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| 조회수 : 1,849 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-06-25 07:29:47

#34. Room 152, hospital

BEN   I don't see any broken bones.    
ESABELLE   Cause you don't have any.   
  I'm very proud of you. You were awfully brave today.   
BEN   It didn't hurt that bad. Besides, it'll be cool to show my friends.   
  Hey, would you do me a favor?   
ESABELLE   Maybe. Depends what it is.   
BEN   Will you ask Dad to give me a white dove for Christmas?   
ESABELLE   We'll see.    
BEN   Come on! Every magician needs a white dove, a real one. They do.   
ESABELLE   Well, you know, that's a long way off...   
  and I think we should talk to your mom and see, OK?  
BEN   Ow..ow..  
ESABELLE   Does it hurt again?  
  Lay back. Take a deep breath.   
BEN   Will you sing me a song?   
  My mom always sings to me when I get hurt.   
ESABELLE   Ok, hard to think of a song on the spot.   
  If I needed you   
  Would you come to me   
  Would you come to me   
  And ease my pain   
  If you needed me   
  I would come to you   
  I would swim the sea   
  For to ease your pain   
ESABELLE   Feel better?   
BEN   Yeah.  
ESABELLE   A little bit. Puts a girl on the spot.   

#35. Jackie's house

ESABELLE   (Jackie calls Esabelle) Hello?    
JACKIE   Hi, it's Jackie.   
  Look, I just got a call from Random House...   
  and they want me to come in and meet an editor this afternoon...   
  but I won't get back in time to pick up Ben at Tucker's birthday party. Do you…  
ESABELLE   Yeah, no problem. I can do it.   
JACKIE   Oh, good, great.    
ESABELLE   I'd be happy to.   
JACKIE   Ben'll be happy, too, that you'll pick him up, yeah.   
ESABELLE   What time?    
JACKIE   It's 4:30.   
ESABELLE   What's the address?    
JACKIE   At 22 Williams Road.   
ESABELLE   Okay, I'll be there.    
JACKIE   Great.   
ESABELLE   Sure. See you later.   
JACKIE   Thanks.  

39 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 7:32 AM

    B : I don't see any broken bones.
    E : Cause you don't have any.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 10:29 PM

    B : 뼈 부러진 게 안보여요.
    E : 왜냐면 (부러진 뼈가) 없으니깐..

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 7:32 AM

    E : I'm very proud of you. You were awfully brave today.
    B : It didn't hurt that bad. Besides, it'll be cool to show my friends.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 10:30 PM

    E : 난 네가 정말 자랑스러워. 넌 오늘 정말로 용감했어.
    B : 그렇게 많이 다치진 않았어요. 대신, 내 친구들한테 보여주면 멋질 것 같아요.

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 7:33 AM

    B : Hey, would you do me a favor?
    E : Maybe. Depends what it is.
    B : Will you ask Dad to give me a white dove for Christmas?

  • Jane
    '13.6.25 8:04 AM

    B : Hey, would you do me a favor? 저, 부탁하나 들어주실래요?
    E : Maybe. Depends what it is. 글쎄. (들어주냐 마냐는) 무슨 부탁인지에 달렸지.
    B : Will you ask Dad to give me a white dove for Christmas?
    아빠께 크리스마스 선물로 제게 흰 비둘기 한마리 주라고 말해 주실래요?

  • Jane
    '13.6.25 8:11 AM

    * 어떤 것이 상황에 다라 다르다 라고 이야기 할 때
    그냥 간단히 "That depends." 또는 여기서처럼 "Depends what it is."

    Do you enjoy watching TV ? TV보기 즐기세요?
    It depends on the program (on) what is on. TV에 무슨 프로그램이 상영되는지에 달려있죠.

    Can you do something for me? 뭐 좀 도와 주실래요?
    It depends (on) what it is. 그게 뭔지에 달려 있죠!

