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급) 영어번역 부탁드려요.
1. ............
'12.10.22 6:03 AM (121.164.xxx.129)South Africa may have several.
Administrative capital, the legislative capital, and pretoria cape town bloemfontein, the judicial capital.
In particular, harmonized with the mild climate, historic buildings, such as the Cape Town is a popular tourist city.2. ****
'12.10.22 6:04 AM (121.157.xxx.196)감사합니다.
좋은하루 되세요.3. ㅡ.ㅡ;;;;
'12.10.22 6:20 AM (80.203.xxx.221)번역기 돌린거 같은데요 첫 댓글..... ;;;;;;;;;
'12.10.22 6:24 AM (68.54.xxx.183)Republic of South Africa has several capital cities.
Cape Town, the largest of the three, is the legislative capital. Pretoria is the administrative capital. Bloemfontein is the judicial capital.
Especially, Cape Town has many tourist visit to enjoy an Mediterranean climate, with mild, moderately wet winters and dry, warm summer and beautiful historic site.5. ***
'12.10.22 6:32 AM (121.157.xxx.196)저도 지금 열심히 번역기 다시 돌리는 중이였는데.. 모두 감사드려요.
6. 애 숙제 같은데
'12.10.22 7:24 AM (49.176.xxx.50)못하면 못한채 가서.지도를 받아야지
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