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작성일 : 2013-06-17 19:02:33

#24. In the Bedroom

LUKE   (kisses and wakes Esabelle) Good morning.  
ESABELLE   Good morning, baby.  
LUKE   I've got something for ya.   
ESABELLE   You do?  
LUKE   Yeah, but you have to wake up to get it.   
ESABELLE   Oh, all right. (gets up) I'm awake.   
ESABELLE   (Luke offers ring case and she opens it, but there's no ring)   
  You shouldn't have?   
LUKE   The tirst time I got married... we'd been together since college.   
  And marriage... just seemed like the next step.   
  lt was just something that happened.   
  But I think for two people to really love each other...   
  to really commit to each other...   
  it has to be... it has to be an act of will, or a decision.   
  And I think two people have to live that decision every day…  
  even when things are hard and they feel like giving up.   
  You have to... hang on to that decision...   
  that choice to love each other... even if it's only by a thread.   
  I... let that thread break once. This time it won't.   
  Will you marry me?   
ESABELLE   Yes. Yes, l will.   


#25. Luke, Jackie, Anna and Ben talking about Daddy's Marriage


JACKIE   Sweetheart, don't get upset.   
ANNA   I'm not upset. Why would l be upset?   
  l mean, no one asked me when you got a divorce.   
  No one asked me if I wanted a new mother.   
  No one even asked me if I liked her!   
  If you guys don't care about keeping our family together, why should I?   
JACKIE   Anna, Daddy and l tried very hard, really we did.   
BEN   No, you didn't All you did was name-call. l heard you.   
  You didn't even try to use your words.   
LUKE   Okay, buddy.   
JACKIE   Baby, Isabel's not gonna take my place as your mom.   
LUKE   No.. It's just that lsabel's going to be in your life,  
  and hopefully you can learn to accept her.   
JACKIE   Oh, sweetheart.   
  Honey. You know, life is full of hard things.   
  And sometimes it isn't fair.   
  But you know you have a choice.   
  You can either take the hard things and make your life better...   
  or you can make it worse.   
ANNA   Like how?   
JACKIE   Like trying to see the good side of Isabel and...   
  what she brings to your father's life and to yours.   
  You know, there comes a time in every family   
  when you've gotta be there for each other.   
ANNA   Ok, I'll be there for you.   
JACKIE   (to Ben) How 'bout you, buddy?  
BEN   Yeah.  
LUKE   You'll be there?  
BEN   Yeah.  

39 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:03 PM

    L : (kisses and wakes Esabelle) Good morning.
    E : Good morning, baby.
    L : I've got something for ya.
    E : You do?
    L : Yeah, but you have to wake up to get it.
    E : Oh, all right. (gets up) I'm awake.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.18 5:50 PM

    L : (의역) 잘 잤어요?
    E : 안녕, 자기야?
    L : 줄 게 있소
    E : 그래요?
    L : 그래요. 근데 그거 가지려면 일어나야되요.
    E : 좋아요. 나 일어났어요.

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:04 PM

    ESABELLE (Luke offers ring case and she opens it, but there's no ring) :

    You shouldn't have?

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.18 11:18 AM

    (루크가 반지케이스를 줬고, 이자벨이 열었으나 반지는 없음)
    (있어야 할 법한) 뭐가 없네요?

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:04 PM

    LUKE :

    The tirst time I got married... we'd been together since college.
    And marriage... just seemed like the next step.
    lt was just something that happened.

  • 무진
    '13.6.18 8:46 AM

    첫번째 결혼은 우리가 대학 시절 이후로 계속 사귀다가 했었지.
    그리고 결혼이란... 그저 다음 순서처럼 보였고
    그렇게 이루어 졌지.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:04 PM

    LUKE :

    But I think for two people to really love each other... to really commit to each other...
    it has to be... it has to be an act of will, or a decision.

  • 무진
    '13.6.18 8:50 AM

    하지만 두사람이 서로 진심으로 사랑하고... 서로 진정으로 헌신하려면...
    의지의 행동 혹은 결심의 행동이 있어야 한다고 생각해.

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:04 PM

    LUKE :

    And I think two people have to live that decision every day…
    even when things are hard and they feel like giving up.

  • 무진
    '13.6.18 8:52 AM

    그리고 두 사람은 매일 그 결심으로 살아야하지...
    삶이 가혹하고 포기하고 싶을때조차도...

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:05 PM

    LUKE :

    You have to... hang on to that decision... that choice to love each other..
    even it it's only by a thread.
    I... let that thread break once.
    This time it won't.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.18 7:42 AM

    it it's → if it's

  • 무진
    '13.6.18 8:56 AM

    서로 사랑하기로 선택한 그 결심으로 버텨야 해...
    비록 그것이 실에 의한거라도..
    내가 그 실을 한 번은 끊어지게 했지.
    이번만은 그러지 않을거야.

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:06 PM

    L : Will you marry me?
    E : Yes. Yes, l will.

  • 무진
    '13.7.20 10:07 PM

    L : 결혼 해 주겠소?
    E : 네. 그래요. 그럴게요.

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:06 PM

    J : Sweetheart, don't get upset.
    A : I'm not upset. Why would l be upset?

