :  Er, scary? Yes, sometimes scary. And, er, sometimes not. Mainly scary how bad the writing is.

Aurelia  :  Mm. (Portuguese) I'd better get back to work.

Jamie   :  Ah.

Aurelia  :  (Portuguese) And then later you'll drive me home?

Jamie   :  Sure. It's my favourite time of day... driving you.

Aurelia  :  (Portuguese) It's the saddest part of my day, leaving you.

Jamie   :  Sorry.


[Scene #40]

(TV) : 'And coming up later this morning, it's this guy...

' ♪ There's no beginning, there'll be no end ♪ Cos on Christmas ♪ '

the bad granddad of rock'n'roll, 'here at 10:30. Do not switch off.'

(Juliet visits Mark's house) 

Juliet  :  Banoffee pie?

Mark  :  No, thanks.

Juliet  :  Thank God. You would've broken my heart if you'd said ‘yes’.

Mark  :  Oh right, well, lucky you.

Juliet  :  Can I come in?

Mark  :  Er, yeah, well, I'm a bit busy but...

Juliet  :  I was just passing and I thought we might check that video thing out.

              I thought I might be able to swap it for some pie, or maybe Munchies?

Mark  :  Actually, I was serious I don't know where it is. I'll have a poke around tonight, and then…

Juliet  :  Mark, can I say something?

Mark  :  Yeah.

Juliet  :  I know you're Peter's best friend and I know you've never particularly warmed to me.

              Look, don't, don't argue. We've never got… friendly. But I just wanted to say, I hope that can change.

              I'm nice. I really am. Apart from my terrible taste in pie and... It would be great if we could be friends.

Mark  :  Absolutely. Absolutely.

Juliet  :  Great.

Mark  :  Doesn't mean we'll be able to find the video, though. I had a real search when you first called and

              couldn't find any trace of it, so...

Juliet  :  There’s one here that says "Peter and Juliet's Wedding".

              Do you think we might be on the right track?

Mark  :  Er, yeah, well... Wow. That-that could be it.

Juliet  :  Do you mind if l just...?

Mark  :  I've probably taped over it. Almost everything has episodes of West Wing on it now…

Juliet  :  Oh, bingo. That's lovely. Well done, you. Oh, that's gorgeous.

              Thank you so much, Mark, this is exactly what I was hoping for. I look quite pretty.

              You've stayed rather close, haven’t you…

              ... They're all of me.

Mark  :  (with a perplexed look) Yeah. Yeah... Yes.

Juliet  :  But... you never talk to me. You always talk to Peter. You don't like me.

Mark  :  Hope it's useful. Don't show it around too much. It needs a bit of editing.

              Look, I've got to get to a...Iunch. Early lunch. You can just show yourself out, can't you?

              It's a...self-preservation thing, you see.

35 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:52 AM

    Jamie : (Aurelia serves tea) Thank you.
    (Aurelia takes off used cup and typescrilpts are blown away)
    Aurelia : (Portuguese) Nao! Eu peco imensa desculpa. Oh, no. Hold on.
    Jamie : God, it's half the book. Oh, no.

  • 무진
    '13.9.30 11:09 PM

    J : (오렐리아가 차를 대접한다) 고마워요.
    ( 오렐리아가 쓰던 컵을 치우자 원고가 날아간다.)
    A: 오, 이런. 잠깐만요.
    J : 이런, 반 권정도인데, 오 안돼.

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:54 AM

    Aurelia : Que desastre. (she jumps into the lake)

    Jamie :
    Just leave them, please! They're not important.
    They're not worth it! Stop! Stop. Aa-ahh.
    It's all just rubbish. Just leave it.
    Oh, God, she's in. And now she'll think I'm a total spas if I don't go in too.

