MIDAS Laboratory - 장재형 박사(광주과기원)
• Photonic Integrated Circuits
• Si Photonics
• Ultra-high speed photodetectors and single photon detectors
• RF circuit design and fabrication
• Compact Antenna
• Left-handed Materials
• Ph. D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2002.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
• M. S. in Electrical Engineering, Feb.1995.
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
• B. S. in Electrical Engineering, Feb. 1993.
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
• Post Doc. Research Associate, Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (August 2002 -- Feb. 2004)
- Design and fabrication of photonic integrated circuits based on InP-related material systems
(Add-drop multiplexer, filter, and interferometer).
- Design and fabrication of low power and high speed HEMT.
- Design and Fabrication of monolithically integrated photoreceivers on metamorphic GaAs substrates
and InP substrates.
- Investigation of novel ohmic contacts on p-type InGaAs and GaAsSb for high speed device applications
• Research Assistant, Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (June 1998 - June 2002)
- Long wavelength InGaAs PIN photodiodes on InP and Metamorphic GaAs substrates
+ Process development of photodetectors such as etching, ohmic metallization, polyimide passivation,
AR coating, and air-bridges.
+ Heterostructure design for double heterojunction graded bandgap high speed photodetectors
+ Bandwidth simulation of high speed photodetectors with Matlab.
+ Characterization of DC and RF performance of photodetectors.
+ Characterization of wavelength dependent characteristics of photodetectors.
- Monolithic OEIC receiver on InP and GaAs Substrates
+ Heterostructure design of PIN photodetectors on top of high electron mobility transistors for photoreceiver
for the photoreceiver circuit fabrications.
- Sub 0.1 μm gate metamorphic HEMTs (High Electron Mobility Transistors) based on InP and GaAs substrates
+ Process development for ultra-short gate (< 0.1 μm), Electron beam direct writing, and tri-level E-beam resist
process for T-gate formation
• Summer Intern, Rockwell Science Center (May 2000 -- August 2000)
- Supervisor: Dr. John H. Hong (Director in Electronics, now CEO in Acelo )
- Design of 40 Gbit/s LiNbO3 modulator driver circuit with GaAs pHEMT.
+ Distributed amplifier with cascode gain cells based on microstrip line and coplanar transmission line were
designed. High gain (18 dB), large swing (6 Vp-p), and large bandwidth (40 GHz) was achieved.
- Noise Modeling of GaAs pHEMT for W-band LNA project.
+ Small signal equivalent circuit for GaAs pHEMT was developed by extracting noise parameters and circuit
elements. Measured S-parameter and noise data was used to set the parameters.
• Instructor, Seoul National Polytechnic University (Sept. 1997 -- June 1998)
Engineering Mathematics for sophomores, Automatic Control for seniors
• 2005 International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NST'05) Award for Best Poster
• Golden Prize at Samsung HumanTech Thesis Award, 2002
- Given to the paper of “ong Wavelength Metamorphic Graded Bandgap P-i-I-N Photodiodes on GaAs
substrates.”This was presented at Samsung Electronics in Seoul in February 2002
• G. E. Stillman Semiconductor Research Award and Fellowship, 2001-2002.
- This award and fellowship are granted to one or two Ph.D students who demonstrated academic excellence
and outstanding research works on semiconductor research area UIUC.
• KFAS (Korean Foundation of Advanced Studies) Fellowship, 1998-2001.
• SsangYong Fellowship, 1993-1994.
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MIDAS Lab 소개 - 장재형 박사 연구실
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IP : 211.200.xxx.131
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