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| 조회수 : 1,912 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-06-14 07:37:39

#20. At school

ESABELLE   Hi, guys.   
 (offers snack to kids) Barbecue. l know they're your fave.   
ANNA   How could she just forget us? l mean…  
BEN   Yeah, that's something you would do.   
ESABELLE   To tell you the truth... l did.   
  Your mother had to help a friend with this emergency,  
  and so she called me to switch days.   
  But l got caught up at work and just forgot all about you.   
JACKIE   (Jackie appears) Mommy! My little chick.   
  How are you, sweetie? l'm sorry you got stuck. Were you scared?   
  You must be starving. You hungry? You want a good meal?   
BEN   Yes.  
JACKIE   (takes kids away) How'd you do on your math?   

#21. At Esabelle's Darkroom

ESABELLE   Who is it?   
JACKIE   lt's Jackie. May l come in?   
ESABELLE   Sure.   
JACKIE   l have another appointment this afternoon and l..  
  l need somebody to take the children to the park.   
ESABELLE   And have federal agents jump out ot the bushes and serve me with a court order?   
  How many years do you get in this state tor giving second-rate care to minors?   
JACKIE   Whatever it is, it's not enough.   
ESABELLE   Well, look, I'm on thin ice already with my boss, alI right?   
  When I ran out yesterday, I actually thought he's gonna fire me.  
JACKIE   l can get somebody else.   
ESABELLE   Wait. God.   
  I'll figure something out. I'll do it.   
JACKIE   After-school snack. Refrigerate, if possible.   
  Band-Aids, Neosporin, hand wipes, Kleenex, Tylenol.   
ESABELLE   Why not just bring the whole pharmacy?   
JACKIE   Ben likes to be read to. You know Dr. Seuss?   
ESABELLE   Not personally.   
JACKIE   Do you have a word limit that you have to hit every day, or may l finish?   
  Here's the kids' schedule, my beeper number, in case of emergency.   
  lt not, l'll see you at 5:00 at the park.   
  All l'm asking is that my children still be alive when l get there.   
ESABELLE   Jackie, l wanted to ask you something.   
  There's a Pearl Jam concert on the fifth and l would like to take Anna.   
JACKIE   ls that a weekday?   
ESABELLE   l think it's a Thursday.   
JACKIE   So you want to take a 12-year-old girl to a Pearl Jam concert on a school night?   
ESABELLE   l just thought it would be something nice that she and l could do together.   
JACKIE   That's ridiculous. She's too young.   
31 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:38 AM

    E : Hi, guys. (offers snack to kids) Barbecue. l know they're your fave.
    A : How could she just forget us? l mean…
    B : Yeah, that's something you would do.

  • 무진
    '13.6.14 8:56 AM

    E : 안녕, 애들아. (아이들에게 과자를 준다) 바베큐. 너희들이 좋아하는거야.
    A : 어떻게 엄마가 우리를 잊어버릴 수가 있을까? 내 말은...
    B : 응, 이사벨아줌마나 할 것을.

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:39 AM

    To tell you the truth... l did.
    Your mother had to help a friend with this emergency, and so she called me to switch days.
    But l got caught up at work and just forgot all about you.

  • 무진
    '13.6.14 9:00 AM

    사실은... 내가 잊어버린거야.
    엄마가 급한 친구를 도와주어야 해서 나에게 요일을 바꾸자고 전화를 하셨지.
    하지만 내가 밀린 일들을 하느라 (일이 밀려 있어서 ) 너희들에 대해 완전히 잊어버렸던거야.

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:40 AM

    A&B : (Jackie appears) Mommy!
    J :My little chick. How are you, sweetie? l'm sorry you got stuck. Were you scared?
    You must be starving. You hungry? You want a good meal?
    B : Yes.
    J : (takes kids away) How'd you do on your math?

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 11:56 AM

    안나&벤 : (엄마가 나타남) 엄마!!
    재키 :
    내 새끼들, 잘 있었니? 난감하게 해서 미안해. 무서웠지?
    허기지겠다. 배고프지? 맛있는 밥 먹을까?
    벤 : 네
    재키 : (애들을 데려가며) 수학은 어땠어?

    * stuck : stick의 과거분사형, (구어)..에 빠져, 미쳐, in stuck : 곤경에 빠져

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:40 AM

    E: (knocking) Who is it?
    J : lt's Jackie. May l come in?
    E : Sure.
    J : l have another appointment this afternoon and l.. l need somebody to take the children to the park.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 11:51 AM

    이 대사는 쉬운 편인데, 참여 안하시는 분들 한번 트라이 해보시죠 ^^

  • 무진
    '13.7.19 10:22 AM

    E : 누구세요?
    J : 재키에요. 들어가도 돼요?
    E : 네.
    J : 오늘 오후에 다른 약속이 있어서요...그래서 아이들을 공원에 데리고 갈 사람이 필요해요.

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:41 AM

    And have federal agents jump out ot the bushes and serve me with a court order?
    How many years do you get in this state for giving second-rate care to minors?