  • 무진
    '13.9.30 11:20 PM

    A: ( 호수에 뛰어든다.)
    J: 그냥 둬요. 중요하지 않아요.
    별거 아니에요 ! 멈춰요! 멈춰! 아.
    그냥 형편없는거예요 . 그냥 둬요.
    오, 이런, 들어 갔네. 그녀는 나도 지금 (물에)들어 가지 않으면 완전히 나를 바보로 생각 할거야.
    * [형용사, 명사] (俗) SPASTIC : (비격식) 저능아[바보] 같은

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:54 AM

    Aurelia : (Portuguese) Fuck - it's cold!
    Jamie : Fuck - it's freezing! Fuck!
    Aurelia : (Portuguese) This stuff better be good.
    Jamie : It's not worth it, you know, it isn't bloody Shakespeare

  • 무진
    '13.9.30 11:31 PM

    A: 젠장- 추워!
    J: 젠장- 얼어 죽겠네! 젠장!
    A : 이건 좋은 거겠죠.
    J: 별거 아니에요, 알다시피 , 끝내주는 셰익스피어 작품도 아니구요.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:55 AM

    Aurelia : (Portuguese) I don't want to drown saving some shit my grandmother could have written.
    Jamie : Just stop. Stop.
    Aurelia : (Portuguese) What kind of an idiot doesn't do copies?
    Jamie : I really must do copies. There'd better not be eels in here. I can’t stand eels…
    Aurelia : (Portuguese) Try not to disturb the eels.
    Jamie : Oh god, what the hell is that?

  • Since1996
    '13.10.15 6:23 AM - 삭제된댓글

    A: 난 우리 할머니도 쓸 수 있는 그런것 따위을 구하려다 물에 빠져 죽고 싶지 않아
    J: 그냥 멈춰. 멈춰
    A: 어떤 멍청이가 복사도 않했어?
    J:진짜 복사를 했어야 했어.여기 뱀장어가 없어야 할텐데.난 정말 뱀장어는 견디기 힘들어...
    A: 뱀장어를 방해하지 않도록 해
    J: 이런 ,이게 도대체 뭐야?

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:55 AM

    Jamie : Thank you. Thank you so much. I know. I'll name one of the characters after you.
    Aurelia : (Portuguese) Maybe you could name one of the characters after me. Or give me 50% of the profits.
    Jamie : Or I could give you 5% of the profits.

  • Since1996
    '13.10.15 6:31 AM - 삭제된댓글

    J: 고마워. 정말 고마워.알아. 내가 등장인물 중 하나에 네 이름을 붙일게.
    A: 아마 등장 인물 중 하나에 내 이름을 붙일 수 있겠지 .아니면 수익의 반을 내게 주던지.
    J: 아니면 수익의 5%를 줄 수도 있지

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:56 AM

    Aurelia : (Portuguese) What kind of book is it? Kind. Kind… Romance ?
    Jamie : Yes. It's, erm...
    Aurelia : Ah, er... (Portuguese) Thriller...crime...
    Jamie : (Portuguese) Yes. Si. (English) Crime. Crime, murder.

  • Since1996
    '13.10.15 6:36 AM - 삭제된댓글

    A: 어떤 종류의 책이야? 로맨스 종류?
    J: 응 . 그게 음....
    A: 아, 어 스릴러..... 범죄....
    J: 응 범죄 . 범죄, 살인.

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:56 AM

    Aurelia : (Portuguese) Frightening?
    Jamie : Er, scary? Yes, sometimes scary. And, er, sometimes not. Mainly scary how bad the writing is.
    Aurelia : Mm. (Portuguese) I'd better get back to work.
    Jamie : Ah.
    Aurelia : (Portuguese) And then later you'll drive me home?
    Jamie : Sure. It's my favourite time of day... driving you.
    Aurelia : (Portuguese) It's the saddest part of my day, leaving you.
    Jamie : Sorry.

