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| 조회수 : 1,835 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-06-28 08:00:19

#38. In the restaurant


LUKE   We'll beat it.   
JACKIE   lt's a walk in the park.   
LUKE   Yeah.   
JACKIE   Thanks for the ''we.''   
LUKE   You're not alone in this, you know.   
  You don't have to go through this by yourself. You know that.   
  You understand what I'm saying?   
JACKIE   What are we gonna tell the kids?   
LUKE   l think we should tell them the truth.   
  They can handle it.   
  lt should have been me instead of you.   
JACKIE   l'll go along with that.   



#39. In Jackie's house


LUKE   Look out. You didn't see. Got you.    
JACKIE   I don't understand what to do.    
ANNA   They're organic.   
JACKIE   Did he beat you? Look, 35 marshmallows. 35.  
  Your sister put them in.   
ANNA   So, what's going on? Who's gonna marry who this time?   
BEN   Mommy's marrying lsabel.    
JACKIE   Oh, so cute.   
  Um..no.. Guys, Mommy's sick.    
BEN   You still have the flu?   
JACKIE   No, I have cancer. Do you know what that is?   
ANNA   lt's what Aunt Mary died from.   
JACKIE   Aunt Mary had a different kind. There are lots of different kinds.   
  And hers was very, very bad.   
BEN   ls yours bad?   
JACKIE   l've been working with a doctor to get better for a while now,  
  and she says we have every reason to hope that I'm gonna be fine.   
  Check this out, Anna. Look at this. This is so cool.   
ANNA   No, it's okay.   
JACKIE   Look at this. l don't even have to go to the hospital to get my medicine.   
  It just comes right on this.  
BEN   It looks like Game Boy.  
JACKIE   Kind of. lt,s gonna make me strong so l can fight the disease, cool, huh?  

39 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:01 AM

    L : We'll beat it.
    J : lt's a walk in the park.
    L : Yeah.
    J : Thanks for the ''we.''

  • 무진
    '13.6.28 9:34 AM

    L : 우린 이겨낼 수 있어.
    J : 쉬운 일이죠. (아무일도 아니에요.)
    L : 그래.
    J : "우리"라고 해줘서 고마워요.

    *It's a cinch. or It's a piece of cake. or It's a walk in the park. or It's (as) easy as apple pie[duck soup]. (출처:두산 동아) 그건 식은 죽 먹기야

  • Jane
    '13.6.28 9:36 AM

    L : We'll beat it. 우린 이걸 이겨낼 수 있어
    J : lt's a walk in the park. 식은 죽 먹기죠
    L : Yeah. 당연하지
    J : Thanks for the ''we.'' '우리'라 해줘서 고마워요

  • Jane
    '13.6.28 9:40 AM

    What a nice coincidence, 무진!

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:01 AM

    LUKE :

    You're not alone in this, you know.
    You don't have to go through this by yourself. You know that.
    You understand what I'm saying?

  • 무진
    '13.6.28 9:40 AM

    이 일에 있어 당신은 혼자가 아니야, 당신도 알다시피.
    당신 혼자서 이것을 (병을) 헤쳐나갈 필요없어. 알고 있겠지.
    내가 무슨 말하는지 알겠어?

  • Jane
    '13.6.28 10:00 AM

    당신은 혼자가 아닌 거 알지.
    당신 혼자 외롭게 (어려움을 ) 겪지 않아도 돼.
    내말이 무슨 뜻인지 알지?

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:01 AM

    J : What are we gonna tell the kids?
    L : l think we should tell them the truth. They can handle it.

  • Jane
    '13.6.28 10:07 AM

    J: 아이들에겐 뭐라고 말하죠?
    L: 사실대로 말해야 할 것 같애. 아이들은 견뎌낼 수 있어.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:02 AM

    L : lt should have been me instead of you.
    J : (laughs) l'll go along with that.

  • Jane
    '13.6.28 10:10 AM

    L: 당신이 아니라 나였어야 하는데.
    J:(웃으며) 동감이에요.

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:02 AM

    LUKE (plays chess with Ben) :

    Look out. You didn't see. Got you.

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.1 2:51 PM

    루크(벤과 체스놀이 중) : 잘봐. 못봤구나. 잡았다.

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:03 AM

    J : I don't understand what to do.
    A : They're organic.
    J : (to Ben) Did he beat you? Look, 35 marshmallows. 35. Your sister put them in.

  • 무진
    '13.6.28 9:46 AM

    J : 뭘 하는지 이해 할 수 없구나.
    A : 그것들은 유기농 이잖아요.
    J : (벤에게) 아빠가 너를 이겼니? 자, 봐봐. 마시맬로우 35개. 누나가 35개나 넣었단다.

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:04 AM

    A : So, what's going on? Who's gonna marry who this time?
    B : Mommy's marrying lsabel.
    J : Oh, so cute.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.28 10:58 AM

    A : 그런데 무슨일이에요..? 이번엔 누가 누구랑 결혼하게 되나요..?
    B : 엄마와 이자벨이 결혼한대.
    J : 아이구..귀염둥이.