  • Jane
    '13.6.18 8:39 AM

    * Good morning, ladies.
    It's raining today. I feel like having some rice wine and scallion pan cake.
    Hope all of you fully enjoy the rainny season.

    J : 얘야, 속상해 하지마.
    A : 속상하지 않아요. 제가 왜 속이 상하겟어요?

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.18 10:17 AM

    Good morning Jane 님~!!
    There are some scallions and a few bottles of rice wine in my refrigerator.
    Of course with beautiful rainy scenery.
    Why don't you come around to my house? ^^
    I am here where is deep countryside in 강원 province.

    I've been learning from you every day.
    Thank you so much ~!!

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.18 10:57 AM

    What an attractive suggestion, Ms.Granmom.
    Just imagining to have rice wine and delicious side dishes with nice people in beautiful place make me happy. :-)

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:06 PM

    ANNA :

    l mean, no one asked me when you got a divorce.
    No one asked me if I wanted a new mother.
    No one even asked me if I liked her!

  • Jane
    '13.6.18 8:41 AM

    엄마 아빠가 이혼할 때 아무도 내게 물어본 적 없잖아요.
    아무도 내게 새 엄마 웒냐고 물어 본 적 없죠.
    내게 새 엄마가 맘에 드냐 물어본 사람조차 없었다구요!

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:06 PM

    ANNA :

    If you guys don't care about keeping our family together, why should I?

  • Jane
    '13.6.18 8:44 AM

    엄마 아빠가 우리 가족 관계를 지키는데 관심이 없는데
    제가 관심가질 필요가 있나요?

    * keeping our family together 부분 해석을 '가족 관계를 지키는데 '라고 했는데
    혹 더 나은 해석이 있는지 조언 부탁드릴께요

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:07 PM

    J : Anna, Daddy and l tried very hard, really we did.

    B :
    No, you didn't All you did was name-call. l heard you.
    You didn't even try to use your words.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.18 10:11 AM

    J : Anna, 아빠와 나는 많이 노력해었어. 정말 그랬다.
    B : 아니야., 아빠엄마는 그러지않았고 온통 한것이라고는 욕설이었어. 들었어요.
    엄마아빠는 평소에 쓰던 고운말은 쓰려고도 하지않았어요.
    your words 를 이렇게 해석해도 될까요..?
    쉬운 문장이면서도 해석하기가 어렵네요.
    거기다가 did 와 was 가 나란히 쓰이니 초보는 한참 헷갈렸습니다..^^

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.18 10:50 AM

    [All you did] was name-call.

    =>(All you did)를 주어구로 묶으시면 이해가 쉬우시죠?
    엄마아빠가 온통 한 건 욕설이었어요.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.18 10:59 AM

    name-call 하고 use your words 는 두번째 날인가에 나왔던 표현이었죠?
    재키가 애들 학교 데려다 주는 차 안에서 애들한테 잔소리 하는...
    이걸 벤이 그대로 엄마아빠한테 쓰네요. ^^

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:08 PM

    L : Okay, buddy.
    J :
    Baby, Isabel's not gonna take my place as your mom.
    No.. It's just that lsabel's going to be in your life, and hopefully you can learn to accept her.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.18 10:03 AM

    L : 그래~
    J : 아가야. 이자벨은 엄마로서의 내자리를 뺏으려는것은 아니란다
    단지 너의 인생에 같이할뿐이야. 그리고 네희들이 그녀를 받아들일줄 알았으면 좋겠다.

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:08 PM

    JACKIE :

    Oh, sweetheart.
    Honey. You know, life is full of hard things.
    And sometimes it isn't fair.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.18 10:10 AM

    JACKIE : 오, 아가야.
    있잖니 인생은 어려움으로 가득차있단다.
    그리고 가끔은 불공평하기도 해.

  • 14. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:09 PM

    JACKIE :

    But you know you have a choice.
    You can either take the hard things and make your life better or you can make it worse.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.18 11:14 AM

    하지만 네가 선택을 할 수 있단걸 알잖니.
    너는 어려운 일 가지고 네 삶을 더 낫게 할 수도 있고, 혹은 더 나쁘게도 만들 수 있어.

  • 15. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:09 PM

    A : Like how?
    J : Like trying to see the good side of Isabel and..what she brings to your father's life and to yours.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.18 11:16 AM

    A : 어떤 식으로요?
    J : 이자벨의 좋은 면과 이자벨이 너희 아빠와 네 삶에 가져다 주는 것을 보려고 노력하는 것 같은거지...

  • 16. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:09 PM

    JACKIE :

    You know, there comes a time in every family when you've gotta be there for each other.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.18 1:23 PM

    모든 가족은 서로를 위해 (가족으로) 있어줘야 할 때가 온다는 걸 알잖니.
    (해석이 좀 부드럽지 못하죠?)

    * there comes a time : ~할 때가 온다.

  • 17. 뽁찌
    '13.6.17 7:10 PM

    A : Ok, I'll be there for you.
    J : (to Ben) How 'bout you, buddy?
    B : Yeah.
    L : You'll be there?
    B : Yeah.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.18 1:29 PM

    A : 알았어요. 엄마를 봐서(위해) 함께 할게요(곁에 있을게요).
    J : 넌 어떠니?
    B : 네
    L : 곁에 있어 줄거니?
    B : 네

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