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해외 언론 보도

조회수 : 337
작성일 : 2008-07-09 20:09:00
But the move provoked a backlash over health concerns spurred in part by false media reports about risks, along with a sense that South Korea had backed down too easily to American pressure.

On the many new BSE-related websites that have sprung-up in the last week, the language is little short of hysterical. Pseudo-science, anti-Americanism and teenage angst have produced a staggering volume of web traffic.

These campaigns expose the extent to which Asian democracies are still twisted by authoritarian traditions. Larry Diamond, a foremost democracy expert at Stanford University, traces the protest ringleaders in Korea to "a radical anti-American, left-wing generation that grew up during the 1980s in the resistance to military rule … and has now reached positions of leadership in civil society, the media and elsewhere." Today they use the same hardball tactics they honed against dictators to undermine democratic leaders. In Taiwan, the impulse to follow "an undemocratic path to pull someone down" comes naturally to a society with "a long tradition of rule by humans, rather than rule of law," says Prof. Liao Da-chi of National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung. In Thailand, everyone is familiar with military coups, and behaves accordingly. Even Thaksin's supporters show what Diamond calls a "willingness to violate the spirit of democracy."

Sued Deutsche
Dass viele Lee selbst ins Amt gehoben haben, scheint vergessen zu sein. Man will die Wahlentscheidung korrigieren. Gerade demokratisch ist dies nicht. Das gilt auch für die Vergleiche mit dem Sturz der Diktatur vor 21 Jahren, die jetzt gemacht werden. So dürfte Südkoreas Politik in einer Phase, da die Beziehungen zu Nordkore und den USA neu definiert werden müssten, vorerst gelähmt bleiben. Aus dieser Sackgasse hilft kein Kerzenlicht.
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