2. In September 2013, Dr. Soo-Myung “Sam” Ahn (“Dr. Ahn”) was Ahntech’s Chairman ofthe Board, President, Secretary, and Chief Financial Officer. Ms. Aija Ahn (“Ms. Ahn”) was anemployee of Ahntech and a Member of Ahntech’s Board of Directors.
3. On September 1, 2013, Dr. Ahn and Ms. Ahn attempted to travel to North Korea via Beijing, China, to explore business opportunities. While in Beijing, China, Dr. and Ms. Ahn metwith a North Korean national who represented herself as a North Korean government official todiscuss foreign investments and business opportunities in North Korea.
안박사와 부인은 2013년 9월 1일자로 중국 베이증을 통해 북한으로 여행하려고 시도를 하였다. 북경에 있는동안 이들 부부는
북한 정부 대변자라는 사람 한명 을 만나, 북한 내의 비지니스에 대하여 이야기하였다.
4. After failing to obtain flights to North Korea, on September 11, 2013, Dr. and Ms. Ahn returned to the United States.
5. After Mr. Ahn and Ms. Ahn returned to the United States, government officials searched Mr. Ahn’s laptop. This search concluded: a. Mr. Ahn told North Korean officials he was a defense contractor and the owner of AhnTech. Mr. Ahn also communicated he possessed a Top Secret clearance and wasknowledgeable on US. Navy anti-submarine warfare information. b. Additionally, the Mr. Ahn intended to bring North Korean nationals to Japan to work on projects for the US. Department of Defense. c. Finally, Mr. Ahn’s computer contained information about Ahntech’s contracts.
북한 여행은 실패했지만, 미국에 돌아온 후 미국 정부는 안박사의 랩탑을 검사했고, 결론은 1) 북한 정부에게 자기가 어떤 일을
하는지, 그리고 2) 자기는 미국 해군 잠수함에 대한 top secret 정보를 가지고 있다고 북측에 이야기해줬다. 또한, 3) 안박사는
북한사람을 일본으로 데려가 미국 국방부 프로젝트 일을 같이하려고 했다. 마지막으로, 4) 안박사의 컴퓨터는 당시 북한 정부
사람을 만난 당시 미국국방부와 안테크(안박사 회사)의 중요 비밀 계약정보가 저장되어 있었다.
6. On September 26, 2013, the Defense Security Service (“DSS”) suspended Dr. Ahn’sSecret security clearance. On November 22, 2013, Ahntech received notice that its facilityclearance had been invalidated due to the suspension of Dr. Ahn’s security clearance.
7. On October 4, 2013, in light of DSS’s suspension of Dr. Ahn’s security clearance, Dr.Ahn resigned as the Chairman of the Board, President, Secretary, and Chief Financial Officer ofAhntech. Ahntech ultimately terminated Dr. Ahn’s employment on December 23, 2013.
안박사는 보안 등급이 정지되었고, 그에 따라 안테크도 시설 허가는 무효화되었다. DSS의 안박사에 대한 제제에 따라,
안박사는 회사를 그만뒀고, 안테크는 안박사의 고용을 2013년 12월 23일자로 끝냈다.
15. On March 28, 2014, Ahntech provided a Supplemental Response to the Air Force. TheSupplemental Response provided details on: (1) Ahntech’s new tone from the top on ethics andcompliance; (2) the Company’s appointment of a Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer (“CECO”);(3) Ahntech’s adoption and distribution of a Code of Ethics & Business Conduct; (4) theCompany’s engagement of NAVEX Global to provide ethics and compliance training to everyAhntech employee, with an internally-developed training program to be provided in the interim;(5) Ahntech’s engagement of Ethical Advocate to establish an ethics helpline; and (6) theCompany’s commitment to working closely with AMI to improve its ethics and complianceprogram.
16. On April 8, 2014, Ahntech’s Vice President of Operations, CECO, IM, and counsel met with the Air Force to discuss the additional improvements the Company had made since theinitial meeting.
17. The Air Force and Ahntech agree that FAR Subpart 9.407 provides a legally sufficientbasis for Ahntech’s suspension. This Agreement is intended to provide assurances to theGovernment that Ahntech can be presently responsible and, notwithstanding the bases forsuspension, the Company can be trusted to deal fairly and honestly with the Government.Subject to execution of this agreement, the Air Force agrees, based upon the facts currentlyknown, to terminate the suspension of Ahntech.
즉, 글을 읽어보시면 아시겠지만, 미구 공군은 안수명 박사 부부에 대한 스파이 의혹을 아직까지 가지고 있으며 단지 회사가