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Stepmom #31

| 조회수 : 2,187 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-07-08 07:41:08

#47. In the airport


ANNOUNCEMENT   United Airlines annoinces the arrival of flight 86 service from Los Angeles.   
  Deplaning passengers may be met at gate number 12.   
STEWARDESS   Ok, so I'm gonna get your bags, and the taxis are just over there, ok?  
ANNA   Surprise!   
BEN   Why is she in a wheelchair?   
ESABELLE   Sweety, she's traveled a long way and she's just tired, so give her a hug and be gentle.   
JACKIE   Look at this guy. Hi ! Let's go home, huh?   
ESABELLE   Welcome back!  
JACKIE   Thanks! What a great surprise!  


#48. At Jackie's house



BEN   (arrives at Jackie's house) Hey, let me out! Come on! Let me out.   
ANNA   Sorry.   
BEN   I'm in the family too.    
JACKIE   Thank you.   
JACKIE   What's up?    
ANNA   We have a surprise for you.   
JACKIE   No way!   
ANNA   Yes!  
JACKIE   What is it?   
ANNA   We can't tell you. It's a surprise!  
JACKIE   Come on. Tell me.   
ANNA   No.  
JACKIE   Ben, tell me.  
BEN   No way!   
JACKIE   Come on.  
BEN   No way!   
ANNA   Close your eyes.   
ANNA&BEN   Step. Step.   
ANNA   No, almost. You're almost there. Don't open your eyes.   
JACKIE   Please, just a little peek?   
ANNA&BEN   No. Wait. Come in. Come in.   
  All right, ready? One, two, three, open!   
JACKIE   (pictures of Anna and Ben) Wow.   
BEN   lsn't it great? lsabel did it.   
JACKIE   Esabelle, I'm working on a Christmas project for Ben and Anna...   
  and there aren't any recent photos of me with the kids...   
  and l was l was   wondering if... you'd take some.   
ESABELLE   Sure. Love to.   
JACKIE   Thanks.  



#49. Jackie, Anna & Ben ride horses


BEN   Hey, guys, wait up. Wait up for me.   
ESABELLE   Stop right there for a second. Oh, Great. Perfect.   
  Benjamin, that's a dazzling display of horsemanship.   
BEN   Come on, you lazy hourse, get up!  


32 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:45 AM


    United Airlines annoinces the arrival of flight 86 service from Los Angeles.
    Deplaning passengers may be met at gate number 12.

  • 무진
    '13.7.8 8:47 AM

    유나이티트 항공사는 LA발 86기편이 도착했음을 알려드립니다.
    내리시는 승객들은 12번 출구에서 기다려주십시요.

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:45 AM


    Ok, so I'm gonna get your bags, and the taxis are just over there, ok?

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.8 10:53 AM


    자요. 그럼 당신 가방들을 가지고 올께요. 그리고 택시는 바로 저기에 있어요. 아시겠지요..?

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:46 AM

    A : Surprise!
    B : Why is she in a wheelchair?
    E : Sweety, she's traveled a long way and she's just tired, so give her a hug and be gentle.

    * 이자벨 말이 잘 안들리네요. 수정할 것 있으면 말씀해주세요.

  • Jane
    '13.7.8 7:34 PM

    A 써프라이즈!

    B 엄마가 왜 휠체어를 타고있지요?


  • Jane
    '13.7.8 7:39 PM

    *스마트폰으로 쓰느라 잘렸어요
    이사벨: 엄마는 먼길을 여행하셔서 그냥 피곤하신거야 그러니까 엄마 꼭 안아드리고 친절하게 대해드려

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:46 AM

    J : Look at this guy. Hi ! Let's go home, huh?
    E : Welcome back!
    J : Thanks! What a great surprise!

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 12:24 PM

    J : 애들 좀 봐. 안녕! 집에 가자!
    E : 돌아오신걸 환영해요.
    J : 고마워요! 정말 놀랐어요!

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:47 AM

    B : (arrive at Jackie's house, get off the car) Hey, let me out! Come on! Let me out.
    A : Sorry.
    B : I'm in the family too.

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 12:26 PM

    B : (재키의 집에 도착해서, 차에서 내리며) 나 좀 내려줘요! 어서요! 내려줘요!
    A : 미안.
    B : 나도 가족이란말이에요.

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:48 AM

    J : Thank you. What's up?
    A : We have a surprise for you.
    J : No way!
    A : Yes!

  • Jane
    '13.7.8 7:45 PM

    재키 : 고마워. 무슨 일이지?
    애나: 깜짝 이벤트를 준비했어요

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:48 AM

    J : What is it?
    A : We can't tell you. It's a surprise!
    J : Come on. Tell me.
    A : No.

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 12:27 PM

    J : 뭘까?
    A : 알려줄 수 없어요. 깜짝 선물이거든요!
    J : 어서, 알려줘.
    A : 안돼요.

