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뉴욕타임즈가 보도한 안철수신드롬
1. Neutronstar
'11.11.21 10:51 PM (114.206.xxx.37)아무리 읽어봐도 발췌하신 내용은 원문에 없는데요..
2. 어
'11.11.21 10:58 PM (112.151.xxx.112)있어요 저도 클릭해서 읽었는데 조금 아랫부분에 있어요
3. 외신
'11.11.21 11:09 PM (175.117.xxx.11)두번째 페이지도 보셔야죠. 기사가 두페이지로 나눠져있네요.
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/15/world/asia/social-critic-captivates-voters-... Critic Captivates Voters in South Korea&st=cse&scp=14. 외신
'11.11.21 11:10 PM (175.117.xxx.11)He took on a national icon: Lee Kun-hee, the chairman of Samsung, whose elitism analysts say epitomizes South Korea’s national strategy of letting big business lead economic growth, in the expectation that society as a whole will benefit. Mr. Lee famously said, “We need talented people who can each create livelihoods for 10,000 people.”
“What he failed to add,” Mr. Ahn said in an interview this year with MBC-TV, “is that if someone keeps those 10,000 livelihoods for himself and takes more from others, then he’s no help to society, where all of us must live together.”