    Are you leaving town this weekend? 이번 주말에 마을을 떠나세요?
    It depends on the weather. 날씨에 의합니다.

    Do you like to read books? 책 읽기 좋아해요?
    It depends on the book. 책에 의합니다.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 7:33 AM

    E : We'll see.
    B : Come on! Every magician needs a white dove, a real one. They do.
    E : Well, you know, that's a long way off and I think we should talk to your mom and see, OK?

  • Jane
    '13.6.25 8:01 AM

    E : We'll see. 곧 알게 되겠지. (시간 있으니 좀 두고 보자는 의미인 듯)
    B : Come on! Every magician needs a white dove, a real one. They do.
    제발요! 마법사면 누구나 흰 비둘기를 갖고 있어야돼요, 진짜 비둘기요. 정말 갖고 있어요.
    E : Well, you know, that's a long way off and I think we should talk to your mom and see, OK?
    음, 있잖아, 크리스마스가 되려면 아직 한참 남았거든. 그리고 엄마께도 말씀드려봐야한다고 생각해.

    * 오늘도 유용한 표현 배웠네요. "something is long way off." 어떤 것이 아직 멀리 떨어져 있을 때 쓰면 좋겠네요.

    The town is a long way off. 마을은 훨씬 멀다
    The spring is still a long way off. 봄은 아직도 아득히 멀다 (출처:두산 동아)
    Christmas is a long way off. 크리스마스가 되려면 아직 한참 남았어.

  • 무진
    '13.6.26 7:53 AM

    That's a good and useful expression to express many different cases.

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 7:33 AM

    B : Ow..ow..
    E : Does it hurt again? Lay back. Take a deep breath.

  • Jane
    '13.6.25 8:20 AM

    B : Ow..ow..
    E : Does it hurt again? Lay back. Take a deep breath. 다시 아프니? 긴장을 풀고. 심호흡 해봐.

    *lay back 이 '긴장을 풀다' 란 뜻이군요.
    첨엔 'lay'를 '눕다-lie'의 과거형으로만 생각하고 이상하다 생각해서 검색해서 또 하나 배웠습니다.

    * lay back
    1.(속어)긴장을 풀다; 마음을 편안하게 갖다
    Close your eyes and lay back when you want to sleep.
    잠자고 싶을 때는 눈을 감고 긴장을 풀어라. 출처:YBM 올인올 Idiom 사전

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 7:34 AM

    B : Will you sing me a song? My mom always sings to me when I get hurt.
    E : Ok, hard to think of a song on the spot.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.25 8:53 AM

    B : 노래해줄래요..? 엄마는 내가 아플때는 언제나 노래해줘요.
    E : 좋아, 당장 하기엔 어려울것같지만...

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 7:34 AM

    (Esabelle sings)

    If I needed you
    Would you come to me
    Would you come to me
    And ease my pain
    If you needed me
    I would come to you
    I would swim the sea
    For to ease your pain

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.25 8:58 AM

    (이자벨이 노래한다)

    내가 당신이 필요하다면
    내게 와주시겠어요
    내게 와주시겠어요
    그리고 내 아픔을 덜어주세요.

    당신이 내가 필요하다면
    내가 당신에게 갈께요
    바다를 헤엄쳐서 건너
    당신의 아픔을 덜어주기위해.

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 7:34 AM

    E : Feel better?
    B : Yeah.
    E : A little bit. Puts a girl on the spot.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 10:31 PM

    E : 좀 괜찮아졌니?
    B : 네
    E : 조금. 여기에 여자 하나 그려. (맞나요?)

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.25 11:20 PM

    어떻게 해석되는지 기다리고 있었어요
    on the spot 이 당장,갑자기 이렇게도 쓰이기도 하거니와 벤에게 여자를 그리라고 한다면 puts 가 아니고put으로 쓰여야할것같구요
    막연하게 아픈것이 괜찮아진 현상과 곤계가 있는말이 아닐까 짐작해봅니다
    통증이 소녀로 표현되어서 상냥한 소녀가 왔구나 쯤으로~ 어렵네요~^^

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.25 11:22 PM

    폰으로 쓰는것이 익숙치않아 오타가 났네요~

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.26 8:03 AM

    아.. 그렇네요. ^^
    저도 좀 더 찾아볼게요.

