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[도전 영어달인] 200단어/분-- Employment status can impact mental health

리치코바 조회수 : 425
작성일 : 2008-10-17 17:35:37
Employment status can impact mental health

If you are unemployed, under-employed or have a precarious work situation, now is the time to look after your health. Underemployment and unemployment can lead to depression and stress. One way to avoid this is to stay fit, a recent study suggests.

Studies have shown that people who are unemployed or under-employed are more at risk for health problems than those with good jobs, according to Dr. Emile Tompa, a scientist at the Institute for Work and Health in Toronto.

In fact, studies show that “unemployed adults have consistently been found to die earlier than employed adults,” he says. Under-employment is a problem looming for many Canadians. While employment rates in the country are still pretty strong, many of the new jobs are part-time, according to Statistics Canada.

Working part-time may be considered under-employment if you’d rather be full-time, if the work is low paying or if you aren’t using your skills. In studies done by Dr. Tompa and colleagues, “individuals with less than optimal levels of employment had higher rates of physical and mental illness compared with those in optimal employment,” he says.

Inadequate employment tends to be a problem that hits women, visible minorities and people with low levels of education more readily than men, whites and those with a higher education. (228 words)

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