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Love Actually #22

| 조회수 : 3,277 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-11-01 07:27:23


PM   :  Hello. Sorry to disturb. Does Natalie live here?

Mia  :  No. She lives next door.

PM   :  Ah. Brilliant.

Mia  :  You're not who I think you are, are you?

PM   :  Yes and I'm sorry about all the cock-ups. My cabinet are absolute crap.

            We hope to do better next year. Merry Christmas to you.



[Scene #68]



PM         :  Ah. Hello. Is, er, Natalie in?

Natalie   :  Oh, where the fuck is my fucking coat? Oh. Hello.

PM         :  Hello.

Natalie   :  Erm, this is my mum and my dad and my Uncle Tony and my Auntie Glynne.

Woman  :  Hello.

PM         :  Very nice to meet you.

Natalie   :  And, erm...this is the Prime Minister.

Mom      :  Yes, we can see that, darling.

Natalie   :  And erm, unfortunately, we're very late.

Mom      :  It's the school Christmas concert, you see, David. And it’s the first time all the local schools have

                  joined together, even St Basil's, which is most…

Natalie   :  Too much detail, Mum.

Dad        :  Anyway, how can we help, sir?

PM         :  Well, I...just needed Natalie... on some state business.

Mom      :  Oh.

Dad       :  Right, yes. Of course. Right, er... Well, perhaps you should come on later, Plumpy. Er, Natalie.

PM         :  I don't want to make you late for the concert.

Natalie   :  No, it's nothing, really.

Mom      :  Keith'll be very disappointed.

Natalie   :  No, really, it doesn't matter.

Mom      :  The octopus costume's taken me months. Eight is a lot of legs, David.

PM         :  Mm. Erm... Listen, why don't I give you a lift and then we can talk about this state business business

                  in the car.

Natalie   :  OK.

Dad       :  Lovely, yes.

Mom      :  Thank you.

Man       :  Hold tight, everybody.

PM        :  How far is this place?

Natalie  :  Just round the corner.

PM        :  Ah, right. Well, er... I just wanted to say... thank you for the Christmas card.

Natalie  :  You 're welcome. Look, I'm so sorry about that day. I came in and he slinked towards me and

                 there was a fire and he's the President of the United States and nothing happened, I promise. I just

                 felt like such a fool because... I think about you all the time, actually. And I think you're the man that I


Kid        :  We're here.

Natalie  :  .. Love.

PM        :  Oh, wow. That really was just round the corner.

                 Well, look, l... I think I'd better not come in, you know? The last thing anyone wants is some sleazy

                 politician stealing the kids' thunder.

Natalie  :   No, please come. It'll be great.


PM         :  No, I...I better not. But I will be very sorry to drive away from you.

Natalie   :  Just give me one second…

26 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:27 AM

    PM : Hello. Sorry to disturb. Does Natalie live here?
    Mia : No. She lives next door.
    PM : Ah. Brilliant.

  • 탱크맘
    '13.11.15 8:46 AM

    PM : 안녕하세요? 방해해서 미안합니다. 나탈리가 여기 사나요?
    M : 아니요. 그녀는 옆집에 살아요.
    PM : 아. 그렇군요.

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:29 AM

    Mia : You're not who I think you are, are you?
    PM :
    Yes and I'm sorry about all the cock-ups. My cabinet are absolute crap.
    We hope to do better next year. Merry Christmas to you.

  • Since1996
    '13.12.12 12:24 PM - 삭제된댓글

    Mia :당신은 내가 생각하는 그 사람이 아니죠? 그렇죠?
    pm :맞아요 그리고 모든 실수에 대해 미안합니다. 저의 내각 관료들이 정말 바보들이에요.
    우리는 내년엔 더 잘 할거라고 기대합니다. 즐거운 성탄되세요

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:29 AM

    PM : Ah. Hello. Is, er, Natalie in?
    Natalie : Oh, where the fuck is my fucking coat? Oh. Hello.
    PM : Hello.
    Natalie : Erm, this is my mum and my dad and my Uncle Tony and my Auntie Glynne.

  • Since1996
    '13.12.12 12:28 PM - 삭제된댓글

    Pm. :아 여보세요. 어 나탈리 안에 있나요?
    Natalie: 오 젠장 내 코트는 어디 있는거야? 오! 안녕하세요.
    Pm: 안녕.
    Natalie: 엄, 여긴 저의 엄마 그리고 아빠 그리고 삼촌 토니 그리고 숙모 글린이에요.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:29 AM

    Woman : Hello.
    PM : Very nice to meet you.
    Natalie : And, erm...this is the Prime Minister.
    Mom : Yes, we can see that, darling.

  • Since1996
    '13.12.12 12:31 PM - 삭제된댓글

    Woman: 안녕하세요.
    Pm: 만나서 반갑습니다.
    Natalie: 그리고 엄... 여긴 프라임 미니스터예요.
    Mom: 그래, 우리도 알아

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:30 AM

    Natalie : And erm, unfortunately, we're very late.

    Mom :
    It's the school Christmas concert, you see, David. And it’s the first time all the local schools have
    joined together, even St Basil's, which is most…

    Natalie : Too much detail, Mum.

