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| 조회수 : 1,883 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-06-13 07:50:13

#18. Luke comes and sees Jackie

JACKIE   What do you want?  
LUKE   Anna left her soccer stuff at the loft.  
  Figured she might need it this week.   
JACKIE   Thanks.   
LUKE   Did you talk to the lawyer?   
JACKIE   Yeap. l have an appointment for the day after tomorrow.   
LUKE   Don't do this.   
JACKIE   You're gonna tell me not to put the kids in the middle of a war.   
  Luke, l'm doing this for their well-being.  
LUKE   Partly.   
  And partly you're doin' it because you're mad.   
  You know the kids aren't in any real danger.   
  This is about lsabel, and you know it.   
  She made one mistake, but she's trying. She's learning.   
JACKIE   Slugs have a faster learning curve, okay? Trees. Clams.   
LUKE   Give her some time, will you? Don't drive her away.   
JACKIE   l'm supposed to care about her?   
LUKE   You're supposed to care about me, like l care about you.   
JACKIE   Like you cared about me three years ago when you walked out?   
LUKE   You kicked me out!  
JACKIE   You were gone long before l asked you to leave.   
LUKE   Don't give me this shit! l was working, tor God's sake!   
  l'm sorry. Look. Wait a second. Don't.   
  Please don't do this thing with the lawyers.   
  The kids'll be okay if we're okay.   
  l'd do it for you.   
JACKIE   Okay, l'm gonna give you one last chance.   
LUKE   Thanks, thanks. Good night  

#19. At the studio - selecting the photo

ESABELLE   This is the one that l really Iike the best. She's got really longing look.  
STAFF   She's great in that.   
ESABELLE   He couldn't be more flexed.   
STAFF   Yeah, very studly. He's holding his breath. C-14.   
  Don't you think this one, the way he's leaning back, and he's more..  
COOPER    Kill that music please!   
ESABELLE   No, that looks passive. This is dynamic.   
  He's going up. He's gonna get that girl.   
STAFF   You're the photographer. You're the genius.   
COOPER   Esabelle, it's Anna's school. They're looking tor Luke.   
ESABELLE   Hello?  
SCHOOL   l'm looking for Luke Harrison.   
ESABELLE   He's not here. This is..  
SCHOOL   The children are here waiting for their mother to pick them up.   
ESABELLE   Are you sure you have the right kids?   
SCHOOL   Yeah, Anna and Ben Harrison. Why?   
ESABELLE   Because Jackie Harrison would never forget to pick up her kids.   
SCHOOL   I'm sure that's true, but they're still waiting.   
ESABELLE   Are you absolutely sure it's them?  
SCHOOL   Positive. Don't late to pick them up.   
SCHOOL   We're locking up in 30 minutes.  
ESABELLE   Of course. I'll be right there.  
  l will pick them up. Thank you.   
DUNCAN   What? May l remind you that the clients are gonna be here at 4:30?   
ESABELLE   l know, so l have to hurry. Everything's gonna be fine. Don't worry.   
  l'll be back, and l will dazzle you with my punctuality.   
  To the button.   
DUNCAN   Esabelle, don't do this!   
34 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:50 AM

    J: What do you want?
    L: Anna left her soccer stuff at the loft. Figured she might need it this week.
    J: Thanks.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.13 10:48 AM

    J : 뭘 원해요..? (왜 왔어요..?)
    L : 애나가 축구물건들을 다락방에 두고갔어. 이번주에 필요할거라고 생각되어서..
    J : 고마워요

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:51 AM

    L: Did you talk to the lawyer?
    J: Yeap. l have an appointment for the day after tomorrow.
    L: Don't do this.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.13 10:50 AM

    L : 변호사에게 말했오..?
    J : 네. 모레 약속을 잡았어요.
    L : 이러지말아요.

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:51 AM

    JACKIE :
    You're gonna tell me not to put the kids in the middle of a war.
    Luke, l'm doing this for their well-being.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.13 10:52 AM

    J: 당신은 애들을 전쟁속에 두지말자고 말하겠지만
    (혼란스럽게 하지말자고 말하겠지만)
    루크. 나는 애들의 행복을 위해 이러는거에요.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:51 AM

    LUKE :
    And partly you're doin' it because you're mad.
    You know the kids aren't in any real danger.
    This is about lsabel, and you know it.
    She made one mistake, but she's trying. She's learning.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.13 11:00 AM

    L : 부분적으로는.
    그리고 일부는 당신 화나는것때문에 하고있지.
    애들이 정말 위험속에 있지않다는것을 당신도 알고있어요
    이것은 이자벨때문이지 그리고 그것을 당신도 알고있어요
    그녀는 한번실수했을뿐이오 그러나 그녀는 노력하고 있고 배우고 있어요.

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:51 AM

    J: Slugs have a faster learning curve, okay? Trees. Clams.
    L: Give her some time, will you? Don't drive her away.

  • Jane
    '13.6.13 3:20 PM

    J:궁뱅이도 그여자보단 더 빨리 배울걸요. (살짝 의역을 했습니다)
    L:그여자에게 시간을 좀 줘. 몰아세우지 말고.

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:52 AM

    J: l'm supposed to care about her?
    L: You're supposed to care about me, like l care about you.
    J: Like you cared about me three years ago when you walked out?

  • Jane
    '13.6.13 3:22 PM

    J: 내가 그 여자에게 신경써 줘야 하나요?
    L: 당신도 내게 신경 써 주잖아. 내가 당신에게 신경써주는 것 처럼.
    J: 마치 당신이 삼년전에 떠나버렸을때 내게 신경 써준 것 처럼?

