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작성일 : 2013-06-21 07:53:35

#31. Jackie is in a bed

BEN   (phone rings) Hello?  
JACKIE   Hi, honey. How're ya doin'?   
BEN   Mom! I've been waiting for your call!   
  Mom, you're not gonna believe it.    
JACKIE   What?   
BEN   I'm ''telepathetic.''  
JACKIE   You mean telepathic?  
BEN   That's what I said.   
  I just discovered it today. I can read minds.   
JACKIE   No way.   
BEN   Yeah, I just tried it with Dad and Isabelle. And guess what.   
JACKIE   What?   
BEN   I always knew exactly what they were thinking.  
JACKIE   That is incredible.   
BEN   Want me to read yours?  
JACKIE   Absolutely.  
BEN   Think real hard about something.   
JACKIE   I'm thinking.    
BEN   Close your eyes.   
JACKIE   Ok.  
BEN   Concentrate.   
JACKIE   l am concentrating.   
BEN   You're thinking about me!   
JACKIE   That is amazing. What else?   
BEN   And you're wishing you were here instead of where you are.   
JACKIE   Oh, that's for sure.   
BEN   Where are you, anyway?   
JACKIE   I'm in bed with the flu, and I'm green and barfing.   
BEN   I knew that.   
  And you're wishing you were here making me spaghetti.   
  So I wouldn't have to eat Daddy's sucky lamb chop.   
JACKIE   You're right about that.  
BEN   See? I'm "pathatelic''!   
JACKIE   Telepathic.    
BEN   That's what I said. Mommy, when am I going to see you?  
JACKIE   Tomorrow after school.  
BEN   Oh. I was wishing I would see you tonight.   
JACKIE   Well, we're just gonna have to have one of our dream dates  
  and meet somewhere special in our dreams.   
  Where haven't we been in a while? How 'bout Disneyland?   
BEN   Nah. Last time the lines were too long.   
JACKIE   Ok, the beach.   
BEN   Yeah. On a hot summer day.   
JACKIE   With gigantic waves.   
BEN   And boogie boards.  
JACKIE   And corn dogs.  
BEN   Yeah. Awesome.   
JACKIE   Cool. All right. Don't forget to put on your sunblock, okay?   
BEN   It's a dream, Mom. You don't need sunblock.   
JACKIE   That's right. I forgot.   
BEN   Mommy, are you still there?  
LUKE   Ben! Time for dinner!   
BEN   I gotta go. See you tonight, okay?   
JACKIE   All right. I'll see you in my dreams.   
BEN   Bye, Mom. I love you.   
32 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:54 AM

    B : (phone rings) Hello?
    J : Hi, honey. How're ya doin'?
    B : Mom! I've been waiting for your call!

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.21 10:44 AM

    B : (전화벨 울리고) 여보세요?
    J : 아가야 ~ 잘있지..?
    B : 엄마! 엄마전화 기다리고 있었어요~!!

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:54 AM

    B: Mom, you're not gonna believe it.
    J: What?
    B: I'm ''telepathetic.''
    J: You mean telepathic?
    B: That's what I said.

  • 무진
    '13.6.21 8:40 AM

    B : 엄마는 이걸 밎지 못할거예요.
    J : 뭐를?
    B : 텔레파시 할 줄 알아요.
    J : 텔레파시를 한다구?
    J : 정말이에요.

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:55 AM

    B : I just discovered it today. I can read minds.
    J : No way.
    B : Yeah, I just tried it with Dad and Isabelle.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.21 10:46 AM

    B : 내가 오늘 막 발견한건데요. 마음을 읽을수 있어요.
    J : 말도 안돼.
    B : 아빠와 이자벨에게 해봤는걸요.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:55 AM

    B : And guess what.
    J : What?
    B : I always knew exactly what they were thinking.
    J : That is incredible.

  • 무진
    '13.6.21 8:51 AM

    B: 그리고 뭔지 맞춰봐요.
    J: 뭐를?
    B: 난 언제든지 그들이 뭘 생각하고 있는지 정확히 알아냈어요.
    J: 정말 대단한데!

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:56 AM

    B : Want me to read yours?
    J : Absolutely.
    B : Think real hard about something.
    J : I'm thinking.
    B : Close your eyes.
    J : Ok.
    B : Concentrate.
    J : l am concentrating.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.21 10:33 AM

    B : 엄마마음도 맞춰볼까요..?
    J : 물론이지~
    B : 무언가 열심히 생각하세요.
    J : 생각하고 있어.
    B : 눈감구요.
    J : 그래.
    B : 집중하세요.
    J : 집중하고 있어.

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:56 AM

    B : You're thinking about me!
    J : That is amazing. What else?
    B : And you're wishing you were here instead of where you are.
    J : Oh, that's for sure.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.21 10:37 AM

    B : 나를 생각하고 있네요!!
    J : 대단하구나. 또?
    B : 그리고 엄마는 지금 있는곳 대신 여기 있고싶어요.
    J : 와우 . 확실하구나.

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:57 AM

    B : Where are you, anyway?
    J : I'm in bed with the flu, and I'm green and barfing.

  • 무진
    '13.6.21 8:56 AM

    B : 근데, 엄마는 어디 계세요?
    J : 독감에 걸려 누워있는데, 메쓰껍고 토할 것 같구나.

