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양배추 다이어트 영문 지침

ㅇㅇ 조회수 : 471
작성일 : 2009-11-26 11:34:39
Day One:
Fruit: Eat all of the fruit you want (except bananas). Eat only your soup and the fruit for the first day. For drinks- unsweetened teas, cranberry juice and water.

Day Two:
Vegetables: Eat until you are stuffed will all fresh, raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. Try to eat leafy green vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas and corn. Eat all the vegetables you want along with your soup. At dinner, reward yourself with a big baked potato with butter. Do not eat fruit today.

Day Three:
Mix Days One and Two: Eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want. No Baked Potato.

Day Four:
Bananas and Skim Milk: Eat as many as eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you would like on this day, along with your soup. This day is supposed to lessen your desire for sweets.

Day Five:
Beef And Tomatos: Ten to twenty ounces of beef and up to six fresh tomtoes. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water this day to wash the uric acid from your body. Eat your soup at least once this day. You may eat broiled or baked chicken instead of beef (but absolutely no skin-on chicken). If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef one one of the beef days (but not both).

Day Six:
Beef and Vegetables: Eat to your heart's content of beef and vegetables this day. You can even have 2 or 3 steaks if you like, with leafy green vegetables. No Baked Potato. Eat your soup at least once.

Day Seven:
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables: Again stuff, stuff, stuff yourself. Be sure to eat your soup at least once this day.

우리나라에 소개된 게 쪼~끔 더 지키기 어렵고 지킨다면 효과는 더 좋을 것 같네요.
여긴 둘째날 보상으로 감자+버터가 있으니까요ㅋ

엄마랑 같이 하려고 알아보고 있는데 7일 기간을 잡기가 어렵네요~
식사약속이랑도 안 겹쳐야하는데 그렇다고 확 나중에 하기도 그렇고…
토요일만 어떻게 하면 좋을텐데;;
IP : 123.111.xxx.143
1 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ^^
    '09.11.26 12:39 PM (118.32.xxx.197)

    전 82에 도는 레시피로 했는데
    넷째날, 바나나랑 우유에 커피타서 급히 먹다가 체했던 기억이 있어요 ㅋㅋ
    바나나를 먹으려니 어찌나 좋던지.. 그래서 심하게 체해서 고생했죠, 암것두 못먹고.
    다여트 때문인지, 체해서 한동안 음식을 잘 못먹었던 때문인지는 모르겠지만,
    살은 많이 빠졌었어요. ㅋㅋ

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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