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뉴욕타임즈의 최상훈 (Choe Sang-Hun) 기자

NYT 조회수 : 1,384
작성일 : 2009-05-23 15:59:25
이 기자가 쓰는 한국에 대한 기사를 볼 때마다 좀 울컥하는 기분이 들 때가 많았는데...오늘 노무현 전대통령 서거 관련 기사에서도 역시 평소 제 느낌을 재확인시켜주는군요.  뉴욕타임즈 기자가 쓴 글 답지 않게 이 분 기사는 왜 이리 ㅈㅈㄷ스러운지...한국의 주류언론에서 취재정보를 얻기 때문일까요?

기사의 마지막 두 문단의 내용은 대충 이렇습니다:

"정치적으로 독불장군이던 전직 인권/노동 변호사 노무현은 2002년도에 젊은 유권자들의 민족주의 -- 때로는 반미주의 -- 를 등에 업고 대통령으로 당선되었다.  그는 선거 유세 당시 자신은 미국에 아부하지 않는 최초의 대한민국 대통령이 되겠다고 선언한 것으로 유명하다.

하지만 외교문제에 있어서의 한국의 습관적인 대미의존으로부터 벗어나고자 했던 그의 노력은 많은 한국인들을 그로부터 멀어지게 했다."

사실은 사실인데...이 내용이 노무현 전대통령 서거 기사에 굳이 왜 필요한지...그것도 미국인들이 많이 보는 유력 일간지 기사에 말입니다...정말 안습ㅠㅠ

(기사 전문)

South Korean Ex-President Kills Himself

Published: May 22, 2009

SEOUL, South Korea — Former President Roh Moo-hyun of South Korea, whose reputation as an upstanding political leader had been tarnished recently by a corruption scandal, committed suicide on Saturday by jumping off a cliff near his retirement home, according to his aides and the police.

Mr. Roh, 62, died while he was hiking on a hill in Bongha, a village near the southeast corner of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, Mr. Roh’s former presidential chief of staff, said during a news conference. He left a brief will for his family, Mr. Moon said.

Mr. Roh suffered fatal head injuries and was declared dead in a hospital in Pusan, the largest regional city, said Park Chan-jo, a police officer. Mr. Roh was accompanied by a bodyguard during his morning hike.

President Lee Myung-bak, Mr. Roh’s successor, found the news “difficult to believe,” his office said.

Mr. Roh, who had prided himself on being a clean politician during his term from 2003 to 2008, was questioned for 10 hours on April 30 by state prosecutors over his alleged involvement in a corruption scandal that has already landed some of his relatives and aides in jail.

“I can’t look you in the face because of shame,” Mr. Roh told reporters before he presented himself for questioning by prosecutors in Seoul, who had accused him of taking $6 million in bribes from a businessman while in office. “I apologize for disappointing the people.”

In his last posting on his Web site, on April 22, he wrote, “You should now discard me.”

He added: “I no longer symbolize the values you pursue. I am no longer qualified to speak for such things as democracy, progressiveness and justice.”

His apology was typical for a South Korean politician, who is expected to take moral responsibility for a corruption scandal that implicated aides and relatives, even if Mr. Roh denied most of the bribery allegations against him. But prosecutors had been considering indicting him on bribery charges.

In recent weeks, several of his aides and relatives had been arrested or questioned on charges of taking bribes. His elder brother also was arrested in December on bribery charges.

Prosecutors suspected that Mr. Roh, while president, solicited a total of $6 million from a shoe manufacturer, payments that are alleged to have been made to his wife, his son and his brother’s son-in-law. Both his wife and son have been questioned by the prosecutors.

Mr. Roh’s case, which involves a relatively unknown businessman, appeared relatively minor in scandal-ridden South Korean politics. Former presidents Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo were imprisoned in the 1990s for collecting hundreds of millions of dollars from the nation’s biggest conglomerate.

The scandal and the ensuing criticism from his political enemies dealt a devastating blow to Mr. Roh.

A former human rights and labor lawyer considered a political maverick, Mr. Roh swept into power in the December 2002 election on the crest of nationalistic — and sometimes anti-American — sentiments among young voters. During his campaign he famously declared that he would be the first South Korean leader “not to kowtow to the Americans.”

But his efforts to free South Korea from its traditional dependence on Washington in its diplomacy alienated many South Koreans.
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