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:52 AM

    L: You kicked me out!
    J: You were gone long before l asked you to leave.

  • Jane
    '13.6.13 3:18 PM

    L:당신이 날 쫒아냈다고!
    J:내가 쫒아내기 훨씬 전에 당신이 먼저 사라진거잖아!

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:52 AM

    Don't give me this shit! l was working, tor God's sake!
    l'm sorry. Look. Wait a second. Don't.
    Please don't do this thing with the lawyers.
    The kids'll be okay if we're okay.
    l'd do it for you.

  • 무진
    '13.6.14 8:43 AM

    말도 안되는 소리 하지마! 난 일하고 있었다고, 제발!
    미안해. 자. 잠시만, 그러지마.
    변호사와 이 일은 상의 하지 말아줘.
    우리가 괜찮으면 아이들도 괜찮을 거야.
    당신을 위해 그럴게.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:52 AM

    J: Okay, l'm gonna give you one last chance.
    L: Thanks, thanks. Good night

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 1:37 PM

    재키 : 좋아요. 마지막 기회를 줄게요.
    루크 : 고맙소, 잘자요.

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:53 AM

    (Selecting the photo taken in Central Park)

    E: This is the one that l really Iike the best. She's got really longing look.
    Staff : She's great in that.
    E: He couldn't be more tlexed.
    Staff : Yeah, very studly. He's holding his breath. C-14.
    Don't you think this one, the way he's leaning back, and he's more..

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 1:36 PM

    (센트럴파크에서 찍은 사진을 고르고 있음)

    이자벨 : 이게 내가 제일 맘에 드는 사진이에요. 그녀는 정말로 동경하는 모습이고
    스태프 : 정말 근사해요.
    이자벨 : 이 남자도 더이상 유연할 수 없어요. (오타 수정할게요. tlexed → flexed)
    스테프 : 맞아요, 정말 사내답죠. 숨을 참고있네요. C-14.
    그가 뒤로 기대는 방법이 .. 그리고 그는 더...

    * studly : 사내다운

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:54 AM

    DUNCAN (E's boss) :

    Kill that music please!

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 1:31 PM

    던칸 : 음악 좀 꺼봐요.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 1:32 PM

    던칸이 아니고 쿠퍼네요.

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:54 AM

    E : No, that looks passive. This is dynamic. He's going up. He's gonna get that girl.
    Staff : You're the photographer. You're the genius.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 1:31 PM

    이자벨 : 아냐, 그건 수동적으로 보여. 이게 역동적이야. 그가 올라가고, 그는 소녀를 쟁취할거에요.
    스태프 : 당신이 사진사죠. 당신은 천재에요 ㅋ

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:55 AM

    Cooper : Esabelle, it's Anna's school. They're looking tor Luke.
    E : Hello?
    School : l'm looking for Luke Harrison.
    E : He's not here. This is..
    School : The children are here waiting for their mother to pick them up.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 1:30 PM

    쿠퍼 : 이자벨, 안나 학교에요. 루크를 찾네요.
    이자벨 : 여보세요?
    학교 : 루크 해리슨씨인가요?
    이자벨 : 그 사람은 여기 없구요, 저는..
    학교 : 아이들이 엄마가 데려가길 기다리고 있어요.

  • 14. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:55 AM

    E : Are you sure you have the right kids?
    School : Yeah, Anna and Ben Harrison. Why?
    E : Because Jackie Harrison would never forget to pick up her kids.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 1:29 PM

    이자벨 : 그 아이들이 확실한가요?
    학교 : 네, 안나와 벤이에요. 왜요?
    이자벨 : 왜냐면 재키는 아이들 픽업을 절대로 잊어버리지 않거든요.

  • 15. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:56 AM

    School : I'm sure that's true, but they're still waiting.
    E : Are you absolutely sure it's them?
    School : Positive. Don't late to pick them up.
    E : Ok.
    School : We're locking up in 30 minutes.
    E : Of course. I'll be right there. l will pick them up. Thank you.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 1:28 PM

    학교 : 그렇긴 하죠. 하지만 아이들이 아직도 기다리고 있어요.
    이자벨 : 정말로 그 아이들이 맞나요?
    학교 : 그렇습니다. 늦지 않게 데려가세요.
    이자벨 : 네
    학교 : 30분 후에 문 잠급니다.
    이자벨 : 알았어요, 바로 갈게요. 제가 그 아이들 픽업할게요. 감사합니다.

  • 16. 뽁찌
    '13.6.13 7:56 AM

    Duncan : What? May l remind you that the clients are gonna be here at 4:30?
    Esabelle :
    l know, so l have to hurry. Everything's gonna be fine. Don't worry.
    l'll be back, and l will dazzle you with my punctuality.
    To the button.
    Duncan : Esabelle, don't do this!

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 1:26 PM

    던칸 : 뭐라고? 우리고 고객들이 4시 반에 오는걸 모르나(내가 상기시켜줘야 하나)?
    이자벨 :
    알아요, 그런깐 서둘러야되죠. 다 잘 될 거에요. 걱정하지 말아요.
    돌아올게요. 그리고 내가 정확하게 오는 것에 깜짝 놀랄거에요. (약간 의역)
    * punctuality : 시간엄수
    * to the button - 뭐라고 해석해야 될까요? 잘 모르겠음

    던칸 : 이자벨, 이러지 마.

  • 17. 무진
    '13.6.15 6:16 AM

    On the button ㅡ '정확한 시간에 ' 라는 의미가 있는데 그 뜻과 비슷한데 아닐까요?

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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