  • Since1996
    '13.10.15 7:02 AM - 삭제된댓글

    A: 무서워?
    J: 어, 무섭냐고? 응 무서울 때도 있고 아닐 때도 있고.(??? 주로 무섭지 ???)
    A: 이제 내 일 해야겠어 ??? ( 이제 직장으로 돌아가야겠어???)
    J: 아.
    A: 그리고 나중에 나 집에 태워다 줄거지?
    J: 물론이지. 하루중 내가 제일 좋아하는 시간인데.... 널 태워다 주는게.
    A:하루중 가장 슬픈 때지. 너를 떠나는.j
    J: 미안.

  • Since1996
    '13.10.22 12:12 AM - 삭제된댓글

    Jamie : Er, scary? Yes, sometimes scary. And, er, sometimes not. Mainly scary how bad the writing is.
    어, 무섭냐구? 무서울때도 있고 ,아닐때도 있지.
    Plot 자체는 무서운 책이라는 것 이구요.
    Mainly scary how bad the writing is 는 writing 이 너무 후진게 소름끼친다는 것으로 해석해봤습니다.
    It's scary how bad the movie is. 하면 그 영화가 얼마나 후진지 스름끼쳐

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:56 AM

    (TV) :'And coming up later this morning, it's this guy...

    '♪There's no beginning, there'll be no end ♪ Cos on Christmas♪'

    the bad granddad of rock'n'roll, 'here at 10:30. Do not switch off.'

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:57 AM

    (Juliet visits Mark's house)
    Juliet : Banoffee pie?
    Mark : No, thanks.
    Juliet : Thank God. You would've broken my heart if you'd said ‘yes’.
    Mark : Oh right, well, lucky you.

  • Jane
    '13.9.30 8:34 AM

    (Juliet visits Mark's house)
    Juliet : 바노피파이(드실래요?)
    Mark : 아뇨. 됐어요.
    Juliet : 오, 다행이다. 당신이 '네' 했다면 저 정말 속쓰렸을거에요
    Mark :아, 네. 다행이군요.

  • Jane
    '13.9.30 8:57 AM

    *바노피 파이를 검색해봤더니 오븐 없이 어렵지 않게 만들 수 있는 파이네요.
    다이제스티브 쿠키를 잘게 으깨서 팬에 깔고, 녹인 버터와 연유을 붓고 , 그 위에 버터, 황설탕, 연유를 끓여 부은 후 휘핑 크림 듬뿍 바른 후 바나나를 썰어 올리고 쵸콜렛을 갈아 올리는.
    칼로리 대박이네요^^

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:57 AM

    Juliet : Can I come in?
    Mark : Er, yeah, well, I'm a bit busy but...

    Juliet :
    I was just passing and I thought we might check that video thing out.
    I thought I might be able to swap it for some pie, or maybe Munchies?

    Mark : Actually, I was serious I don't know where it is. I'll have a poke around tonight, and then…

  • Jane
    '13.9.30 8:38 AM

    Juliet : 들어가도 될까요?
    Mark :아, 예. 좀 바쁘긴 하지만, 어..

    Juliet : 지금 막 지나가다가 그 비디오를 한번 확인해봐야겠단 생각이 들어서요.
    비디오랑 파이나 아님 군것질거리 과자 서로 맞바꾸면 어떨까 하고요
    Mark : 사실은 그게 어디있는지 정말 몰라요. 오늘밤에 그거 어디있는지 한번 뒤져볼께요. 그리고나서...

    *poke around 여기 저기 뒤지다

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:58 AM

    Juliet : Mark, can I say something?
    Mark : Yeah.

    Juliet :
    I know you're Peter's best friend and I know you've never particularly warmed to me.
    Look, don't, don't argue. We've never got… friendly. But I just wanted to say, I hope that can change.
    I'm nice. I really am. Apart from my terrible taste in pie and... It would be great if we could be friends.

    Mark : Absolutely. Absolutely.

