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원전폐쇄가 2-30년 간다는 상황이고, 방사능 유출이 몇달을 가네, 1년을 가네하는 상황이어서 이런 오염상황이 반갑지는 않네요.
그런데 그린피스의 발표가 안 나오는건 이상하네요.
1. 참맛
'11.4.1 1:48 AM (121.151.xxx.92)http://media.daum.net/breakingnews/foreign/view.html?cateid=1007&newsid=20110...
2. 저도봤는데요
'11.4.1 7:55 AM (123.99.xxx.182)http://www.tourismandaviation.com/news-7773--High_Radiation_Levels_Found_in_S...
요거 다시찾는다고.. 어제 봤던건데..
There is no contradiction between Greenpeace data and local data,” he said. “The contradiction is between the data, and action to help people” in the affected areas.
The organization recommended that the government move more aggressively to evacuate residents near the complex.
But Mr. van de Putte declined to say whether he recommended expanding the Japanese government’s evacuation zone beyond the 19-mile band that is now the de facto standard after officials last week began encouraging people 12 to 19 miles from the plant to leave.
The American government has recommended that people stay at least 50 miles away from the plant.