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Love Actually #9

| 조회수 : 1,967 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-09-24 07:44:12



(Sarah makes up and sees Karl coming out of his office)

Karl      :   Night, Sarah.

Sarah  :   Night, Karl.

Sarah  :   (phone rings and Sarah gets dissapointed) Yeah, absolutely. Free as a bird. Fire away.



[Scene #26]



Jamie   :   Alone again. Naturally.



[Scene #27]



man       :    I'll deal with it.

PM        :    Mm.

PM        :    Ah. Natalie.

Natalie  :  Sir.

PM        :  Thanks. Natalie. Erm, I'm starting to feel... uncomfortable about us working in such close proximity

                 every day and me knowing so little about you, it seems elitist and wrong.

Natalie  :  Well, there's not much to know.

PM        :  Well, erm, where do you live, for instance?

Natalie  :  Wandsworth. The dodgy end.

PM        :  Ah, my sister lives in Wandsworth.

Natalie  :  Oh.

PM        :  So which exactly is the dodgy end?

Natalie  :  Right at the end of the high street, Harris Street, near the Queen's Head.

PM        :  Right, yes, that is dodgy.

Natalie  :  Hm.

PM        :  Erm, and you live with your husband? Boyfriend? - Three illegitimate but charming children?

Natalie  :  No. I've just split up with my boyfriend actually, so I'm back with my mum and dad for a while.

PM        :  Ah. Sorry.

Natalie  :  No, it's fine. I'm well shot of him. - He said I was getting fat.

PM        :  I beg your pardon?

Natalie  :  He said no one'd fancy a girl with thighs the size of tree trunks. Not a nice guy, actually, in the end.

PM        :  Right... You know, erm... being Prime Minister, I could just have him murdered.

Natalie  :  Thank you, sir. I'll think about it.

PM        :  Do. The SAS are absolutely charming. Ruthless, trained killers are just a phone call away.

PM        :  Oh, God. (to Margaret Thatcher's painting) Did you have this kind of problem?

                 Yeah, course you did, you saucy minx.



[Scene #28]



Daniel   :   So, let's go. We can definitely crack this. Remember, I was a kid once, too.

                  So, come on, it's someone at school. Right?

Sam      :   Yeah.

Daniel   :   Uh-huh. Good, good. And what does she, he, feel about you?

Sam      :   SHE doesn't even know my name. And even if she did, she'd despise me.

                  She's the coolest girl in school. And everyone worships her because she's heaven.

Daniel   :  Good. Good. Well, basically you're fucked, aren't you?



[Scene #29]



Ant    :   Hi there and welcome back. So, Billy, three weeks till Christmas, looks like the real c ompetition is

             gonna be Blue.

Billy   :  I saw them on the show last week. They weren't very nice about my record.

Dec   :  No. Little scamps.

Billy   :  But very, very talented musicians.

Ant    :  Yeah. Billy, I understand you've got a prize for our competition winners.

Billy   :  Yes, I have, Ant or Dec. It's a personalized felt-tip pen.

Dec   :  Oh, great.

Billy   :   It's brilliant. It even writes on glass, so if you've got a framed picture, like, for instance, this one of Blue,

             you can just write on it.

(Billy writes "WE'VE GOT LITTLE PRICKS" on the poster)

Dec   :  Er, a lot of kids watching, Billy.

Billy   :  Oh, yes.

Billy   :  Hiy a, kids. Here's an important message from your Uncle Bill - don't buy drugs.

             Become a pop star and they give you them for free.

Dec   :  And I do believe it's a commercial break. Thanks goodness. We'll see you soon. Bye!

32 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:44 AM

    (Sarah makes up and sees Karl coming out of his office)
    Karl : Night, Sarah.
    Sarah : Night, Karl.
    Sarah : (phone rings and Sarah gets dissapointed) Yeah, absolutely. Free as a bird. Fire away.

  • 무진
    '13.9.24 9:52 PM

    (사라가 화장을 고치다가 칼이 사무실에서 나오는 것을 본다.)
    K: 좋은 밤, 사라.
    S: 잘가요, 칼.
    S: ( 전화벨이 울리고 사라가 실망한다.)그래, 물론. 시간있어. 얘기해.

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:45 AM

    Jamie : Alone again. Naturally.

  • Jane
    '13.9.24 11:51 AM

    다시 혼자야. 당연히.

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:45 AM

    man : I'll deal with it.
    PM : Mm.
    PM : Ah. Natalie.
    Natalie : Sir.
    PM : Thanks. Natalie.