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:04 AM

    J : Um..no.. Guys, Mommy's sick.
    B : You still have the flu?
    J : No, I have cancer.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.28 10:59 AM

    J : 음.. 애들아..엄마가 아프단다.
    B : 아직도 감기에요..?
    J : 아니.. 나는 암이야.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:04 AM

    J : Do you know what that is?
    A : lt's what Aunt Mary died from.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.28 11:01 AM

    J : 너희들 그게 뭔지 아니..?
    A : 그거 바로 Mary 이모를 죽게한...

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:04 AM

    JACKIE :

    Aunt Mary had a different kind.
    There are lots of different kinds.
    And hers was very, very bad.

  • 그랜맘
    '13.6.28 11:04 AM

    JACKIE :

    Mary 이모는 좀 다른것이었어.
    다른것들이 많았지.
    그녀가 앓았던 암은 훨씬 더 나쁜것이었어.

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:05 AM

    B : ls yours bad?
    J : l've been working with a doctor to get better for a while now,
    and she says we have every reason to hope that I'm gonna be fine.

  • 무진
    '13.6.28 9:56 AM

    B : 엄마도 나쁜가요?
    J : 엄마는 더 좋아지려고 의사 선생님이랑 지금 잠시동안 치료를 하고 있고,
    의사선생님이 엄마가 충분히 좋아질 수 있다고 하는구나.
    (직역을 하면 : 의사선생님은 엄마가 좋아지기를 바랄만한 충분한 이유를 우리가 가지고 있다고 말하는구나)

    ** have every reason to do
    ~할 만한 충분한 이유가 있다

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:05 AM

    J : Check this out, Anna. Look at this. This is so cool.
    A : No, it's okay.

  • Jane
    '13.6.28 10:03 AM

    이거 한번 봐 애나야, 이것봐. 멋있지?
    아뇨. 됐어요. (보고 싶지 않다는 뜻인 듯.)

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:05 AM

    JACKIE :

    Look at this. l don't even have to go to the hospital to get my medicine.
    It just comes right on this.

  • Jane
    '13.6.28 10:04 AM

    여기 봐. 약타러 병원 갈 필요조차 없다니까.
    바로 여기서 이렇게 나와.

  • 14. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:05 AM

    B : It looks like Game Boy.
    J : Kind of. lt,s gonna make me strong so l can fight the disease, cool, huh?

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.1 2:51 PM

    B : 휴대용 게임기 같아요.
    J : 비슷해. 엄마가 병하고 싸울 수 있도록 엄마를 튼튼하게 만들어줄거야, 멋있지?

  • 15. 뽁찌
    '13.6.28 8:08 AM

    It's already Friday.
    Time flies like an arrow, really.

    Any plans for weekend?
    I'm gonna take pictures with my fam for my girl's 1st birthday.
    Have a nice weekend, and be happy always, ladies!

  • 16. 무진
    '13.6.28 9:24 AM

    Congraturations on your daughter's birthday!^^
    It woube a great time for you and your family.
    My weenkend plans? Mmm..
    My dauhter's usually as busy as bee due to her studies
    so mabye I'm going to do something for her such as cooking , taking her to the academy and so on....
    Anyway, Ladies enjoy your weekend to the fullest~

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.1 8:10 AM

    Thank you for your comments and sorry for my late reply.
    My fam took a great picture thanks to you.
    Hope you had a nice weekend with your daughter also!

  • 17. Jane
    '13.6.28 9:57 AM

    Good morning, ladies!

    And I also congratulate you on your daughter's very first birthday, 뽁찌!
    Please try to enjoy every minute of the moment with your baby, cause time flies like an arrow, and before you know it, your adorable baby will soon grow into a lady.

    As for my weekend plan, I'm going to prepare some 'decent' dishes for my family,
    which I always do on weekends.

    I hope every one of you have a great weekend!

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.1 8:12 AM

    Thanks for your words, and I will keep your words in mind.
    I try to focus on the moment spending with my girl, although it's never enough.

    Offered 'decent' dishes to your fam?
    Wow, how lucky are they!

  • 18. 무진
    '13.6.28 9:59 AM

    'decent' That sounds really tasty! I'm drooling alreay now^^

  • 19. 그랜맘
    '13.6.28 11:14 AM

    Let's go to the 뽁찌's party~!! ^^

    Congraturations on your daughter's 1st birthday too ~!!
    I think I can imagine your lovely baby.
    Have a great time~

    Good morning, ladies!
    You always have been had busy time for your work and family.
    I even feel guilty about my peaceful time and laziness.
    But I think busy days were the greatest time in my life.
    Nice weekend ladies~!!

  • 뽁찌
    '13.7.1 8:14 AM

    Thank you very much!

    Your peaceful moment is not given for free, I think.
    And I don't believe you are lazy, 'cause there are tons of things to to in the countryside.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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