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[도전 영어달인]오늘의 200단어--Eat, drink, be wary when wolf at door

리치코바 조회수 : 482
작성일 : 2008-10-19 10:31:43
Eat, drink, be wary when wolf at door

The Ottawa Mission hosted busier than usual Thanksgiving dinners on 13th, but while demand was high organizers don’t think the recent economic uncertainty is behind the increase. At least, not yet.

“I imagine it’s going to take a little while, if it’s going to trickle down to here, because we’re fairly far down the chain,” said Mission executive director Diane Morrison. The turmoil that has plagued world markets of late does more immediately threaten something the Mission relies on, though: Community donations. “Our concern is that 55 per cent of our budget is donations. It all depends on what happens with people’s stock … because they are the people that donate to us.”

Mike Martin, who has been homeless for a number of years and currently resides at the Mission, predicted that few of the clients enjoying their holiday dinner would be paying attention to the drama that’s surrounding stock markets world wide. “That’s way out of their league. It’s off their minds entirely,” he said. “They don’t worry about it. They worry about their next meal or where they’re going to sleep next.”

A hundred and twenty volunteers served meals on 13th, helping serve up 2,000 pounds of oven-roast turkey, 600 pounds of baked ham, 225 apple pies and 50 gallons of gravy, among other treats. (217 words)

______ minutes  ______ seconds

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