  • Jane
    '13.9.24 11:52 AM

    man : I'll deal with it. 제가 처리할께요
    PM : Mm.
    PM : Ah. Natalie.
    Natalie : Sir.
    PM : Thanks. Natalie

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:45 AM

    PM :
    Erm, I'm starting to feel... uncomfortable about us working in such close proximity
    every day and me knowing so little about you, it seems elitist and wrong.

    Natalie : Well, there's not much to know.

  • Jane
    '13.9.24 11:53 AM

    음, 불편한 느낌이 들기 시작하네요. 우리가 이렇게 가까이 날마다 잏마면서도 당신에 대해 아는게 별로 없어서.
    엘리트주의고 잘못된거 같아요

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:46 AM

    PM : Well, erm, where do you live, for instance?
    Natalie : Wandsworth. The dodgy end.
    PM : Ah, my sister lives in Wandsworth.
    Natalie : Oh.

  • Jane
    '13.9.24 11:57 AM

    PM : Well, erm, where do you live, for instance? 예를 들자면, 사는 동네가 어딘지 이런거요.
    Natalie : Wandsworth. The dodgy end. 원즈월스요. 위험한 동네죠.
    PM : Ah, my sister lives in Wandsworth. 아, 우리 누이가 거기 살아요
    Natalie : Oh 오.

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:46 AM

    PM : So which exactly is the dodgy end?
    Natalie : Right at the end of the high street, Harris Street, near the Queen's Head.
    PM : Right, yes, that is dodgy.
    Natalie : Hm.

  • Jane
    '13.9.24 11:59 AM

    PM : So which exactly is the dodgy end? 정확히 위험한 동에 어디쯤이요?
    Natalie : Right at the end of the high street, Harris Street, near the Queen's Head.
    하이 스트리트 오른쪽 끝이요. 퀸즈해드 근처 해리스 스트리트요.
    PM : Right, yes, that is dodgy. 오, 거기가 위험한 곳이군요,
    Natalie : Hm.

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:46 AM

    PM : Erm, and you live with your husband? Boyfriend? - Three illegitimate but charming children?
    Natalie : No. I've just split up with my boyfriend actually, so I'm back with my mum and dad for a while.
    PM : Ah. Sorry.
    Natalie : No, it's fine. I'm well shot of him.

  • Jane
    '13.9.24 12:02 PM

    PM : Erm, and you live with your husband? Boyfriend? - Three illegitimate but charming children?
    음, 남편이랑 사나요? 남친이랑? 세명의 (혼외출생) 귀여운 아이들이랑?
    Natalie : No. I've just split up with my boyfriend actually, so I'm back with my mum and dad for a while.
    아니요. 전 얼마전 남친과 헤어졌어요. 그래서 다시 잠시동안 부모님이랑 지내요.
    PM : Ah. Sorry. 오. 저런. 미안해요
    Natalie : No, it's fine. I'm well shot of him.아니요. 진작 그 남자 잊었어요

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:47 AM

    Natalie : He said I was getting fat.
    PM : I beg your pardon?
    Natalie : He said no one'd fancy a girl with thighs the size of tree trunks. Not a nice guy, actually, in the end.
    PM : Right... You know, erm... being Prime Minister, I could just have him murdered.
    Natalie : Thank you, sir. I'll think about it.

  • 무진
    '13.9.24 10:09 PM

    N: 남자친구가 제가 뚱뚱해졌다고 했어요.
    PM: 뭐라고요 ?
    N: 아무도 나무몸통같은 크기의 허벅지를 가진 여자에게 끌리지 않을거라고 했어요.
    사실, 결국에 좋은 사람은 아닌거죠.
    PM: 그래요...음...수상인,내가 그남자를 죽일수도 있었을텐데.
    N: 고맙습니다, 각하. 생각해볼게요.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:47 AM

    PM :
    Do. The SAS are absolutely charming. Ruthless, trained killers are just a phone call away.
    Oh, God. (to Margaret Thatcher's painting) Did you have this kind of problem?
    Yeah, course you did, you saucy minx.

  • 무진
    '13.9.24 10:20 PM

    P: 그렇게해요.
    영국 특수부대는 정말 멋지죠. 무자비하고 잘 훈련된 킬러들은 딱 전화한통이면 되는데.
    오, 이런 (마가렛 대처 초상을 보며) 당신도 이런 문제가 있었나요?
    예, 물론 그랬겠죠, 당신 짖궂은 여자.
    * (영국) 특수 부대(Special Air Service)

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:48 AM

    Daniel :
    So, let's go. We can definitely crack this. Remember, I was a kid once, too.
    So, come on, it's someone at school. Right?

