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똑똑한 82님들 영문에 주어를 찾아주세요.

도와주세요 조회수 : 728
작성일 : 2024-04-20 15:08:30

States may, if they so wish, waive claims as to their own rights.  But they cannot waive claims for reparation of serious breaches of rights that are not theirs, rights that are inherent to the human person. Any purported waiver to this effect runs against the international public; is in breach of jus cogens, this broader outlook, in a higher scale of values, is in line with the vision of the so-called “founding fathers” of the law of nations (the droit des gens, the jus gentium), and with what I regard as the most lucid trend of contemporary international legal thinking.


번역기 돌려가면서 보고 있는데요


is in breach of jus cogens, this broader outlook, in a higher scale of values, is in line with the vision of 이 문장의 주어는 어디에 있는지요?? waiver??  아니면 앞 문장 전체인건가요??


도와주세요. ㅠㅠ

IP : 182.216.xxx.216
7 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 0ㅇㅇ0
    '24.4.20 3:37 PM (125.168.xxx.44)

    States may, if they so wish, waive claims as to their own rights. But they cannot waive claims for reparation of serious breaches of rights that are not theirs, rights that are inherent to the human person. Any purported waiver to this effect runs against the international ordre public, is in breach of jus cogens. This broader outlook, in a higher scale of values, is in line with the vision of the so-called 'founding fathers' of the law of nations (the droit des gens, the jus gentium), and with what I regard as the most lucid trend of contemporary international legal thinking.
    이게 원 문장이고요. ( This broader outlook 부터는 새로운 문장임)
    질문의 답은 Any purported waiver to this effect가 주어요.

  • 2. ...
    '24.4.20 3:44 PM (221.154.xxx.170)

    Any purported waiver to this effect 가 주어고 해당하는 동사는 runs....: 이후 내용은 즉 이나 다시 말하면으로 설명해 주는 내용인거 같습니다

  • 3. 역시 능력자
    '24.4.20 3:47 PM (182.216.xxx.216) - 삭제된댓글

    and with what I regard as the most lucid trend of contemporary international legal thinking.
    댓글님 고맙습니다. 그러면 마지막 문장은 도대체 주어 술어는 어디에 있나요.. ㅠㅠ

  • 4. 역시 능력자
    '24.4.20 3:49 PM (182.216.xxx.216)

    댓글님 고맙습니다.
    그러면 마지막 본문에
    and with what I regard as the most lucid trend of contemporary international legal thinking. 여기서 주어 술어는 어디에 있나요 ㅠ

  • 5. 0ㅇㅇ0
    '24.4.20 3:50 PM (125.168.xxx.44)

    마지막 문장의 주어는 This broader outlook
    동사는 is (in line with the vision of the so-called 'founding fathers' of the law of nations (the droit des gens, the jus gentium), and with what I regard as the most lucid trend of contemporary international legal thinking.)

  • 6. wendy
    '24.4.20 3:56 PM (116.125.xxx.59)

    This broader outlook(S)~ is(V) in line (1)with ~, and (2)with what I regard as the most lucid trend of contemporary international legal thinking.

    즉, This broader outlook(S)~ is(V) in line with가 병렬로 두 개 이어진 1형식 문장

  • 7. 역시
    '24.4.21 1:41 AM (39.116.xxx.202)

    감사해요. 지우지 말아주시고 두고 두고 공부하겠습니다. 감사해요. 좋은 밤 되시고요.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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