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[re] How can I buy your book ?

| 조회수 : 3,068 | 추천수 : 220
작성일 : 2002-10-29 05:51:40
You can try another one through Internet where I found this website address in the editor's comment on the Book.

As far as I know, you can use at less shipping charge the Aladdin US(www.aladdinUS.com) which is located in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

I hope it would help.

>For your information,
>As far as I know, this book is available in www.yes24.com, an Internet Bookstore.
>You can order this book via that site.
>But don't forget to pay the shipping charge(at least 18,000won) for the book order!
>Good luck!
>>I'm sorry for using English.
>>I can't use Korean by my computer.
>>I'm living in America and saw your article from Korean newspaper.
>>I'm very interested in your book and want to learn your cooking style because I'm a student who has a baby and husband.
>>How can I purchase your book?
>>If you find some way, let me know.
>>I'm your big fan, too.
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