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한국 쇼트트랙 선수가 반칙했다고 미국놈이 그러는데, 영어 잘하시는 분?
아놔 조회수 : 831
작성일 : 2010-02-18 15:52:46
제가 트위터 하고있는데
평소 알고지내던 미국애가
The Koreans need to stop ganging up on Ono. Short track IS NOT A TEAM SPORT. They are cheating.
라고 하는거에요, 그래서 너무 열이 받아서
Hey,You said they were cheating?On what basis did u make such a tweet? http://bit.ly/bgieoc What he's doing?You have 2 check it out
라고 했더니
They're boxing him in and not allowing him to pass. They are also bumping him. They are so rough they knocked each other off course
라고 답장이 왔는데, 제가 오늘 경기를 안봐서
Really? Okay I have to check it out again then I'll get back to you.
라고 일단 해놨는데,
이게 둘이만 연결된거면 막 거침없이 뭐라고 하겠지만
다른 외국친구들 10명정도 다 연결 되어있기때문에
(트위터 하시는 분은 아시겠지만, 서로 팔로윙 맺고 연결되어있으면 제가 걔랑 뭔 이야기를 나누는지 다 보이거든요)
막 다다다 해줄수가 없네요;;
최대한 흥분하지 않은 것처럼 하지만 논리적으로 140자 안에 써줄 말이 없을까요?
영어 잘하시는 분들 좀 도와주세요~~
As you said, short track is an individual sport. Each Korean wants to win the gold medal as well.
Also, if you look at the youtube, it was dead clear that Ono used the hand, not the Koreans. I don't blame him that much since Korean has won the gold medal. However, if you go back to 2002 olympic, by the far, Ono is much dirtier player than other skaters.
You should feel bless that Ono has won the silver medal because of crash by Koreans.
이걸 좀더 줄이고 싶고.. 좀더 간략하고 정확히 공격하는 표현이 없을지?
이게 한글로 작문도 잘해야 하는건데..
오늘 한국선수들의 행동이 만약 치팅이라면 오노는 그럼 이제까지 얼마나 뭐뭐 한거냐? 오노가 미국에서 존경받는 선수인지는 알지만 먼저 자기 선수를 돌아봐라
140자 넘게 두번에 걸쳐 보내면 왠지 지는 느낌이라..;;
IP : 112.144.xxx.72
1 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
1. ....
'10.2.18 4:27 PM (122.44.xxx.70)몇자인지 확인 못했지만..
As you said short track is an individual sport and I won't deny that the Korean athletes wanted the gold but what olympic athlete doesn't?. If you watch again closely on youtube, its clear that Ono used his hand, NOT the Koreans. This isn't Ono's first dirty play either, if you recall the 02 olympics. When you point your finger at someone the other three are pointing toward you. Think about that before you start calling others cheaters.
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