학교 기말고사 논술형시험에 쓰려고 합니다.여기서 혹시 어법상 틀린 것이 있는지 좀 봐주세요.내 미래의 청사진에대해 소개하는 간단한 글 입니다.
(문장이 되게 단순합니다)
I am interested in taking care of animals. So, I want to be a vet in the future.
I will learn about biology and zoology while I study in the university. After I graduate from
the school, at the age of 27, I will work at the veterinary clinic at least 5 years
to learn about skills. As soon as I learn how to work at the veterinary clinic, I want to open my own veterinary
clinic. I like animals so much,so I will do volunteer work for people whose animals need diagnosises.