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UFO 사진입니다.

| 조회수 : 1,367 | 추천수 : 22
작성일 : 2004-08-13 09:07:42
My family used to visit the Ocean City shore often in the summer. This picture was taken by an old brownie camera around 1956 in Ocean City new Jersey. My Aunt and Uncle are in the picture and the big guy behind them is my father. They are all deceased now. I was approximately 5 or 6 years old at the time. In the photo I noticed that a few of the people were looking in the direction of the object. When I first showed this photo to my wife she didn't notice the UFO. I told her it might be a UFO and she said she didn't think anything of it because it looked like a wave to her ? It is possible this is why it went unnoticed for all of these years. I do not remember my parents mentioning it. I do not know who took the picture but I may be one of the little boys in the picture looking at the object.

제가 달, 화성, UFO 등의 자료 사진을 좀 가지고 있는데 여러분이 좋다하시면 계속 소개해 드리겠습니다..
4 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 리디아
    '04.8.13 9:30 AM


    더 구경시켜주세요!

  • 2. 홍이
    '04.8.13 10:08 AM

    더 소개해주세요

  • 3. 은맘
    '04.8.13 3:38 PM

    UFO가 정말 있을까요?????
    정말 외계인이 있을까요?????

    만약 있다면 좋은 외계인들만 있었슴 좋겠는데.... V같은 일이 일어나면 큰큰큰일 나잖아여.
    사진 더 보여주세요.

  • 4.
    '04.8.17 2:03 PM

    와우~! 부라보~ e놀라운 세상~

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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