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Love Actually #10

| 조회수 : 1,903 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-09-25 07:40:18

[Scene #30]



girls    :  Look at him! Eurh!

Mark   :  Just a minute. Actually, they're not funny. They're art.

Mark   :  OK, let's say, er, Thursday, my place.

Peter  :  Great. …but for now, I've got Juliet on the other line. Can I patch you through?

               She wants to ask you a favour.

Mark   :  OK, fine.

Peter  :  Thanks and, er, be nice.

Mark   :  I'm always nice.

Peter  :  'You know what I mean, Marky, be friendly.'

Mark   :  I'm always...

Juliet   :  'Mark?'

Mark   :  Hi. How was the honeymoon?

Juliet   :  O h It was great. Thanks for the gorgeous sendoff.

Mark   :  So, what can I do for you?

Juliet   :  It's only a tiny favour. I've just tried the wedding video and it's a complete disaster.

               It's come out all blue and wibbly.'

Mark   :  I'm sorry.

Juliet   :  And I remember you filming a lot on the day - and I just wondered if I could look at your stuff.

Mark   :  Oh no – look - To be honest, I didn't really...

Juliet   :  Please. All I want is just one shot of me in a wedding dress that isn't bright turquoise.

Mark   :  Okay , - I'll have a look - but to be honest I'm pretty sure I wiped it, so don't get any hopes up. 'Must go.'


[Scene #31]



Harry   :  Any progress with our matchmaking plans?

Sarah  :  No. I've done fuck-all and never will because he's too good for me.

Harry   :  How true.

Sarah  :  Stop.

Harry   :  And of course, your mobile goes.

Sarah  :  Hello. Hi. How you doing?

Harry   :  So, how's the Christmas party going?

Mia      :  Good. Think I've found a venue. Friend of mine works there.

Harry   :  What's it like?

Mia      :  Good. Good. It's an art gallery. Full of dark corners for doing dark deeds.

Harry   :  Oh. Right. Good. Well, I suppose I should take a look at it or something.

Mia      :  You should.




[Scene #32]



Jamie    :  Ah, bonjour, Eleonore.

woman  :  Bonjour, Monsieur Bennett. Welcome back. And this year you bring a lady guest?

Jamie    :  No. There's a change of situation. Just me.

woman  :  Oh. Am I sad or not sad?

Jamie    :  I think you're not surprised.

woman  :  And you stay here till Christmas?

Jamie    :  Yeah, yeah.

woman  :  Good. Well, I find you a perfect lady to clean the house. This is Aurelia.

Jamie    :  Ah. Er, bonjour, Aurelia.

Aurelia   :  Bonjour.

Jamie     :  (French) Er, je suis, er, tres heureux de vous avoir ici.

woman   :  Unfortunately, she cannot speak French, just like you. She's Portuguese.

Jamie     :  (ltalian) Ah, ah, buongiorno. Eusebio, er, er... (Pidgin Spanish) Er, molto bueno...

woman   :  I think she's ten years too young to remember a footballer called Eusebio.

                  And "molto bueno" is Spanish.

Jamie    :  Right. Anyway, it's nice to meet you and...

woman  :  And perhaps you can drive her home after her work?

Jamie    :  Oh, absolutely, yes. Con-Con grande, er, pl-plesura.

woman  :  Which is what? Turkish?

20 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:41 AM

    girls : (watching a big poster) Look at him! Eurh!
    Mark : Just a minute. Actually, they're not funny. They're art.

  • Jane
    '13.9.25 8:11 AM

    girls : (watching a big poster) Look at him! Eurh!
    저 사람 봐요! 어머!
    Mark : Just a minute. Actually, they're not funny. They're art.
    잠깐만요, 사실 그건 웃긴게 아니에요. 예술이에요

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:41 AM

    Mark : OK, let's say, er, Thursday, my place.

    Peter :
    Great. …but for now, I've got Juliet on the other line. Can I patch you through?
    She wants to ask you a favour.

    Mark : OK, fine.

  • Jane
    '13.9.25 8:13 AM

    Mark : OK, let's say, er, Thursday, my place.
    자, 어디 보자, 어... 목요일 우리집.
    Peter : Great. …but for now, I've got Juliet on the other line. Can I patch you through?
    좋아요. 그런데 지금 쥴리엣 전화가 와있어. 바궈줄까?
    She wants to ask you a favour 너에게 부탁할 게 있대.

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:42 AM

    Peter : Thanks and, er, be nice.
    Mark : I'm always nice.
    Peter : 'You know what I mean, Marky, be friendly.'
    Mark : I'm always...

  • Jane
    '13.9.25 8:15 AM

    Peter : Thanks and, er, be nice. 고마워. 그리고 잘대해줘.
    Mark : I'm always nice. 난 항상 잘대해준다고.
    Peter : 'You know what I mean, Marky, be friendly.' 내가 무슨 말 하는지 알잖아. 친절하게 대해주라고
    Mark : I'm always... 늘 그렇게 하는데..

