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정보교환과 질문의 장

Stepmom #33

| 조회수 : 1,845 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-07-09 20:25:03

#54. At school

ANNA   As for your pitiful knowledge of what a woman really wants...   
  I'm not wasting my time on some pathetic loser...   
  who doesn't know what snowblowing is.   
ANNA'S FRIENDS   Loser!   Anna, good one.   
ANNA   Oh, and the guy l see is in high school and it has to be said   
  that every time we talk about you, he laughs his ass off.   
BRAD   Yeah, right.   
ANNA   You don't believe me? He's standing right over there.   
BRAD   No way.   
ANNA   Well, believe it. (goes to the guy, hugs and kisses)  
ANNA'S FRIENDS   You rule, Anna! You rule!  
BRAD'S FRIENDS   You blew it. Loser! He's a model. You're such a retard.   
JACKIE   Hi?  
ESABELLE   What are you doing here?  
JACKIE   I'm here to pick up my kids from school.   
  Who is that? He looks familiar.   
  Looks like that guy in his underwear on the side of a bus for Calvin Klein.   
ESABELLE   No. Fully dressed for Ralph Lauren.  
JACKIE   What?  
ANNA'S FRIENDS   Go, Anna! He's such a loser. Moron.   
ANNA   (runs to Esabelle and hugs, very excited) Oh, it worked, it worked!   
  Did you see the look on Brad's face? Thank you so much.   
ESABELLE   Oh, honey.   

#55. At Jackie's house

JACKIE   Okay, "limp dick" I know. What exactly is ''snowblowing''?   
ESABELLE   It doesn't matter. I didn't explain it to her.   
JACKIE   Oh, you're gonna have to explain to me, because I'm gonna have to explain to   
  about 20 or 30 parents who're gonna call in the next half-hour or so.  
ESABELLE   Give them my number.   
JACKIE   l think they're gonna wanna talk to Anna's mother, thank you.   
ESABELLE   What is it you're worried about, looking bad at the P.T.A.?   
JACKIE   Are you defending what you did?  
ESABELLE   Right to the ground.  
JACKIE   You put filth in my child's mouth.    
ESABELLE   Oh, please.   
JACKIE   You had her lie about that model.  
ESABELLE   And it worked like a charm.  
JACKIE   And you became a hero, and l became a schmuck.   
  Basically, you taught my child that I   am a loser who doesn't reaIly care about her pain.   
ESABELLE   That's not what I was trying to do.    
JACKIE   That's what you did.   
  Did you think that I didn't have some dirty words for that little putz?   
  I couldn't figure out some low blows?    
ESABELLE   You weren't passing them out.   
JACKIE   l believe, in a crisis you have an opportunity to learn something.   
ESABELLE   That's deep.   
JACKIE   lt was a lie. Winning without dignity or grace is not winning.   
  She has to figure out who she is so she can stand up to peer pressure...   
  so that she can steer her own course.   
ESABELLE   She wasn't steering her own course.   
  She was steering yours.   
JACKIE   That's what parenting is all about, little girl.   
  They are pleading for you to tell them how to do the right thing...   
  and sure as hell, that's what you've done.   
  The next time something happens, and the stakes are really high...   
  she's gonna look back and she's gonna remember how easy it was and how good it felt.   
ESABELLE   And she's going to stand up for herself. Dear God, what have I done?   
JACKIE   You have turned her into you.   
ESABELLE   That's what this is about. That's all this is about.   
JACKIE   Oh, how would you know what this is about?   
  You haven't been here from the beginning worrying every minute of every day  
  that the decisions you make are gonna shape the people they are going to be.   
  And you are not what I want my children to be.   
ESABELLE   I don't want that either. But this isn't about me or you. It's about them.   
  And believe it or not, l am trying and I do have their very best interests... at heart.   
32 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:26 PM

    ANNA :

    As for your pitiful knowledge of what a woman really wants...
    I'm not wasting my time on some pathetic loser...
    who doesn't know what snowblowing is.

    ANNA'S FRIEND : Loser! Anna, good one.

  • 무진
    '13.7.10 8:43 AM

    A :여자가 뭘 원하는지도 모르는 너의 얄팍한 지식때문에 그러는건데...
    '스노우블로윙'도 모르는 한심한 찌질이(실패자,낙오자)에게 시간을 낭비하지 않을거야.
    A's friend : 찌질이래! 애나, 좋았어^^

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:26 PM

    A : Oh, and the guy l see is in high school and it has to be said that every time we talk about you, he laughs his ass off.
    B : Yeah, right.
    A : You don't believe me? He's standing right over there.
    B : No way.
    A : Well, believe it. (goes to the guy, hugs and kisses)
    A's friends : You rule, Anna! You rule!
    B's friends : You blew it. Loser! He's a model. You're such a retard.

