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Love Actually #5

| 조회수 : 1,897 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-09-13 07:22:10

[Scene #12]

Colin    :    I've just worked out why I can't never find true love.

Tony     :   Why is that?

Colin    :   English girls. They're stuck up, you see.

                 And I am primarily attractive to girls,  who are, you know, cooler, game for a laugh.

                 Like American girls.  So I should just go to America! 

                 I'd get a girlfriend there instantly. What do you think?

Tony     :   I think it's crap, Colin.

Colin    :   That's where you're wrong. American girls would seriously dig me with my cute British accent.

Tony     :    You don't have a cute British accent.

Colin    :   Yes, I do! I'm going to America.

Tony     :  Colin, you're a lonely, ugly asshole. You must a ccept it.

Colin    :   Never. I am Colin, God of Sex. I'm just on the wrong continent, that's all.

[Scene #13]



Jo and I had a lot of time to prepare for this moment. Some of her requests, with friend  for instance, that I should bring Claudia Schiffer as my date to the funeral, I was confident she expected me to ignore. But others she was pretty damn clear about. When she first mentioned what's about to happen, I said, "Over my dead body." And she said, "No, Daniel, over mine." And as usual, my darling girl... and Sam's darling mum was right. So she's going to say her final farewell to you not through me but, inevitably, ever so coolly, through the immortal genius of the Bay City Rollers.


(On speakers) :


♪ Bye bye baby, baby goodbye ♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye

♪ Bye bye baby ♪ Don't make me cry ♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye

♪ You're the one girl in town I'd marry ♪ Girl I'd marry you now if I were free

♪ I wish it could be ♪ I could love you but why begin it?

♪ Cos there ain't any future in it ♪ She's got me but I'm not free so... ♪

[Scene #14]

(From DJ booth):

♪ Bye bye baby, baby goodbye ♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye

♪ Bye bye baby, don't make me cry ♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye

♪ Wish I never had known you... ♪

(Mark is watching Peter and Juliet dancing together) 

Sarah   :   Do you love him?

Mark     :   Er, er, what?

Sarah   :   No, l-I just thought I'd ask the blunt question in case it was the right one and you needed someone to

                 talk to about it and no one had ever asked you so you never been able to talk about it even though

                 you might have wanted to

Mark    :    No. No. No is the answer. Absolutely not.

Sarah  :   So that's a no, then?

Mark    :   Yes. Erm...This DJ, what do you reckon? The worst in history?

Sarah  :   Probably. I think it all hangs on the next song.

DJ   :   Now here's one for the lovers. That's quite a few of you, I shouldn't be surprised and a half.


(song)(S Club Juniors: Puppy Love)

♪ And they called it... ♪


Mark    :   He's done it, it's official.

Sarah  :   Worst DJ in the world.

23 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:22 AM

    Colin : I've just worked out why I can't never find true love.
    Tony : Why is that?

  • 무진
    '13.9.13 8:36 AM

    C : 내가 왜 진짜 사랑을 못 찾는지 방금 알아냈어.
    T : 왜 그런건데?

    * 의미상 can't가 아니라 can 이네요~
    * work out : ~을 해결하다. (답을) 알아내다

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:23 AM

    Colin :
    English girls. They're stuck up, you see.
    And I am primarily attractive to girls, who are, you know, cooler, game for a laugh.
    Like American girls.

  • 무진
    '13.9.13 8:40 AM

    C : 영국여자들. 그들은 너도 알다시피 거만하거든.
    원래 나는 여자들에게 매력적인데, 너도 알겠지만, 더 멋지고 즐길 줄 아는 그런 여자들에게.
    미국 여자들처럼 말이야.
    * game for~ ~할 마음이 있는
    a laugh : 재미있는 것

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:23 AM

    Colin :
    So I should just go to America!
    I'd get a girlfriend there instantly. What do you think?

    Tony : I think it's crap, Colin.

  • 무진
    '13.9.13 8:42 AM

    C : 그래서 난 미국으로 딱 가야해!
    거기에서 금방 여자친구를 사귈거구. 어떻게 생각해?
    T : 헛소리 같아, 콜린
    * crap : 헛소리, 허튼 소리

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:23 AM

    Colin : That's where you're wrong. American girls would see and dig(?) me with my cute British accent.

    Tony : You don't have a cute British accent.