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:42 AM

    Juliet : 'Mark?'
    Mark : Hi. How was the honeymoon?
    Juliet : Oh It was great. Thanks for the gorgeous sendoff.

  • Jane
    '13.9.25 8:16 AM

    Juliet : 'Mark?' 마크?
    Mark : Hi. How was the honeymoon? 신혼여행은 잘 다녀오셨죠?
    Juliet : Oh It was great. Thanks for the gorgeous sendoff. 네. 좋았어요. 환송 잘해주셔서 감사드려요

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:42 AM

    Mark : So, what can I do for you?
    Juliet :
    It's only a tiny favour. I've just tried the wedding video and it's a complete disaster.
    It's come out all blue and wibbly.'
    Mark : I'm sorry

  • 무진
    '13.9.26 10:08 AM

    M: 그런데, 뭘 도와줄까요?
    J : 사소한 부탁이에요. 방금 결혼식 비디오를 보려고 했는데 완전히 망했어요.
    전부 흐릿하고 흔들려나오거든요.
    M : 유감이네요.

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:42 AM

    Juliet : And I remember you filming a lot on the day - and I just wondered if I could look at your stuff.
    Mark : Oh no – look - To be honest, I didn't really...
    Juliet : Please. All I want is just one shot of me in a wedding dress that isn't bright turquoise.
    Mark : Okay , - I'll have a look - but to be honest I'm pretty sure I wiped it, so don't get any hopes up. 'Must go.'

  • 무진
    '13.9.26 10:18 AM

    J : 근데 당신이 결혼식날 많이 찍었던게 생각이 났거든요, 그래서 당신것을 볼수 있을까해서요.
    M : 어, 아니...사실...정말로 ...못찍...
    J: 부탁해요. 제가 원하는건 밝지않은 청록색의 웨딩드레스를 입은 나를 찍은 그 화면뿐이거든요.
    M: 알겠어요. 한번 봐볼게요. 하지만 솔직하게말하면 확실히 지웠어요, 그러니 기대는 하지 마세요. 이만 끊을게요.

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:43 AM

    Harry : Any progress with our matchmaking plans?
    Sarah : No. I've done fuck-all and never will because he's too good for me.
    Harry : How true.
    Sarah : Stop.
    Harry : And of course, your mobile goes.
    Sarah : Hello. Hi. How you doing?

  • 무진
    '13.9.26 10:22 AM

    H: 우리의 연예계획은 잘 진행되고?
    S: 아니오. 아무것도 하지 않았고 절대 하지 않을거에요. 그는 저에게 너무 과분한 사람이니까요.
    H: 맞는 말이네.
    S: 그만해요.
    H: 물론이지, 전화가 울리네.
    S: 여보세요. 안녕. 잘 지내지?

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:43 AM

    Harry : So, how's the Christmas party going?
    Mia : Good. Think I've found a venue. Friend of mine works there.
    Harry : What's it like?
    Mia : Good. Good. It's an art gallery. Full of dark corners for doing dark deeds.
    Harry : Oh. Right. Good. Well, I suppose I should take a look at it or something.
    Mia : You should.

  • 무진
    '13.9.26 10:29 AM

    H: 자, 크리스마스 파티 준비는 어떻게 돼가나?
    M: 잘 되고 있어요. 장소도 찾았고. 제 친구가 거기에서 일하거든요.
    H: 어때?
    M: 아주 좋아요. 미술관이에요. 응큼한 짓을 할만한 어두운 구석이 많거든요.
    H: 오, 그래. 좋아. 내가 한번 보던지 해야겠군.
    M: 그러세요.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:43 AM

    Jamie : Ah, bonjour, Eleonore.
    woman : Bonjour, Monsieur Bennett. Welcome back. And this year you bring a lady guest?
    Jamie : No. There's a change of situation. Just me.

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:44 AM

    woman : Oh. Am I sad or not sad?
    Jamie : I think you're not surprised.
    woman : And you stay here till Christmas?
    Jamie : Yeah, yeah.

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:44 AM

    woman : Good. Well, I find you a perfect lady to clean the house. This is Aurelia.
    Jamie : Ah. Er, bonjour, Aurelia.
    Aurelia : Bonjour.
    Jamie : (French) Er, je suis, er, tres heureux de vous avoir ici.
    woman : Unfortunately, she cannot speak French, just like you. She's Portuguese.

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.9.25 7:44 AM

    Jamie : (ltalian) Ah, ah, buongiorno. Eusebio, er, er... (Pidgin Spanish) Er, molto bueno...
    woman : I think she's ten years too young to remember a footballer called Eusebio. And "molto bueno" is Spanish.
    Jamie : Right. Anyway, it's nice to meet you and...
    woman : And perhaps you can drive her home after her work?
    Jamie : Oh, absolutely, yes. Con-Con grande, er, pl-plesura.
    woman : Which is what? Turkish?

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