해석은 대충 되는데 빈칸에 들어갈말이 헷갈리네요ㅜㅜ
급한거라...... 부탁드려요~~
*빈칸에 알맞은 말은?
Immigration in the United States has been increasing rapidly. Each year about 600,000 new legal immigrants settle in this country. If all the illegal immigrants were counted, that number would be even higher. Today's immigrants are different from the immigrants of the early 20th century, who were mostly white and European. The more recent immigrants are mostly black, Hispanic, or Asian. However, They do have one thing in common: a desire to work and do well in their new homeland. For this reason, many people feel that the goverment should not shut its doors to immigrants. The immigrants have helped the country inthe past, they say. Now, the United States _________________________ .
1. needs better laws to keep out immigrants.
2. could benefit from them again.
3. does not need people from other countries.
4. cou;d benefit only from the younger immigrants.
개편이전의 자유게시판으로 열람만 가능합니다.
영어 문제좀 풀어주세요~
영어질문 조회수 : 436
작성일 : 2006-11-23 19:44:34
IP : 164.125.xxx.145
9 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
1. 코스코
'06.11.23 7:48 PM (222.106.xxx.83)2번요
2. 영어질문
'06.11.23 7:50 PM (164.125.xxx.145)have helped 해석을 어떻게 하지요??
전 3번이라고 생각했는데ㅜㅜ 설명좀 해주세요~~3. 코스코
'06.11.23 7:55 PM (222.106.xxx.83)They do have one thing in common: a desire to work and do well in their new homeland
(그들은 공통점이있다: 새로운곳에서 열씸히 일하고 잘살고 싶어한다)
다음두 문장을 간단하게 말하자면 ... For this reason~~ Gov. shoul not shut its doors. They helped before... 전에도 도움이 되었다 ....
그렇니까 2번, 또 다시 도움이 될수 있다가 맞는 답입니다4. 코스코
'06.11.23 8:00 PM (222.106.xxx.83)have helped는 present perfect (현제완료)입니다
5. 영어질문
'06.11.23 8:01 PM (164.125.xxx.145)아~ 그렇군요^^
정말 감사합니다~6. 그럼
'06.11.23 8:27 PM (203.84.xxx.23)답이 1번 맞다는건가요?
7. who knows?
'06.11.23 9:20 PM (211.215.xxx.136)2번이 맞다는 겁니다
8. 코스코님
'06.11.24 1:53 AM (61.85.xxx.98)영어는 우찌해야 잘 하는지 강의 좀 해주세요. 진짜로요.
9. 정답
'06.11.24 9:27 AM (125.240.xxx.66)2번이네요.
☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다