  • Jane
    '13.9.30 8:42 AM

    Juliet : Mark, 이야기 하나 해도 될까요?
    Mark : Yeah.

    Juliet : 당신이 피터랑 제일 친한 친구란거 알아요. 그리고 당신이 한번도 내게 특별히 따뜻하게 대한 적 없단 것도 알아요.
    저기요. 아니라고 하지 마세요. (의역) 우린 한번도 친하게 지낸 적이 없어요. 그렇지만 전 그게 바뀔 수 있다고 말하고 싶어요.
    전 괜찮은 사람이에요. 정말로요. 파이에 대한 끔찍한 기호만 빼면.... 우리가 친해지면 정말 멋질게에요.
    Mark : 그럼요. 그럼요.

  • Jane
    '13.9.30 8:45 AM

    You've never particularly warmed to me. 자주 쓸 수 있는 좋은 표현이니 암기해두고 필요할때 쓰면 좋겠네요.
    You've never particularly kind to me.한번도 특별히 친절히 한적 없잖아.
    You've never particularly generous to me. 한번도 내게 특별히 너그러웠던 적 없잖아.

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:58 AM

    Juliet : Great.

    Mark : Doesn't mean we'll be able to find the video, though. I had a real search when you first called and couldn't find any trace of it, so...

    Juliet :
    There’s one here that says "Peter and Juliet's Wedding".
    Do you think we might be on the right track?

    Mark : Er, yeah, well... Wow. That-that could be it.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.9.30 11:36 AM

    Juliet : 좋아요
    Mark : 하지만 우리가 그 비디오를 찾을 수 있다는 뜻은 아니에요.
    처음 전화했을 때 제대로 찾아봤지만 어떤 흔적도 찾지 못했어요. 그래서..
    Juliet : 여기' 피터와 줄리엣의 결혼식'이라고 쓰여있는것이 하나 있네요.
    이게 맞는것같아요.?
    Mark : 아. 예.. 맞을수도 있겠네요.

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:59 AM

    Juliet : Do you mind if l just...?
    Mark : I've probably taped over it. Almost everything has episodes of West Wing on it now…
    Juliet :
    Oh, bingo. That's lovely. Well done, you. Oh, that's gorgeous.
    Thank you so much, Mark, this is exactly what I was hoping for. I look quite pretty.
    You've stayed rather close, haven’t you…

  • 그랜맘
    '13.9.30 11:29 AM

    Juliet : 내가 이걸좀 봐도 괜찮나요..?
    Mark : 아마 다른걸 그위에 녹화했을거에요 . 지금은 거의 모든것이 웨스트윙 에피소드일거에요.
    Juliet : 와우..빙고.. 정말 사랑스럽네요. 잘 찍었네요 오..정말 멋져요.
    정말 고마워요, 마크. 내가 원하던것이 바로 이것이에요. 내가 정말 예쁘게 보이네요.
    당신은 내 가까히 있었네요.

  • 14. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 7:59 AM

    Juliet : ... They're all of me.
    Mark : (with a perplexed look) Yeah. Yeah... Yes.
    Juliet : But... you never talk to me. You always talk to Peter. You don't like me.
    Mark :
    Hope it's useful. Don't show it around too much. It needs a bit of editing.
    Look, I've got to get to a...Iunch. Early lunch. You can just show yourself out, can't you?
    It's a...self-preservation thing, you see.

  • 15. Jane
    '13.9.30 8:52 AM

    Juliet : ... 전부 저네요.
    Mark : (당혹한 표정으로) Yeah. Yeah... Yes.
    Juliet : 그렇지만, 당신은 한번도 제게 말을 안했잖아요. 항상 피터에게만 말을 하고. 당신은 나를 안좋아 하잖아요.
    Mark : 기 비디오가 도움이 됐으면 좋겠네요. 다른 사람들에게 너무 보여주지 마세요. 좀 편집을 해야 돼요.
    저, 점심먹으러 가야 돼요. 이른 점심. 혼자 갈 수 있죠? 그건 혼자 보려 갖고있는 건데..

