아마존에서 그릇류를 구매했는데 미국 배송 중 컵 2개가 깨졌어요. 그래서 리턴 신청을 했는데 온 메일입니다.
환불보다는 새 컵을 받고 싶다면 옵션 1을 선택하면 되겠지요?
그러면 http://www.amazon.com/rsvp-mi?c=hdvvfhfb3269343860&q=o2r
요 링크로 가서 옵션 1을 하겠다고 글을 작성하면 되는 것 같은데 맞는지..요?
교환은 깨진 컵을 보내고 새 컵을 받는 건지 절차가 어찌되는지 알 수가 없네요.(메일에 나와 있진 않죠?)
궁금한 게 많은데 영어가 딸려서, 아시는 분들께 부탁드려 봅니다.
Im sorry for the problem you experienced with this shipment.
Im not able to replace individual pieces from a set.
You have the following 3 options.
Would you like us to create a free replacement for this item, well replace individual pieces from a set and you need to return the item to us.
Would you like to keep the remaining set for a refund of $10.00.
Would you prefer a full refund for return of this item.
Id like to help, but Im not sure about option of your preference. Please let us know which option youd prefer and well take care of it for you.
Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested:
Once we receive this information we can take further action.
Thanks for your patience. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Im committed to providing world class customer service. Please tell me how I did by clicking the appropriate link below.
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If not, Im very sorry. Please click the link below. Youll also have the opportunity to contact Amazon via phone for immediate help with this problem.