Expired Password
RJS(true, false, false, function(){function auiOpenHelpWindow (helpUrl){var newWindow = ariba.Dom.openWindow(helpUrl, '', 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=700px,height=720px');newWindow.focus();}});
... Your password has expired. Follow these instructions to complete this step: Create a new password and confirm. Select a secret question and answer it so that it can be used if you require assistance to log in. To make a change, you must update the values in every field.
RJS(true, false, false, function(){ariba.Widgets.registerHintMessage('_yzc7a');});Passwords are case-sensitive, and must be between 8 and 16 characters long. They can include any Latin characters and punctuation marks, and must include at least one numeral between the first and last character. They must also include at least one letter. For example, go2ariba.
The answer to the secret question must contain at least 5 characters.