    * show someone out 배웅하다.
    * I'll show you out. 배웅해드릴께요.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.9.30 11:37 AM

    show someone out.. 자주 쓸수있는 문장이 될것같네요.^^

  • 16. 뽁찌
    '13.9.30 1:08 PM

    Welcome back, Granmom님, Hope your Jeju trip were nice.

    Good to see you Jane님, Had a nice weekend?

    I have a good news personally-I pass the exam!
    It was an Origin Management test, and I worried much about it 'cause I couldn't have enough time to study. I think I was lucky. :-)

  • 그랜맘
    '13.9.30 4:52 PM

    Congratulations to the super woman 뽁찌님~
    It's very good news.
    I was sure you made it.
    And I hope you will become the best worker in your field.
    Congratulations again~!!

  • 17. 무진
    '13.10.2 12:25 PM

    Even though you haven't enough time to study, I've been satisfied with your effort as it is now.
    Congratulations on your result of your exam,your enthusiasm ,and luck.
    I think your are very marvellous person who develops your ability in some ways.

    I'd like to say like that
    "I'll be right here as lons as you are here."

  • 뽁찌
    '13.10.7 1:08 PM

    Wow, this is a really big compliment to me.
    Thank you so much.

    And I love your last sentense.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
댓글입력 작성자 :


번호 제목 작성자 날짜 조회 추천
5261 소심한 아이에게 자신감 불어넣어주는 간단 교육지침 6 한적한시골에 2013.10.08 4,573 0
5260 줌마렐라 뽑는대요 4 에이요요 2013.10.08 3,245 0
5259 Love Actually #17 29 뽁찌 2013.10.08 2,464 0
5258 Love Actually #16 19 뽁찌 2013.10.07 2,174 0
5257 만들어먹는 요거트 1 앰브로시아 2013.10.02 3,469 0
5256 Love Actually #15 18 뽁찌 2013.10.02 2,263 0
5255 뼈에좋은 우유 3 kkk5928 2013.10.01 2,726 0
5254 우등생의 5가지 스텝을 따라하라 1 율무성 2013.10.01 4,143 0
5253 Love Actually #14 19 뽁찌 2013.09.30 2,073 0
5252 법륜스님,고병헌,이윤정,이보연. 최고의 강사진! 엄마수업을 소개.. 3 느락지 2013.09.30 3,978 0
5251 아기 비타민 문의요~~ kkk5928 2013.09.30 1,814 0
5250 Love Actually #13 30 뽁찌 2013.09.30 2,308 0
5249 Love Actually #12 13 뽁찌 2013.09.27 2,024 0
5248 Love Actually #11 15 뽁찌 2013.09.26 1,968 0
5247 Love Actually #10 20 뽁찌 2013.09.25 1,903 0
5246 Love Actually #9 32 뽁찌 2013.09.24 1,967 0
5245 Love Actually #8 26 뽁찌 2013.09.23 2,133 0
5244 손녀에게 선물 줄 침대 침구류 구입 문의드려요,... 3 이병선 2013.09.17 2,518 0
5243 6세 아이 충치 치료 해보신분들 조언좀 해주세요 ㅠ.ㅠ 4 현민맘~* 2013.09.17 4,853 0
5242 Love Actually #7 15 뽁찌 2013.09.17 2,029 0
5241 Love Actually #6 25 뽁찌 2013.09.16 1,937 0
5240 학력평가문제 다운 받을수 있는곳좀 알려주세요 2 겨울연가 2013.09.13 2,092 0
5239 Love Actually #5 23 뽁찌 2013.09.13 1,897 0
5238 be covered by의 의미 2 뚱뚱한 애마 2013.09.12 6,598 0
5237 Love Actually #4 34 뽁찌 2013.09.12 1,966 0