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:49 AM

    J : Ben, tell me.
    B : No way!
    J : Come on.
    B : No way!
    A : Close your eyes. (go upstairs) Step. Step.

  • 무진
    '13.7.21 12:30 PM

    J : 벤, 말해줘.
    B : 안돼요!
    J : 어서.
    B : 안돼요!
    A : 눈을 감아요. (위층으로 올라가며) 한걸음, 한걸음

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:50 AM

    A : No, almost. You're almost there. Don't open your eyes.
    J : Please, just a little peek?
    A&B : No. Wait. Come in. Come in. All right, ready? One, two, three, open!

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.8 10:50 AM

    A : 거의. 거의다왔어요.눈뜨면 안돼요.
    J : 제발 ,아주 잠깐 살짝 볼까?
    A&B : 안돼요. 기다려요. 들어와요. 들어와요. 됐어요. 준비됐어요..? 하나 .둘.셋 눈떠요!!

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:50 AM

    J : (pictures of Anna and Ben) Wow.
    B : lsn't it great? lsabelle did it.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.7.8 10:52 AM

    J : (Anna 와 Ben의 사진들) 와우.
    B : 대단하지않아요..? lsabelle 이 했어요.

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:51 AM

    J : Esabelle, I'm working on a Christmas project for Ben and Anna and there aren't any recent photos of me with the kids...
    and l was l was wondering if... you'd take some.
    E : Sure. Love to.
    J : Thanks.

  • 무진
    '13.7.8 8:59 AM

    J : 이사벨, 벤과 애니를 위해 크리스마스 선물을 만들고 있는데 애들이랑 최근에 찍은사진이 없어서 말인데요...
    혹시 당신이 사진을 찍어줄 수 있는지...
    E : 물론이죠. 좋아요.
    J : 고마워요.

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 7:51 AM

    B : Hey, guys, wait up. Wait up for me.
    E : Stop right there for a second. Oh, Great. Perfect. Benjamin, that's a dazzling display of horsemanship.
    B : Come on, you lazy hourse, get up!

  • 무진
    '13.7.8 9:04 AM

    B : 엄마, 누나~기다려요. 나 좀 기다려줘요.
    E : 잠깐만 거기 멈춰봐. 오, 좋아, 아주 좋아. 벤자민! 승마타는 솜씨가 보통이 아닌데.
    B : 자, 얼른. 게으름뱅이 말들아~어서 가!

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 8:05 AM

    Ladies, Good morning?

    I hope you had a good weekend.
    I had. Went to my friend's wedding in Seoul with my baby and my mom,
    and bought some cute clothes for my girl.
    My girl's photobook was delivered and I was very satisfied with the result that I worked for over a month by myself.

    I don't know if is is a good news or bad news.
    This is the last weekd or our Stepmom study.
    I thought we've just started and it would take long time to finish, but we've done so much without knowing it.
    If it weren't you, I would not finish this study by myself, and I learnd a lot from you as I always say.
    Thank you ladies, and let's go for it to the end!

  • Jane
    '13.7.8 8:01 PM

    It's been a great pleasure for me to join all of you every morning. I feel like we are some kind of family or friends and i dont want say good bye to you guys. And i also strongly hope our study will be continued

  • 14. 무진
    '13.7.8 9:06 AM

    I'm good all the time at this time of the day.
    I really want to see your girl and her first album that I could imagine as a good work.

    As for me, this study has been interesting, useful and productive since I started studying the script that is the firt time for me to study. Thanks a million^^

    The thing I say is that I'd like to keep studying another script.
    I know and understand your effort and posting up a script every morning is very difficult and a kind of bothersome but I hope not to be over this study with this movie.

    Hey, ladies~what do you think my idea that this study keep going with another one even if I don't know what kind of movie can be helpful for improving English skills .
    In additon, I don't have any movie scripts...

    Anyway, I surely appreciate your effort and your dilligence~

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 9:13 AM

    Thank you for saying so, and I'm happy to study with you.

    Yeah, I don't want to stop our study by Stepmom, 'cause I could learn live English in the movie.
    And if you would keep studying with the movie, I will keep posting the script.
    But I won't be able to do it in Aug 'cause I have to prepare for a test on Aug.31.

    Please recommand any movie.
    I'll be back in Sep. :-)

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 12:35 PM

    You can see some of my girl's photo here


    Seems like too private to open. :-)

  • 15. 그랜맘
    '13.7.8 10:57 AM

    I feel it's just short while.
    It's too bad that we have to finish this study.

    To tell you the truth,it has been quite difficult for me.
    So I really learned a lot from you.
    I think I will try to improve my English skill.
    Anyway I'm happy to had a chance with all of you.

    Good luck with your test.
    Thank you very much~!!

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.8 12:38 PM

    Thanks 그랜맘님.
    I saw how your English getting better and better. :-)

    Thanks for your cheering, and I will do my best for the test...hopefully

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