  • Since1996
    '13.12.12 12:39 PM - 삭제된댓글

    Natalie:또, 안타깝게도 우리 많이 늦었어.
    Mom: 이건 크리스마스 콘서트야, 너도 알지 데이빗.그리고 이건 처음으로 이 지역 모든 학교들이 다 같이 참여해서 하는 거라고
    심지어 st. Basil's까지도 (참가하는) 가장 .....
    Natalie: 너무 상세해 엄마

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:30 AM

    Dad : Anyway, how can we help, sir?
    PM : Well, I...just needed Natalie... on some state business.
    Mom : Oh.
    Dad : Right, yes. Of course. Right, er... Well, perhaps you should come on later, Plumpy.Er, Natalie

  • Since1996
    '13.12.12 12:48 PM - 삭제된댓글

    Dad:아무튼, 뭘 도와드릴까요,수상님?
    Pm: 그게, 전 단지 나탈리가 좀 필요해요... 업무상 관련해서
    Mom: 오.
    Dad: 맞아, 그래. 당연하지. 맞아, 어 .... 그럼, 어쩌면 넌 늦게 오겠구나. 통통이 나탈리

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:31 AM

    PM : I don't want to make you late for the concert.
    Natalie : No, it's nothing, really.
    Mom : Keith'll be very disappointed.
    Natalie : No, really, it doesn't matter.

  • Since1996
    '13.12.12 12:52 PM - 삭제된댓글

    Pm:난 네가 콘서트에 느게 만들고 싶지 않아.
    Natalie: 아니오, 콘서트는 별거 아니에요, 정말로.
    Mom: keith 가 정말 실망할텐데
    Natalie: 아니라니까요, 정말 문제 안되요

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:31 AM

    Mom : The octopus costume's taken me months. Eight is a lot of legs, David.
    PM : Mm. Erm... Listen, why don't I give you a lift and then we can talk about this state business business in the car.
    Natalie : OK.
    Dad : Lovely, yes.
    Mom : Thank you.

  • Since1996
    '13.12.12 12:57 PM - 삭제된댓글

    Mom:문어 복장을 만드는데 몇달이 걸렸어. 다리 여덟개는 너무 많아, 대이빗.
    Pm: 음, 엄... 들어봐,내가 널 테워다 주면 안될까 그러면 우린 차안에서 업무얘기를 할수 있잖아.
    Natalie: 그래요.
    Dad: 아주 좋아 , 그래
    Mom: 고마워요.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:32 AM

    Man : Hold tight, everybody.
    PM : How far is this place?
    Natalie : Just round the corner.

  • Since1996
    '13.12.12 12:59 PM - 삭제된댓글

    Man: 안전벨트 다들 매세요.
    Pm: 얼마나 멀지?
    Natalie: 가까워요.

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:33 AM

    PM : Ah, right. Well, er... I just wanted to say... thank you for the Christmas card.

    Natalie :
    You're welcome. Look, I'm so sorry about that day. I came in and he slinked towards me and
    there was a fire and he's the President of the United States and nothing happened, I promise. I just
    felt like such a fool because... I think about you all the time, actually. And I think you're the man that I really...

    Kid : We're here.
    Natalie : ..Love.

  • Since1996
    '13.12.12 1:11 PM - 삭제된댓글

    Pm: 어, 맞아 .그니까, 어....난 그저 성탄카드 고맙단 말 하고 싶었어.
    Natalie: 별 말씀을.그니까, 그날은 정말 미안했어요.내가 들어갔고 그 사람이 내쪽으로 미끌어졌고 그리고 불이 났고
    그 사람은 미국 대통령이었고 그리고 아무일도 없었어요, 약속해요. 난 정말 너무 바보같이 느껴졌고....
    사실 난 언제나 당신을 생각해요.그리고 내가 정말로.....(~~하는 ) 사람은 당신이예요
    Kid: 다 왔다.
    Natalie: ....사랑하는

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:33 AM

    PM :
    Oh, wow. That really was just round the corner.
    Well, look, l... I think I'd better not come in, you know? The last thing anyone wants is some sleazy
    politician stealing the kids' thunder.

    Natalie : No, please come. It'll be great.

  • Since1996
    '13.12.12 1:23 PM - 삭제된댓글

    Pm: 오, 와우. 정말 얼마 안 걸렸군.그니까, 봐, 나는..... 나는 안 들어가는게 좋겠어, 알지? 누군가 원하는 마지막 것이 어떤
    얄팤한 정치인이 아이들의 번개를 훔치는 거잖아.
    Natalie: 아니요. 들어가요. 아주 멋질거예요.

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.11.1 7:33 AM

    PM : No, I...I better not. But I will be very sorry to drive away from you.

    Natalie : Just give me one second…

  • Since1996
    '13.12.12 1:32 PM - 삭제된댓글

    Pm : 아니, 난.... 안가는게 좋겠어.그치만 너로부터 멀어져 돌아가야하는게 미안할거야.
    Natalie: 잠깐만요.....

  • 13. 농원하늘애
    '13.11.30 11:11 PM

    헉.... 뭔가하고 눌러봤다가 식겁했네요 ㅜㅜ

  • 14. Since1996
    '13.12.12 1:43 PM - 삭제된댓글

    매끄럽지 않은 부분도 몇군데 있고 긴가민가 하는 부분도 있네요.
    정정해주실분 대 환영입니다.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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