드러낼 수 없는 고민을 풀어보는 속풀이방
살다살다 NYT 메인에 김치찌개 레시피 뜨네요!
1. phua
'20.4.15 10:10 AM (1.230.xxx.96)ㅋㅋㅋ
김치 맛 있어요^^2. 알려주고 싶다,
'20.4.15 10:13 AM (123.213.xxx.169)김치등갈비찜..알면 헤여나오기 힘들 껄!!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.
3. ᆢ
'20.4.15 10:15 AM (223.62.xxx.2)늬들이 김치찜맛을 알어!!
4. ㅇㅇ
'20.4.15 10:15 AM (182.216.xxx.43) - 삭제된댓글한국대학 근무하는 미국교수랑 식당에 같이 밥 먹으로 갔는데,,
글쎄 콩나물국에 새우젓을 팍 집어 넣고 밥 말아서 시원하게 잘 먹더라구요.맛있대요.
요즘은 저도 배워서 새우젓 넣고 먹습니다.5. 6eleven
'20.4.15 10:18 AM (121.164.xxx.236)중국산김치 말고 국산김치로 끓여야 맛있는 건 안 비밀~
6. 기레기아웃
'20.4.15 10:28 AM (183.96.xxx.241)힘나는 원글과 유쾌한 댓글에 엄지척입니당~ ㅋ
7. 한땀
'20.4.15 10:32 AM (121.160.xxx.2)유쾌한 동지분들, 행복한 하루 보내세요~~~
8. 마리아쥬플레르
'20.4.15 10:38 AM (175.192.xxx.113)Log-in 어쩌구 저쩌구 자막이 가려서
원문이 안보이네요ㅠㅠ.
Anyway 감사해요^^9. 원글님 글
'20.4.15 10:40 AM (211.245.xxx.178)아,씨 뒤에 제가
발을 붙여드릴게요.
저도 갸들 부부랑 뒤에 온 대통령 생각만하면 혈압이 올라서..
근데 제대로 된 김치맛을 봐야할텐데...10. 앗, 레시피요
'20.4.15 10:41 AM (121.160.xxx.2)If You Have Kimchi, You’re Steps Away From This Soup
This warming recipe is the perfect way to use up any jars of the condiment that may linger in your fridge.
Credit...Melissa Clark
Melissa Clark
By Melissa Clark
April 14, 2020, 1:05 p.m. ET
One of necessities of infrequent grocery shopping is keeping a handle on what I’ve already got in the fridge, where real estate is limited. Over the weekend, I purged, and among the jars of half-eaten condiments were three containers of kimchi. It was obviously time to make kimchi soup.
The dish I made was a very loose merging of Maangchi’s kimchi soup (kimchi-guk) and Hooni Kim’s kimchi jjigae, which I got from his great new cookbook, “My Korea” (W.W. Norton & Company, 2020).
Both recipes call for pork belly or shoulder, neither of which I had. But I did have a chicken leg, so I used that instead, and it was excellent and a bit lighter than other versions I’ve had. Use whatever meat you’ve got on hand, or skip the meat for a vegetarian soup.
To make it, sear the meat in a little oil in a soup pot. For one to two servings, use about 4 ounces of meat and a drizzle of neutral oil. When the meat is golden at the edges, add a minced garlic clove or two and a pinch of salt, and stir it around until the garlic makes your stomach growl. Then add 2 cups of water or dashi (I used water) and a cup of chopped kimchi and its liquid. (Mr. Kim says to use aged kimchi, which I indubitably did since one of the jars was way back in the fridge behind the duck fat and the Punjabi pickle.) You’ll also need some kind of Korean pepper, either a tablespoon of paste — gochujang, which Maangchi calls for — or 1 to 1 ½ teaspoons gochugaru flakes as per Hooni Kim, or just use whatever chile powder you’ve got on hand. I used gochugaru flakes, along with a pinch of sugar. Bring it all to a simmer and cook for 40 minutes, so the flavors meld and the meat cooks.
During the last 10 minutes, add half a block of cubed tofu if you have some. (Soft or silken is best, I used firm and it was still good.) Taste and season with a little salt or a few drops of fish sauce, if needed, and serve garnished with a handful of sliced scallions, and add rice if you want extra heft. It’s spicy, warming and colorful and exactly the right thing to do with any extra kimchi you may have on hand.11. 하아..
'20.4.15 10:48 AM (39.7.xxx.199)우리 엄니 김치로 끄리묵어야 맛있는디..
12. ...
'20.4.15 10:51 AM (121.160.xxx.2)저희집은 요즘 잘익은 봉하묵은지에 한살림 두부 넣고 뭉근하게 40분 끓이는데 꿀맛입니다~~
13. 김치찌게 냄새
'20.4.15 11:10 AM (103.62.xxx.239) - 삭제된댓글쓰레기 냄새같다고 대놓고 말했던 독일 여자도 한국 남자 짝사랑 하더니만 싹 달라지더군요.
한국이 인기있어 지면 쓰레기 냄새같다고 하던게 갑자기 달콤한 냄새로 변할 수가 있겠군요.
이제 김치 냄새때문에 못 먹는 일은 점점 줄어들 거 같아 다행이에요.
김치가 중국거라는 중국인들, 일본거라는 일본인들 말은 이제 안 먹히겠어요.
가끔 그런 사람들 있거든요.14. ...
'20.4.15 11:14 AM (121.160.xxx.2)중국 일본 그런 허튼 수작 이제 안 통하겠죠. 암요.
기자가 "My Korea” (W.W. Norton & Company, 2020) 요리책을 참고했다고 링크까지 친절하게 걸어놨어든요~15. 엄지척
'20.4.15 12:56 PM (14.32.xxx.91)고추가루는 꼭 한국산 써야 하는데~
16. 미국에 김치
'20.4.15 12:57 PM (124.197.xxx.68) - 삭제된댓글많이 팔아요
왠지 일본 음식이 힙해보였다가 과거에
한국으로 넘어가는 중인 느낌?
얼마전 뉴욕시에 파머스마켓갔더니
젊은 백인 여자분이 김치를 직접 만들어 파는데
피클도 아닌것이 웃겨 죽는 줄. 하지만 훈계는 하지 않고 잼게 보고 왔어요
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