    Sam : Yeah.
    Daniel : Uh-huh. Good, good.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.9.24 12:50 PM

    Daniel : 그래..시작하자.. 우린 반드시 해결할수있어. 잊지마, 나도 어린아이였어 .
    그러니 어서 말해봐 학교에 있는 누군가지..? 맞지..?
    Sam : 네
    Daniel : 오..좋아 좋아.

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:48 AM

    Daniel : And what does she, he, feel about you?

    Sam :
    SHE doesn't even know my name. And even if she did, she'd despise me.
    She's the coolest girl in school. And everyone worships her because she's heaven.

    Daniel : Good. Good. Well, basically you're fucked, aren't you?

  • 그랜맘
    '13.9.24 12:54 PM

    Daniel : 그리고.. 그 여자애,남자애는 너에 대해서 어떻게 생각하니..?
    Sam : 그 여자아이는 내 이름조차 몰라요. 그리고 알았을지라도 그녀는 나를 무시했을거에요.
    그애는 학교에서 가장 멋진아이에요. 그리고 모두들 그녀를 흠모해요 왜냐하믄 그녀는 천사거든요.
    Daniel : 좋아,좋아. 근본적으로 니가 차였다는거지... 안그래..?

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:49 AM

    Ant : Hi there and welcome back. So, Billy, three weeks till Christmas, looks like the real competition is gonna be Blue.
    Billy : I saw them on the show last week. They weren't very nice about my record.
    Dec : No. Little scamps.
    Billy : But very, very talented musicians.

  • 무진
    '13.9.24 11:27 PM

    A: 안녕하세요. 돌아온 걸 환영해요. 자, 빌리, 크리스마스까지 3주 남았네요. 진짜 경쟁자는 블루가 될 것 같은데요.
    B: 지난주에 쇼에서 그들을 봤죠. 제 음반에 대해 호의적이지 않았더군요.
    D: 그래요. 어린 장난꾸러기들이죠.
    B: 하지만 아주, 아주 재능있는 음악가들이죠 .

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:49 AM

    Ant : Yeah. Billy, I understand you've got a prize for our competition winners.
    Billy : Yes, I have, Ant or Dec. It's a personalized felt-tip pen.
    Dec : Oh, great.

  • 무진
    '13.9.24 11:34 PM

    A: 그래요, 빌리, 당신이 우승자들을 위해 선물을 가지고 있다고 알고 있는데요.
    B : 네, 있어요 , 안트 ,데크씨. 특별주문해서 맞춘 펜입니다.
    D: 오, 아주 좋네요.

  • 14. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:49 AM

    Billy : It's brilliant. It even writes on glass, so if you've got a framed picture, like, for instance, this one of Blue, you can just write on it.

    (Billy writes "WE'VE GOT LITTLE PRICKS" on the poster)

    Dec : Er, a lot of kids watching, Billy.
    Billy : Oh, yes.

  • 무진
    '13.9.24 11:44 PM

    B: 아주 성능이 좋아요. 심지어 유지에도 써져요, 그래서 여러분이 액자사진을 가지고 있다면, 예를 들어 이런 블루 액자같은거,
    여러분은 이 위에 쓸 수 있어요.
    (빌리가 " 우리는 거시기 (?)가 작아요."라고 포스터위에 쓴다.)
    D: 어, 빌리, 많은 아이들이 보고 있어요.
    B: 아, 그래요.

  • 15. 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:50 AM

    Billy :
    Hiya, kids. Here's an important message from your Uncle Bill - don't buy drugs.
    Become a pop star and they give you them for free.

    Dec : And I do believe it's a commercial break. Thanks goodness. We'll see you soon. Bye!

  • 무진
    '13.9.24 11:51 PM

    B: 안녕, 어린이들. 빌아저씨가 중요한 전달사항이 있어요- 마약은 사지 마세요.
    펍스타가 되세요, 그러면 그들이 여러분에게 마약으류공짜로 줄거니까요.
    D: 그리고 진짜 광고 시간이네요. 고맙게도 (휴;;;) 잠시 후에 뵙겠습니다 . 안녕!

  • 16. 그랜맘
    '13.9.24 12:55 PM


    Did you have a good time in Jeju Island?
    I'm going to Jeju with my husband's siblings too.
    We are going to be there until sunday.
    So I can't participate our study.
    Because I'm not good at English keyboard of samrtphone.
    After trip I'll join you again.
    Have a nice day~

  • 뽁찌
    '13.9.24 7:37 PM

    Hi~ Granmom?

    Yes, I spent a very good time in Jeju thanks to you.
    Wow, you're going there too!
    Hope you'll have a good memory with your family.

    We'll wait for your coming back :-)

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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