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굿럭 조회수 : 296
작성일 : 2010-04-08 11:55:19
With the medication, the patient’s redness and edema were improved by around 30% without any particular side effect, so we administered the patient with a drug and experienced a remarkable decrease in the symptoms.  

and was fixed through a skin incision of around 2 cm above and below the needle, and the abdomen was incised around 10cm long and a space was made between the subcutaneous layers for inserting a drug pump .

The catheter from the spinal canal was drawn to the space prepared for drug pump and connected to the drug pump, and then the drug pump was inserted and fixed.  

IP : 123.213.xxx.2
1 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ..영어바보
    '10.4.8 12:28 PM (69.250.xxx.1)

    the medication reduced the patient’s redness and edema by around 30% without any particular side effect. A remarkable decrease in the symptoms was noticed after we administered the patient with a drug.

    (and was fixed through a skin incision of around 2 cm above and below the needle, and the abdomen was incised around 10cm long and a space was made between the subcutaneous layers for inserting a drug pump .) 이부분은 특별히 더 줄일만한 여지가 없네요..제 능력으로는..

    The catheter from the spinal canal was drawn to the space which is prepared for inserting, fixing and connecting the drug pump to it.

    The catheter from the spinal canal was drawn to the space prepared for drug pump and connected to the drug pump, and then the drug pump was inserted and fixed.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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