  • 무진
    '13.6.27 11:42 PM

    이 부분은 저도 이해가 안되네요..찾기도 어렵구...

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 8:59 AM

    put 사람 on the spot이 누군가가 곤란하게 만든다.
    (It) puts a girl on the spot에서 a girl일 이사벨로 보고
    '이 모든 상황이 아줌마를 난처하게 하는구나'로 해석하면 어떤가요?

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 7:34 AM

    E : (Jackie calls Esabelle) Hello?
    J : Hi, it's Jackie.
    Look, I just got a call from Random House and they want me to come in and meet an editor this afternoon
    but I won't get back in time to pick up Ben at Tucker's birthday party. Do you…

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.25 9:15 AM

    E : (Jackie 가 Esabelle에게 전화한다) 여보세요..?
    J : 여보세요. 재키에요.
    저기요, 내가 막 랜덤하우스에서 전화를 받았어요
    그리고 오후에 와서 편집장을 만나자고 하는데
    Ben을 Tucker의 생일파티에서 데려와야하는데 제시간에 못돌아올거에요 당신이..

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 7:35 AM

    E : Yeah, no problem. I can do it.
    J : Oh, good, great.
    E : I'd be happy to.
    J : Ben'll be happy, too, that you'll pick him up, yeah.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 9:49 AM

    E : 네, 문제 없어요. 할 수 있어요.
    J : 오, 잘됐네요.
    E : (데리러 갈 수 있어) 좋네요.
    J : 벤도 당신이 데리러 와서 좋을 거에요.

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 7:36 AM

    E : What time?
    J : It's 4:30.
    E : What's the address?
    J : At 22 Williams Road.
    E : Okay, I'll be there.
    J : Great.
    E : Sure. See you later.
    J : Thanks.
    E : Bye.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 10:32 PM

    E : 몇시에요?
    J : 4시 반이에요.
    E : 주소는요?
    J : 윌리암스가 22번지
    E : 알았어요. 내가 갈게요.
    J : 좋아요.
    E : 그래요. 나중에 봐요.
    J : 고마워요.
    E : 들어가세요.

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 9:51 AM

    I'm gonna go to Ansan for a seminar soon.
    Happy to be out of office :-)

  • 13. Jane
    '13.6.25 11:06 AM

    I'm wondering what is Ansan famous for. Hope you enjoy your business trip!

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 10:35 PM

    Ansan.. famous for various plants?
    I went there to attend a seminar for FTA origin management upon our customer's request.
    Got a big homework there, Have to study hard to pass an exam on Aug.

  • Jane
    '13.6.26 8:09 AM

    W0w. a seminar, FTA.. those things give me an impression that you are a specialist on trade or economy.
    And about a homework and an exam, I'd like you to remember those sayings like, "No pain, no gain" or "Slow and steady wins the race." ^^

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.26 8:47 AM

    No, I'm not that specialist like that.
    I just work for an automotive parts company, and FTA management became very important job for those companies. Hyundai invited their suppliers(like us) and explained their FTA management policy and requirements.

  • 14. 콩콩
    '13.6.25 12:03 PM


  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.25 10:36 PM

    나타나주셔서 감사합니다 ^^
    댓글 공부에도 참여해주세용..

  • Jane
    '13.6.26 8:11 AM

    Welcome, welcome!
    Hope you join us and have fun with us!

  • 15. 베라베라베라
    '13.7.9 9:03 PM

    한꺼번에 올리시는게 좋겠어요.. 게시판이 너무 어지럽네요

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.12 2:41 PM

    우려했던 부분인데 참고하겠습니다.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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