She actually said it, Then poor little patti,
She said it in class. My very best friend,
It sounded so nasty, She opened her mouth
It sounded so crass. And she said it again.
The children stared, "Bad words, bad words!"
The teacher scowled, We all began to chant.
The custodian cried, "Never! Never! Never!
The principal howled. Never say the words.... I CAN'T."
영어가 너무 짧아 번역이 뒤죽박죽이 되어버리네요
영어 고수이신분들.. 도와주세요
정말 정말 부탁드릴께요
귀찮으시겠지만 도와주세요
초등3학년 숙제입니다 (여긴 외국이예요)