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give me freedom~~give me fire~남아공월드컵 주제가 넘 좋지 않나요? 나만 좋은가? ^^;;

give me freedom 조회수 : 1,262
작성일 : 2010-06-27 01:29:08
축구시작할때 나오는 이노래 너무 좋으네요

가사도 좋고...따라부르기도 좋고
이런풍이 레게풍인거죠?

이상하게 아프리카풍 노래가 좋단말이야~~ㅎㅎㅎ^^
이노래 저만 좋아하나봐요?
우리나라 월드컵은 끝났지만 이노래는 사랑할래요~~^^;;
IP : 125.186.xxx.117
9 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 맞아요..
    '10.6.27 1:31 AM (221.157.xxx.24)

    노래 좋더라구요..

  • 2.
    '10.6.27 1:34 AM (116.40.xxx.205)

    이 노래 완전 중독되네요...
    처음 들을때부터 이국적이고 아프리카 특유의 리듬감을 느낄수 있어 좋았는데
    이제는 이 월드컵 주제가 듣기 위해서라도 끝까지 채널 고정하고 있어요^^

  • 3. 이 노래
    '10.6.27 1:32 AM (211.41.xxx.122)

    공식 주제가는 아니고 케이난 이라고 하는 소말리아 출신 캐나다 가수가 부른 노래래요
    저도 이 노래 들으면 아프리카 초원이 생각나고, 웬지 어눌한 영어 발음이 정겨워서 기분이 좋아집니다.

  • 4.
    '10.6.27 1:35 AM (116.40.xxx.205)

    이 노래가 공식 주제가 맞을걸요...다들 그렇게 소개하던데...

  • 5. 이노래
    '10.6.27 1:42 AM (211.201.xxx.181)

    개막식 떄 나왔던 노래 맞죠? 저도 입속에서 계속 맴돌아요.

  • 6. 이 노래
    '10.6.27 1:41 AM (211.41.xxx.122)

    아. 공식 주제가는 맞는데요. 월드컵위해서 따로 만든게 아니라 기존에 있던 노래의 리믹스 버전이라네요.

  • 7.
    '10.6.27 1:42 AM (211.41.xxx.122)

    2002 월드컵주제가가 너무 좋았어요. 그 전주...둥둥둥.... 하면서 시작하는..

  • 8. 웨빈 프래그
    '10.6.27 2:39 AM (70.50.xxx.202)


    두번째 것이 오리지널

    When I get older
    I will be stronger
    They'll call me freedom
    Just like a wavin' flag

    Born from a throne
    Older than Rome
    But violent prone
    Poor people zone

    But it's my home
    All I have known
    Where I got grown
    but now it's gone

    Out of the darkness
    In came the carnage
    Threatening my very survival

    Fractured my streets
    And broke all my dreams
    Feels like defeat
    To wretched retreat

    So we strugglin’
    Fighting to eat
    And we wonderin’
    If we’ll be free

    We cannot wait
    For some fateful day….
    Too far away
    So right now I’ll say

    When I get older
    I will be stronger
    They’ll call me freedom
    Just like a waving flag

    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back

    Oh~~ Oh ~~ Oh~~

    So many wars,
    Settling scores
    All that we been through
    And now there is more
    I hear them say

    Love is the way
    Love is the answer
    That’s what they say

    But we’re not just dreamers
    Or broken down grievers
    Your hand will reach us
    And then Buenos dias

    This can’t control us
    No it can’t hold us down
    We gon pick it up
    Even though we still struggling
    Au nom de la survie
    And we wondering
    Battant pour nos vies

    We patiently wait
    For some other day
    That’s too far away
    So right now we say

    When I get older
    I will be stronger
    They’ll call me freedom
    Just like a wavin’ flag
    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back

    When I get older
    I will be stronger
    They’ll call me freedom
    Just like a wavin’ flag
    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back

    Oh ~ Oh ~ Oh ~

    Home come when the media stops covering
    And there’s a little help for the government
    We forget about the people still struggling
    And assume that it’s really all love again, nahh
    See we don’t have to wait for things to break apart
    If you weren’t involved before it’s never too late to start
    You probably think that it’s too far to even have to care
    Well take a look at where you live what if it happened there?
    You have to know the urge to make a change lies within
    And we can be the reason that they see their flag rise again…

    When I get older I will be stronger
    They’ll call me freedom
    Just like a wavin’ flag
    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back

    When I get older I will be stronger
    They’ll call me freedom
    Just like a wavin’ flag…
    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back

    Oh ~ Oh ~ Oh ~

    When I get older I will be stronger
    They’ll call me freedom
    Just like a wavin’ flag…
    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back
    And then it goes back

    Oh~ Oh~ Oh ~~

    When I get older~~~

    When I get older~~~

    I will be stronger~~~

    Just like a wavin’ flag~~~

  • 9. 리믹스 곡
    '10.6.27 2:52 AM (70.50.xxx.202)


    이거 좋네요

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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