    Colin : Yes, I do! I'm going to America.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:28 AM

    ? 부분은 역시나 잘 안들리네요 ㅜㅜ

  • 무진
    '13.9.13 9:09 AM

    C : 네가 틀린 것이 바로 그부분이지. 미국 여자들은 내 멋진 영국발음을 들으면 엄청 좋아하게 되겠지.
    T : 멋진 영국 발음도 아니면서.
    C : 아니, 멋져! 난 미국으로 갈거야.

    * 자꾸 들어보니 seriously네요.
    * seriously : (비격식) 정말, 엄청나게, 대단히
    * dig : (영국식으로)…을 좋아하다; 즐기다.
    * cute : (성적으로) 멋진

  • 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 5:41 PM

    수정했어요 ^^

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:24 AM

    Tony : Colin, you're a lonely, ugly asshole. You must accept it.

    Colin : Never. I am Colin, God of Sex. I'm just on the wrong continent, that's all.

  • 곰돌이
    '13.9.13 5:44 PM

    Tㅡ 콜린, 너는 외롭고 추한 놈팽이야. 그거 받아들여야 해.

    Cㅡ절대로. 나 콜린이야, 섹스의 신. 난 단지 잘못된 땅덩어리에 있을뿐야.

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:24 AM

    Daniel : (in his wife's funeral)

    Joe and I had a lot of time to prepare for this moment. Some of her requests, with friend for instance, that I should bring Claudia Schiffer as my date to the funeral, I was confident she expected me to ignore.

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:25 AM

    But others she was pretty damn clear about. When she first mentioned what's about to happen, I said, "Over my dead body." And she said, "No, Daniel, over mine."

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:25 AM

    And as usual, my darling girl... and Sam's darling mum was right. So she's going to say her final farewell to you not through me but, inevitably, ever so coolly, through the immortal genius of the Bay City Rollers.

  • 무진
    '13.9.13 9:06 AM

    그리고 늘 그랬듯이,나의 사랑스런 아내 이자 샘의 사랑스런 엄마가 옳았어요.
    그래서 그녀는 마지막 작별를 나를 통해서가 아니라, 아니나 다를까, 정말 멋진 영원한 천재밴드인 베이시티롤러스를 통해 하려고 합니다.
    * Bay City Rollers
    • 1970년대 전 세계 젊은이들의 우상이 되었던 베이 시티 롤러스(Bay City Rollers).
    1966년 스코틀랜드에서 결성된 5인조 그룹으로, 비틀즈와도 감히 견줄 수 있었던 그런 밴드입니다.
    그들의 대표곡인 ‘Saturday Night"입니다.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:25 AM

    (On speakers):

    ♪ Bye bye baby, baby goodbye ♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye
    ♪ Bye bye baby ♪ Don't make me cry ♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye
    ♪ You're the one girl in town I'd marry ♪ Girl I'd marry you now if I were free
    ♪ I wish it could be ♪ I could love you but why begin it?
    ♪ Cos there ain't any future in it ♪ She's got me but I'm not free so... ♪

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:26 AM

    (Peter and Juliet's Wedding Reception, From DJ booth):

    ♪ Bye bye baby, baby goodbye ♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye
    ♪ Bye bye baby, don't make me cry ♪ Goodbye baby, baby bye bye
    ♪ Wish I never had known you... ♪

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:26 AM

    (Mark is watching Peter and Juliet dancing together)

    Sarah : Do you love him?
    Mark : Er, er, what?

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:26 AM

    Sarah :
    No, l-I just thought I'd ask the blunt question in case it was the right one and you needed someone to
    talk to about it and no one had ever asked you so you never been able to talk about it even though
    you might have wanted to

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:27 AM

    Mark : No. No. No is the answer. Absolutely not.
    Sarah : So that's a no, then?

  • 14. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:27 AM

    Mark : Yes. Erm...This DJ, what do you reckon? The worst in history?
    Sarah : Probably. I think it all hangs on the next song.

  • 15. 뽁찌
    '13.9.13 7:27 AM

    DJ : Now here's one for the lovers. That's quite a few of you, I shouldn't be surprised and a half.

    (song)(S Club Juniors: Puppy Love)

    ♪ And they called it... ♪

    Mark : He's done it, it's official.
    Sarah : Worst DJ in the world.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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