    *** turn green
    갑자기 기분이 나빠지다, 메스꺼워지다, 창백해지다

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.21 10:39 AM

    green 이라는 단어가 늘 긍정적으로 쓰이는줄 알았더니 뜻밖이네요
    많이 배웁니다.

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:57 AM


    I knew that.
    And you're wishing you were here making me spaghetti.
    So I wouldn't have to eat Daddy's sucky lamb chop.

  • 무진
    '13.6.21 9:02 AM

    나도 알고 있었어요.
    그리고 엄마는 여기서 나에게 스파게티를 만들어 주기를 원하고 있고.
    그러면 아빠가 만든 완전 맛없는 양고기를 안먹어도 될텐데.

    ** sucky :(속어) 불쾌한, 저속한, 꼴보기 싫은.
    ex) This food is sucky. It really sucks!
    이 음식은 형편없어. 정말로 후졌어.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:57 AM

    J : You're right about that.
    B : See? I'm "pathatelic''!
    J : Telepathic.
    B : That's what I said.

  • Jane
    '13.6.21 10:11 AM

    J : You're right about that. 제대로 맞췄어.
    B : See? I'm "pathatelic''! 그렇죠? 제가 (텔레)퍼세딕 능력이 있다니까요.
    J : Telepathic. '텔레파시'지.
    B : That's what I said 제말이 그말이에요.

    * 벤이 어려서 'telepathic'에서 끝부분 'patic'을 계속 'pathetic'(한심한, 불쌍한) 계속 잘못 말하고 있네요.
    이런 경우는 우리말로 옮기기 힘드네요.

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:58 AM

    B : Mommy, when am I going to see you?
    J : Tomorrow after school.
    B : Oh. I was wishing I would see you tonight.

  • Jane
    '13.6.21 10:12 AM

    B : Mommy, when am I going to see you? 엄마, 언제 볼 수 있어요?
    J : Tomorrow after school. 내일 학교 수업끝나고.
    B : Oh. I was wishing I would see you tonight. 아, 오늘밤에 엄마를 볼 수 있으면 좋겠네

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:58 AM

    JACKIE :

    Well, we're just gonna have to have one of our dream dates
    and meet somewhere special in our dreams.

  • Jane
    '13.6.21 10:15 AM

    JACKIE :

    Well, we're just gonna have to have one of our dream dates
    and meet somewhere special in our dreams

    우리 바로 꿈의 데이트를 할꺼야. 꿈에서 정말 멋진곳에서 만나게 될거야

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:58 AM

    J : Where haven't we been in a while? How 'bout Disneyland?
    B : Nah. Last time the lines were too long.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 11:51 AM

    J : 우리가 한동안 가보지 못한 데가 어디지? 디즈니랜드는 어때?
    B : 싫어요. 지난 번에 줄이 너무 길었어요.

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:59 AM

    J : Ok, the beach.
    B : Yeah. On a hot summer day.
    J : With gigantic waves.
    B : And boogie boards.
    J : And corn dogs.
    B : Yeah. Awesome.
    J : Cool. All right. Don't forget to put on your sunblock, okay?
    B : It's a dream, Mom. You don't need sunblock.
    J : That's right. I forgot.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 11:56 AM

    J : Ok, the beach. 그래. 바닷가는?
    B : Yeah. On a hot summer day. 좋아요. 뜨거운 여름날!
    J : With gigantic waves. 거대한 파도가 있는
    B : And boogie boards. 서핑보드도요..
    J : And corn dogs. 핫도그도..
    B : Yeah. Awesome. 우와.. 멋져요.
    J : Cool. All right. Don't forget to put on your sunblock, okay? 좋아. 선크림 바르는 거 잊지 말고.
    B : It's a dream, Mom. You don't need sunblock. 이건 꿈이에요 엄마. 선크림 필요 없어요.
    J : That's right. I forgot 맞네. 깜빡했어.

    * gigantic : 거대한
    * boogie board : (미 속어) surfboard
    * corn dog : 꼬치 핫도그

  • 14. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 7:59 AM

    B : Mommy, are you still there?
    L : Ben! Time for dinner!
    B : I gotta go. See you tonight, okay?
    J : All right. I'll see you in my dreams.
    B : Bye, Mom. I love you.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 11:58 AM

    B : Mommy, are you still there? 엄마, 아직 있어요(듣고 있어요)?
    L : Ben! Time for dinner! 벤! 저녁 먹을 시간이야.
    B : I gotta go. See you tonight, okay? 나 가볼게요. 내일 봐요!
    J : All right. I'll see you in my dreams. 그래. 꿈에서 보자.
    B : Bye, Mom. I love you. 안녕, 엄마. 사랑해요.

  • 15. 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 8:02 AM

    I'm a bit late today.
    Sleeping 10 more minutes made me feel 10 times better.
    Happy Friday and happy weekend, ladies!

    We've done almost half.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.21 10:22 AM

    I hope you are getting enough rest for the weekend.
    And happy weekend with your cute baby.^^

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.21 11:59 AM

    I even feel much better, and I'm excited to have time with my girl on weekend.
    Have a nice weekend, Granmom.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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