  • 무진
    '13.7.10 9:13 AM

    A : 내가 만나는 오빠는 고등학생인데..우리가 너의 대해 이야기 할때마다 배꼽빠지게 웃더라.
    B: 뭐, 그러겠지.
    A : 너 안믿는거야? 그 오빠가 저기 서있는데.
    B : 말도 안돼.
    A : 그럼, 믿게 해주지.
    A's friends : 애나, 너 최고다! 짱이다!
    B's friends : 네가 다 망쳤구나, 찌질이야! 저 형 모델이네. 너 정말 모자라구나.
    * retard
    (모욕적인 말로) 모자라는 사람, 저능아

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:27 PM

    J : Hi?
    E : What are you doing here?
    J : I'm here to pick up my kids from school. Who is that? He looks familiar.
    Looks like that guy in his underwear on the side of a bus for Calvin Klein.
    E : No. Fully dressed for Ralph Lauren.
    J : What?
    E : No.

  • 무진
    '13.7.10 9:00 AM

    J : 안녕하세요.
    E : 여긴 왠일이세요.
    J : 아이들 데리로 왔죠.저 남자는 누구예요? 많이 본 것 같은데.
    Calvin Klein 버스 광고에서 속옷 입은 남자 같은데..
    E : 아니오, Ralph Lauren 정장광고에서요.
    J : 뭐라구요?
    E : 아니에요.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:28 PM

    A's friends : Go, Anna! He's such a loser. Moron.
    A : (runs to Esabelle and hugs, very excited) Oh, it worked, it worked!
    Did you see the look on Brad's face? Thank you so much.
    E : Oh, honey.

  • 무진
    '13.7.10 9:05 AM

    A's friends : 화이팅, 애나! 브래드는 완전 찌질이네. 바보, 멍청이!
    A : ( 이사벨에게 달려가 껴앉는다, 아주 신나하며) 와, 통했어요. 통했어!
    브래드 얼굴 표정 봤어요? 정말 고마워요.
    E : 오, 그래^^

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:28 PM

    J : Okay, "limp dick" I know. What exactly is ''snowblowing''?
    E : It doesn't matter. I didn't explain it to her.
    J : Oh, you're gonna have to explain to me, because I'm gonna have to explain to about 20 or 30 parents who're gonna call in the next half-hour or so.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.10 10:54 AM

    J : 좋아요, "limp dick" 은 알아요. ''snowblowing''은 정확하게 뭔가요?
    E : 별거아니에요. 애나에게 설명해주지 않았어요.
    J : 오. 당신은 내게는 설명해야할거에요.
    나는 30분후쯤이면 전화해댈 2,30 명쯤 되는 부모들에게 설명해야할테니까

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:28 PM

    E : Give them my number.
    J : l think they're gonna wanna talk to Anna's mother, thank you.
    E : What is it you're worried about, looking bad at the P.T.A.?
    J : Are you defending what you did?
    E : Right to the ground.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.10 11:03 AM

    E : 그들에게 내 전화번호를 주세요.
    J : 그들은 애나의 엄마하고 이야기하길 원할껄요..고맙지만.
    E : 뭘 걱정하는거에요.. P.T.A.에서 나쁜사람으로 보일까봐요.?
    ( P.T.A = Parent-Teacher Association 사친회)
    J : 당신지금 당신이 한일에 대해 변호하는거에요.?
    E : 당연하지요.

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 12:58 PM

    사친회보다는 요즘 말로는 학부모회가 더 적절한 것 같아요~

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:29 PM

    J : You put filth in my child's mouth.
    E : Oh, please.
    J : You had her lie about that model.
    E : And it worked like a charm.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.10 11:08 AM

    J : 당신은 내아이의 입에 쓰레기를 넣었어요.(입을 더럽혔어요)
    E : 오..제발..
    J : 당신은 그녀에게 그 모델에 대해 거짓말을 시켰어요.
    E : 그리고 멋지게 효과가 있었어요.(복수했어요)

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:29 PM

    J :
    And you became a hero, and l became a schmuck.
    Basically, you taught my child that I am a loser who doesn't reaIly care about her pain.

    E : That's not what I was trying to do.
    J : That's what you did.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.10 11:34 AM

    J : 그리고 당신은 영웅이 되었고, 난 바보가 되었죠. 기본적으로 당신은 내 아이에게 엄마는 자기의 아픔을 정말로 돌봐주지 않는 찌질이라고 가르쳐 줬어요.
    E : 내가 하려던건 그게 아니에요.
    J : 당신이 한 건 그거에요.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:30 PM

    J : Did you think that I didn't have some dirty words for that little putz? I couldn't figure out some low blows?
    E : You weren't passing them out.
    J : l believe, in a crisis you have an opportunity to learn something.
    E : That's deep.
    J : lt was a lie. Winning without dignity or grace is not winning.