  • 무진
    '13.6.14 9:37 AM

    그런데 경찰이 갑자기 나타나서 법원 명령에 따르라고 하면?
    얼마동안이나 (몇년이나) 당신은 아이들에게 2류급의 돌봄을 줄건가요?
    (빈정대는거겠죠? 맡기기 싫은 자기에게 왜 부탁하러 왔냐는...)

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:41 AM

    J : Whatever it is, it's not enough.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 11:57 AM

    J : 뭐든지간에, 충분하진(만족스럽진) 않아요.

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:41 AM

    Well, look, I'm on thin ice already with my boss, alI right?
    When I ran out yesterday, I actually thought he's gonna fire me.

  • 무진
    '13.6.14 9:28 AM

    음.. 난 상사와 이미 안좋은 상황이네요, 알아요?
    내가 어제 일을 팽개치고 뛰쳐 나갔을때, 사실상 난 해고 당할거라고 생각했어요.

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:42 AM

    J : l can get somebody else.
    E : Wait. God. I'll figure something out. I'll do it.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 11:45 AM

    재키 : 다른 사람 알아보죠. (다른 사람 알아볼 수 있어요)
    이자벨 : 잠깐만요. 어휴.. 내가 뭐 좀 해결할게요(처리할게요). 내가 하죠.

    * figure out : 1)계산하다, 2) (생각한 끝에) ~라는 것을 알다, 이해하다 3) 해결하다, 생각해내다.
    * 이 영화에선 figure란 단어를 많이 쓰네요. 이렇게 많이 쓰이는 줄 몰랐음 ^^

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:42 AM

    J :
    After-school snack. Retrigerate, if possible.
    Band-Aids, Neosporin, hand wipes, Kleenex, Tylenol.
    E : Why not just bring the whole pharmacy?

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 1:20 PM

    재키 :
    하교하면 줄 과자에요. 가능하면 냉장하세요. (스펠링 틀렸네요. 수정할게요. refrigerate)
    반창고, 네오스포린(미국판 후시딘), 물티슈, 클리넥스, 타이레놀이에요.

    이자벨 :
    약국을 통채로 가지고 오지 그래요?

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:42 AM

    J : Ben likes to be read to. You know Dr. Seuss?
    E : Not personally.

  • 푸헤헤
    '13.6.14 9:50 AM

    J: 벤은 책 읽는걸 좋아해요. 닥터 수스 알아요?
    E: 개인적으로는 말고요

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:42 AM

    JACKIE :
    Do you have a word limit that you have to hit every day, or may l finish?
    Here's the kids' schedule, my beeper number, in case of emergency.
    lt not, l'll see you at 5:00 at the park.
    All l'm asking is that my children still be alive when l get there.

  • 푸헤헤
    '13.6.14 9:55 AM

    당신은 항상 남의 말을 잘라먹나요?(의미상)
    여기 애들 스케쥴하고 내 삐삐 번호 있어요 응급상황을 대비해서.
    그게 아니면 난 5시에 공원으로 갈께요
    내가 거기 갔을 때 내 아이들이 여전히 살아있도록 부탁할께요
    (의미상 내가 갈 때까지 잘 돌봐달라 뭐 이런 말이거죠?)

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 12:00 PM

    이자벨이 잘 못돌볼 걸 아니깐 내가 올 때까지 애들 살아만 있게 해 달라고 빈정대는 것 갖죠? ㅎㅎ

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:43 AM

    Jackie, l wanted to ask you something.
    There's a Pearl Jam concert on the fifth and l would like to take Anna.

  • 푸헤헤
    '13.6.14 9:43 AM

    E: 재키, 물어볼 것이 있는데요
    펄잼 컨서트가 있는데 애나를 데려가고 싶어요

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:43 AM

    J : ls that a weekday?
    E : l think it's a Thursday.
    J : So you want to take a 12-year-old girl to a Pearl Jam concert on a school night?
    E : l just thought it would be something nice that she and l could do together.
    J : That's ridiculous. She's too young.

  • 푸헤헤
    '13.6.14 9:42 AM

    j: 주중에요?
    E: 목욕일이요
    J: 그러니까 당신은 펄잼 컨서트에 열두살짜리 여자애를 주중에 데려가고 싶다고?
    E: 난 단지 애나하고 같이 할 수 있는 좋은 기회라고 생각했어요
    J: 말도 안돼 애나는 너무 어려요

  • 14. 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 7:52 AM

    I've been pretty busy this week, so I couldn't make enough time for our study.
    Feeling exhausted this morning, I even have no energy to be glad for Friday though.

    We haven't finished #14 yesterday.
    Let's cheer up and finish both #14 and #15 today!!

  • 15. 무진
    '13.6.14 9:28 AM

    I kind of understand your situation and I feel the same way.
    The most important thing is to stay in shape so you should take a good care of yourself.
    Boost your energy and Cheer up!

    It seems like that we need more many people to participate in this study.
    I hope it will be much more acitive.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.6.14 11:39 AM

    Thanks, I will.
    And I hope more people to take part in our study too.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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