드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방
프랑스 원전, 기계실서 폭발 발생 '방사능 유출 無'
후쿠시마의 교훈 조회수 : 1,236
작성일 : 2017-02-10 07:47:32
IP : 116.32.xxx.138
1 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
1. ㅇㄱ
'17.2.10 7:50 AM (116.32.xxx.138)A new third-generation reactor known as EPR is being built at Flamanville and will be the world’s largest when it goes into operation in late 2018.
The design of the new reactor is the same as the one planned at Hinkley Point C, which will be the UK’s first new nuclear power station in two decades.
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