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Love Actually #7

| 조회수 : 2,029 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-09-17 07:36:24

[Scene #17]

PM    :   OK. What's next?

Alex   :   The President's visit.

PM    :   Ah, yes, yes. I fear this is going to be a difficult one to play. Alex.

Alex   :   There's a very strong feeling in the party we mustn't allow ourselves to be bullied from pillar to posts,

               like the last government.

All      :    Here, here.

Jeremy  :   This is our first really important test, let's take a stand.

PM         :  Right. Right. I understand that but I have decided... not to. Not this time. We will, of course, try to be

                  clever…  But, Let's not forget that America is the most powerful country in the world. I'm not going to

                  act like a  petulant child.

                  Right - now who do you have to screw around here to get a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit?

(PM sees Natalie come and bring teas) Right.


[Scene #18]

(knock knock)

PM         :   Yup - come in.

Natalie   :    These have just come through from the Treasury...

PM         :     Uh-huh.

Natalie   :    .. and these are for you.

PM         :    Excellent. Thanks a lot.

Natalie   :     I was hoping you'd win, not that I wouldn't have been nice to the other bloke too. Just always given

                    him the boring biscuits with no chocolate.

PM         :     Ha! Thanks very much. Thanks... Natalie. (she goes out)

                    Oh God, come on, get a grip. You're the Prime Minister, for God's sake.


[Scene #19]

Colin    :     Exciting news!

Tony     :     What?

Colin    :    I've bought a ticket to the States. I 'm off in three weeks.

Tony     :     No.

Colin    :     Yes! To a fantastic place called Wisconsin.

Tony     :     No!

Colin    :     Yes! Wisconsin babes, here comes Sir Colin!

Tony     :   No, Col! There ARE a few babes in America, I grant you, but they're going out with rich, attractive guys.

Colin    :   Nah, Tone, you're just jealous. You know perfectly well that any bar anywhere in America contains

               ten girls more beautiful and more likely to have sex with me than the whole of the United Kingdom.

Tony     :   That is total bollocks. Y ou’ve actually gone mad.

Colin    :    No, I'm wise. Stateside I am Prince William without the weird family.

Tony     :    No, Colin, no!

Colin    :    Yes!

Tony     :    Nyet!

Colin    :    Da!

Tony     :    Nein!

Colin    :    Ja, darling!

15 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.9.17 7:36 AM

    PM: OK. What's next?
    Alex: The President's visit.
    PM: Ah, yes, yes. I fear this is going to be a difficult one to play. Alex.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.9.17 8:03 PM

    PM: OK. 다음은요..?
    Alex: 대통령의 방문입니다..
    PM: 오 예.. 운영하기 어려운 문제군요. 알렉스.

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.9.17 7:37 AM

    Alex: There's a very strong feeling in the party we mustn't allow ourselves to be bullied from pillar to posts, like the last government.
    All: Here, here.
    Jeremy: This is our first really important test, let's take a stand.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.9.17 8:12 PM

    Alex: 지난정부처럼 이리저리 괴롭힘을 당하는것을 허락하지 말자는것이 당내에서 강력한 분위기입니다.
    All: 여기요 여기요
    Jeremy: 이번일은 우리의 첫번째 중요한 테스트요 . 우리위치를 확실히합시다.

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.9.17 7:38 AM

    Right. Right. I understand that but I have decided... not to. Not this time.
    We will, of course, try to be clever… But, Let's not forget that America is the most powerful country in the world. I'm not going to act like a petulant child.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.9.22 8:13 AM

    PM: 맞아요 맞아요.. 나는 알고있지만 결정했어요.. 이번뿐만 아니고.
    우리는 ..물론.. 영리하도록 노력해야지요.. 그러나 미국은 세계에서 가장 강력한 나라라는것을 잊지맙시다.
    나는 안달난 아이같은 행동은 하지않겠어요

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.9.17 7:38 AM

    Right - now who do you have to screw around here to get a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit?
    (PM sees Natalie come and bring teas) Right.

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.9.17 7:39 AM

    (knock knock)

    PM: Yup - come in.
    Natalie: These have just come through from the Treasury...
    PM: Uh-huh.
    Natalie:.. and these are for you.
    PM: Excellent. Thanks a lot.

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.9.17 7:40 AM

    I was hoping you'd win, not that I wouldn't have been nice to the other bloke too.
    Just always given him the boring biscuits with no chocolate.

    Ha! Thanks very much. Thanks...

    Natalie. (she goes out)

    Oh God, come on, get a grip. You're the Prime Minister, for God's sake.

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.9.17 7:42 AM

    Colin: Exciting news!
    Tony: What?
    Colin:I've bought a ticket to the States. I 'm off in three weeks.
    Tony: No.

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.9.17 7:42 AM

    Colin: Yes! To a fantastic place called Wisconsin.
    Tony: No!
    Colin: Yes! Wisconsin babes, here comes Sir Colin!
    Tony:No, Col! There ARE a few babes in America, I grant you, but they're going out with rich, attractive guys.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.9.17 7:43 AM

    Tony:That is total bollocks. You’ve actually gone mad.
    Colin: No, I'm wise. Stateside I am Prince William without the weird family.
    Tony: No, Colin, no!
    Colin: Yes!
    Tony: Nyet!
    Colin: Da!
    Tony: Nein!
    Colin: Ja, darling!

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.9.17 8:09 AM

    Good morning, ladies.
    This movie is harder than Stepmom to study, isn't it?
    Unfamilar British accent, complex 7 stories!

    However I guess it will be interesting if you find how these stories are connected,
    and how they become happy on a Christmas day.

    Have a good Chuseok holiday!
    I'm very excited that we are going to Jeju Island with my husband's family celebrating for my fathe-in-law's 70th birthday.
    (My parents? They moved to same apartment with mine so that they can take care of my little girl.
    I see them everyday. I guess they'll be happy not to see us during the holiday)

  • 11. 무진
    '13.9.17 11:12 AM

    Congratulations on your father -in-law's birthday.
    Unfortunately , my computer got infected with a virus so, it is not working now.
    Instead of using my computer, I 'm posting up on I-pad.
    That's why it's unlikely to join our study for the time being.
    I think Whenever I connect this site , my computer tends to slow down quite often.
    So I have to deal with this problem.
    Anyway enjoy and celebrate Chuseok holiday~

  • 12. 그랜맘
    '13.9.17 7:37 PM

    I seem to have lost the motivation to study.
    Because, as you said, the movie is harder than stepmom
    and complex 7 stories.
    A lot of characters have made me confuse.
    Besides,I've been busy these days.

    Anyway,congratulations on your father-in-law's birthday
    I guess you must be a good daughter-in-law.
    Because you are very excited about trip with your family-in-law.
    I've learned almost daughter- in- laws don't like to have time
    with their husband's family through the 82 cook. huh..huh..

    By the way, have a good Chuseok holiday~

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