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Love Actually #18

| 조회수 : 2,390 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-10-10 07:36:47

[Scene #57]



Tony     :    You'll come back a broken man.

Colin    :    Yeah, back broken from too much sex.

Tony     :    You are on the road to disaster.

Colin    :    No, I am on shag highway, heading west. Farewell, failure.

                  America, watch out! Here comes Colin Frissell.

                  And he's got a big knob.





Colin           :   Take me to a bar.

Taxi driver  :   What kind of bar?

Colin           :   Just any bar. Just your average American bar.


Clock            :  Can I help you?

Colin             :  Yes. I'd like a Budweiser, please. King of beers.

Clock            :  Bud coming up.


Stacey          :  Oh, my God. Are you from England?

Colin             :  Yes.

Stacey          :  Oh... that is so cute. Hi, I'm Stacey. Jeannie?

Jeannie        :  Yeah?

Stacey          :  This is...

Colin             :  Colin. Frissell.

Jeannie        :  Cute name.

Stacey          :  Jeannie. He's from England.

Colin             :  Yep. Basildon.

Jeannie        :  Oh.

Stacey          :  Oh.

Jeannie        :  Wait till Carol-Anne gets here. She's crazy about English guys.

Stacey          :  Uh-huh.

Carol-Anne  :  Hey, girls.

Jeannie        :  Carol-Anne, come meet Colin. He's from England.

Carol-Anne  :  Well, step aside, ladies. This one's on me. (to Colin) Hey, gorgeous.




Stacey          :  That is so funny! What do you call that?

Colin             :  Er, bottle.

Girls              :  (imitates English tone) "Bottle."

Carol-Anne  :  What about this?

Colin             :  Er, straw.

Girls              : "Straw."

Jeannie        :  What about this?

Colin             :  Table.

Jeannie        :  Table. The same.

Stacey          :  Oh, it's the same.

Carol-Anne  :  Where are you staying?

Colin             :  I don't actually know. I'll just check into a motel like in the movies.

Stacey          :  Oh, my God. Oh, my God, that is so cute.

Jeannie        :  No, no, no, listen. This may be a bit pushy cos we just met you but...

                         why don't you come back and sleep at our place?

Carol-Anne  :  Yeah.

Stacey          :  Yeah.

Colin             :  Well, if it's not too much of an inconvenience…

Carol-Anne  :  Hell no! But there's one problem.

Colin             :  What?

Jeannie        :  Well, we're not the richest of girls, you know. So we just have a little bed and no couch.

                         So you'd have to share with all three of us.

Carol-Anne  :  And on this cold, cold night it's going to be crowded and sweaty and stuff.

Stacey          :  And we can't even afford pyjamas.

Colin             :  No?

Jeannie        :  Which means...we would be naked.

Colin             :   No, no, I think it'd be fine.

Girls              :   Great.

Carol-Anne  :   Erm...The thing that's gonna make it more crowded...Harriet. You haven't met Harriet.

Colin             :   There's a fourth one?

Girls              :   Yeah.

Stacey          :   Don't worry, you're totally gonna like her cos she is "the sexy one".

Colin             :   Really? Wow.

Girls              :   Yeah.

Colin             :   Praise the Lord!

Carol-Anne  :   Oh, and he's a Christian.

All                  :   Cheers.

15 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:31 PM

    Tony : You'll come back a broken man.
    Colin : Yeah, back broken from too much sex.

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:31 PM

    Tony : You are on the road to disaster.

    Colin :
    No, I am on shag highway, heading west. Farewell, failure.
    America, watch out! Here comes Colin Frissell.
    And he's got a big knob.

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:31 PM

    (gets to America)
    Colin : Take me to a bar.
    Taxi driver : What kind of bar?
    Colin : Just any bar. Just your average American bar.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:32 PM

    (At bar)

    Clock : Can I help you?
    Colin : Yes. I'd like a Budweiser, please. King of beers.
    Clock : Bud coming up.

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:32 PM

    Stacey : Oh, my God. Are you from England?
    Colin : Yes.
    Stacey : Oh... that is so cute. Hi, I'm Stacey. Jeannie?
    Jeannie : Yeah?
    Stacey : This is...
    Colin : Colin. Frissell.
    Jeannie : Cute name.

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:33 PM

    Stacey : Jeannie. He's from England.
    Colin : Yep. Basildon.
    Jeannie : Oh.
    Stacey : Oh.
    Jeannie : Wait till Carol-Anne gets here. She's crazy about English guys.
    Stacey : Uh-huh.

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:33 PM

    Carol-Anne : Hey, girls.
    Jeannie : Carol-Anne, come meet Colin. He's from England.
    Carol-Anne : Well, step aside, ladies. This one's on me. (to Colin) Hey, gorgeous.

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:33 PM

    Stacey : That is so funny! What do you call that?
    Colin : Er, bottle.
    Girls : (imitates English tone) "Bottle."
    Carol-Anne : What about this?
    Colin : Er, straw.
    Girls : "Straw."
    Jeannie : What about this?
    Colin : Table.
    Jeannie : Table. The same.
    Stacey : Oh, it's the same.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:33 PM

    Carol-Anne : Where are you staying?
    Colin : I don't actually know. I'll just check into a motel like in the movies.
    Stacey : Oh, my God. Oh, my God, that is so cute.

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:34 PM

    Jeannie : No, no, no, listen. This may be a bit pushy cos we just met you but...why don't you come back and sleep at our place?
    Carol-Anne : Yeah.
    Stacey : Yeah.
    Colin : Well, if it's not too much of an inconvenience…

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:34 PM

    Carol-Anne : Hell no! But there's one problem.
    Colin : What?
    Jeannie :
    Well, we're not the richest of girls, you know. So we just have a little bed and no couch.
    So you'd have to share with all three of us.

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:35 PM

    Carol-Anne : And on this cold, cold night it's going to be crowded and sweaty and stuff.
    Stacey : And we can't even afford pyjamas.
    Colin : No?
    Jeannie : Which means...we would be naked.
    Colin : No, no, I think it'd be fine.
    Girls : Great.

  • 13. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:35 PM

    Carol-Anne : Erm...The thing that's gonna make it more crowded...Harriet. You haven't met Harriet.
    Colin : There's a fourth one?
    Girls : Yeah.
    Stacey : Don't worry, you're totally gonna like her cos she is "the sexy one".
    Colin : Really? Wow.

  • 14. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:35 PM

    Girls : Yeah.
    Colin : Praise the Lord!
    Carol-Anne : Oh, and he's a Christian.
    All : Cheers!

  • 15. 뽁찌
    '13.10.15 7:44 PM

    Sorry ladies, I havn't upload scripts for some days.
    There has been too many jobs I had to do until today and I couln't make any time for this study.
    Work on weekends, went home late at nights...
    Although the result is not that satisfactory as I expected, but now I feel free and happy anyway.

    We've done 3 quarter of the Movie while we don't notice.
    I felt difficult and couln't understand the story at first, but it gets interesting more and more.
    Let's see "Love is all around on Christmas!"

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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