  • Jane
    '13.7.10 1:57 PM

    J : 당신은 내가 그 어린 멍청이에게 욕할 줄 몰라서 안한 줄 알아요? 내가 치사한 수를 생각 못해냈을 것 같아요?
    E : 당신은 걔들을 쓰러뜨리진 못했죠. (low blow에 대한 지치있는 답변인 듯)
    J : 전, 위기 상황에서 사람은 뭔가 배울 기회가 생긴다고 믿는데요.
    E : 그거 심오하군요.
    J : 그건 거짓이잖아요. 품위난 우아함이 없는 승리는 승리가 아니라구요

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 12:57 PM

    여기에서 them은 low blows을 나타내므로
    '당신은 그런 치사한 수를 쓰지는 않았잖아요.
    ' 로 해석하는건 어때요?

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:31 PM

    J : She has to figure out who she is so she can stand up to peer pressure so that she can steer her own course.
    E : She wasn't steering her own course. She was steering yours.
    J : That's what parenting is all about, little girl.

  • Jane
    '13.7.10 2:00 PM

    J:애나는 그 여자아이가 누군지 알아내야 해요 자신이 친구들의 압력에 견딜수 있고 자신의 길을 헤쳐나갈 수 있도록.
    E: 애나는 자신의 길을 헤쳐나간게 아니에요. 당신의 길을 헤쳐나간 거지.
    J: 그런게 바로 부모의 역할이란거에요, 어린 아가씨!

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:31 PM

    JACKIE :

    They are pleading for you to tell them how to do the right thing and sure as hell, that's what you've done.
    The next time something happens, and the stakes are really high...
    she's gonna look back and she's gonna remember how easy it was and how good it felt.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.11 8:09 AM

    아이들은 어떻게 해야 옳은 지 당신에게 매달리고 있고, 물론 악의 구렁텅이 같은 거구요, 그게 당신이 한 짓이에요.
    다음 번에 무슨 일이 생기면, 그리고 위험성이(리스크가) 정말로 큰 일일 때
    애나가 과거를 돌아보고 얼마나 그게(새엄마 도움으로 거짓말로 넘어가는 것?) 쉬웠는지, 그리고 그 때의 기분을 기억해내겠죠.

    * plead : 1) 애원하다, 2) 주장하다 3) 호소하다 4)간청하다
    * stake 는 내기, 현상금, 장작이란 뜻이고,
    * stakes are high : 리스크가 크다, 위험이 크다, (도박) 판이 크다...

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 1:00 PM

    sure as hell

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:31 PM

    E : And she's going to stand up for herself. Dear God, what have I done?
    J : You have turned her into you.
    E : That's what this is about. That's all this is about.

  • Jane
    '13.7.10 3:22 PM

    E: 그리고 애나는 스스로 헤쳐나갈거에요. 세상에, 내가 뭘한거지?
    J: 당신은 애나를 당신을 좋아하게 만든거에요
    E: 그게 이런거였군요. 이런거였어.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.11 8:13 AM

    * turn into you 를 '당신을 좋아하게 만들다'가 아닌 '(당신처럼) 바꾸다'로 해석해야 될 것 같아요.

    Jackie는 원리원칙, 도덕성을 중시하는 반면 Esabelle은 자유분방하고, 일을 어떻게든 해결 하면 된다는 사고를 하고 있는데, Jackie가 이자벨 스타일로 아이들이 바뀌는 것을 못마땅해 하고 있는 걸로 봐서요.

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:32 PM

    JACKIE :

    Oh, how would you know what this is about?
    You haven't been here from the beginning worrying every minute of every day
    that the decisions you make are gonna shape the people they are going to be.
    And you are not what I want my children to be.

  • Jane
    '13.7.10 3:28 PM

    그게 이런건지 당신이 어떻게 알기나 하고요?
    당신은 애초부터 당신이 하는 결정이 그 아이들이 장차 될 인간(성)을 만든다는 건 걱정도 한번 해본적 없죠.
    그리고 당신(의 방식)은 내가 우리 아이들이 되었으면 하는 바가 아니고.
    (당신의 교육방식은 내 맘에 안들어요)

  • 14. 뽁찌
    '13.7.9 8:32 PM


    I don't want that either. But this isn't about me or you. It's about them.
    And believe it or not, l am trying and I do have their very best interests... at heart.

  • 15. Jane
    '13.7.10 3:30 PM

    저도 그건 원하지 않아요. 그렇지만 이건 나나 당신에 관한 일이 아니에요. 아이들에 관한 거지.
    그리고 믿거나 말거나, 전 노력하고 있고 아이들이 최대한 잘되도록... 진심으로요.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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