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| 조회수 : 1,832 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-07-02 08:48:30

#41. Anna performs at school

Children   This land is your land  
  This land is my land  
  From California  
  To New York Islands  
  From the red wood forests  
  To the Gulf Stream waters  
  This land was made for you and me   
  As I was walking  
  That ribbon of highway  
  I saw above me  
  That endless skyway   
  I saw below me   
  That golden valley   
  This land was made for you and me   
JACKIE   (to Anna) You look great!  
ANNA   Thank you.  
ESABELLE   Your dad's meeting's running late, so I came to watch you.   
  I have to tell you a something confidential.  
JACKIE   You're having Michael Jackson's baby.   
ESABELLE   That, and Anna is over her head for Brad ''The FIame'' Kovitsky.   
JACKIE   No way! I can't believe she would   
  After the way he was with all the girls in the class.   
  How... I didn't know anything about this.   
ESABELLE   She was afraid you'd make it a big deal. They've been going out for two weeks...   
  which in the sixth grade doesn't mean anything.   
  They don't go anywhere. They had lunch together. It's just their declaration   
JACKIE   l know. l had kids of my own once.   
ESABELLE   Anyway, today in the lunch yard...   
  he announces publicly, in front of her friends, that he's breaking up.   
JACKIE   ln front of everybody? That little shit.   
  (to passing children) Not you. Just go.   
ESABELLE   Anyway, that's the whole point of going out, right?   
  So that one of them can dump the other one...   
  and they can act out this passionate, adult soap opera tragedy.   
JACKIE   She must be devastated.    
ESABELLE   Spent an hour in a girl's room crying.   
  I mean, you think you,ve got problems. This is serious.   
27 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:49 AM

    (children sings)
    This land is your land
    This land is my land
    From California
    To New York Islands
    From the red wood forests
    To the Gulf Stream waters
    This land was made for you and me

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.2 10:05 AM

    (아이들이 노래한다)
    이땅은 당신의땅
    이땅은 나의땅
    켈리포니아에서 뉴욕섬까지.
    삼나무숲에서 멕시코만까지.
    이땅은 당신과 나를 위해 만들어졌지요

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:49 AM

    As I was walking
    That ribbon of highway
    I saw above me
    That endless skyway

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.2 10:07 AM

    길게 이어지는 고속도로를 걸으면서
    내위로 끝없이 이어지는 하늘을 보았지요.

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:50 AM

    I saw below me
    That golden valley
    This land was made for you and me

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.2 10:08 AM

    아래로는 황금빛 계곡을 보았어요.
    이땅은 당신과 나를위해 만들어졌지요.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:50 AM

    J : (to Anna) You look great!
    A : Thank you.
    E : Your dad's meeting's running late, so I came to watch you.

  • Jane
    '13.7.2 11:27 AM

    J : (to Anna) You look great! 아주 멋져보여
    A : Thank you. 감사합니다
    E : Your dad's meeting's running late, so I came to watch you 아빠 회의가 늦게까지 계속 될 것 같애. 그래서 내가 널 보러 왔지(아빠 대신)

  • 무진
    '13.7.2 11:28 AM

    J : (애나에게) 정말 멋지구나!
    A : 고마워요.
    E : 아빠 모임이 늦어져서, 내가 널 보러 왔단다.

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:50 AM

    E: I have to tell you a something confidential.
    J : You're having Michael Jackson's baby.

  • 무진
    '13.7.2 11:31 AM

    E : 긴히 드릴말씀이 있어요.
    J : 마이클 잭슨 아이라도 임신했다는건가?^^

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:51 AM

    E : That, and Anna is over her head for Brad ''The FIame'' Kovitsky.
    J : No way! I can't believe she would ...

  • 무진
    '13.7.2 11:48 AM

    E : 그게..그러니까 애나가 '열혈남아' 브래드를 감당하기가 힘든가봐요.
    J : 안돼! 믿을수가 없는데, 애나가....
    * be(get) in over one's head ~에 벅차다, ~에 감당이 안되다.
    -> ' The Flame'을 적절하게 바꿔주세요~

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:51 AM

    JACKIE :
    After the way he was with all the girls in the class.
    How... I didn't know anything about this.

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 11:26 AM

    그애가 반에 있는 모든 여자아이들과 사귄이후로...
    어떻게.....내가 이것에 대해 몰랐는지...

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:52 AM


    She was afraid you'd make it a big deal.
    They've been going out for two weeks which in the sixth grade doesn't mean anything.
    They don't go anywhere. They had lunch together.
    It's just their declaration

    * 너무 빨라서 잘 안들렸어요. 수정해야될 것 같음

  • 무진
    '13.7.2 11:53 AM

    일단 which 하고 in 사이에 is of course, 그리고 doesn't mean 사이에 you know가 들어있는거 같아요~
    저녁에 다시 들어볼게요~지금부터 바빠져셔요~

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 11:32 AM

    애나는 엄마가 이 일을 크게 만들까 걱정했요.
    걔들은 이제 사귄지 2주되었고, 6학년들에게는 별 의미도 없지만요.
    걔들은 다른데도 가지 않구요. 점심만 먹었대요.
    그게 사귄다는거래요.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:52 AM

    J : l know. l had kids of my own once.
    E : Anyway, today in the lunch yard...he announces publicly, in front of her friends, that he's breaking up.

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 11:40 AM

    J ; 알아요. 내 아이들에게 일어난 일이니.
    E : 어쨌든, 오늘 점심 식사시간 운동장에서
    브래드가 애나 친구들 앞에서 헤어질 거라고 공공연하게 알렸대요.

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:53 AM

    JACKIE :

    ln front of everybody?
    That little shit.
    (to passing children) Not you. Just go.

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 11:40 AM

    J : 애들 앞에서요? 나쁜 자식.
    (아이들에게 물건을 건네며) 너 말고, 가기나 해.

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:53 AM


    Anyway, that's the whole point of going out, right?
    So that one of them can dump the other one...and they can act out this passionate, adult soap opera tragedy.

  • 무진
    '13.7.2 12:06 PM

    하여튼, 그게 바로 데이트하려는 바로 그 순간에 말이에요, 그렇죠?
    한명이 다른 한명을 버릴수 있도록 말이죠...
    그래야 걔네들이 마치 열정적이고 비극적인 어른 멜로드라마를 흉내낼수있으니까요..

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:55 AM

    J : She must be devastated.
    E : Spent an hour in a girl's room crying. I mean, you think you,ve got problems. This is serious.

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 11:39 AM

    J : 애나가 완전 황당했겠는데요.
    E : 한 시간 동안이나 화장실에서 울었데요.
    내 말은 당신이 이 문제에 대해 생각하시라구요,
    일이 심각해요.

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.7.2 8:58 AM

    Sorry, I'm late again.
    I thought the weekly meeting was cancelled, but it wasn't.
    Not feeling easy as being late, Esabelle and Jackie even talk too fast.
    Please let me know if I was wrong so that I can make it right.
    Have fun ladies today!

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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