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영작인데요.. 문법 잘못된것 있는지좀 봐주세요;;;

영어 조회수 : 566
작성일 : 2018-05-24 20:28:18

영작한건데요.. 문법 잘못된것 있는지좀 봐주세요..

물어볼곳이 여기뿐이네요..

미리 감사드립니다.

My favorite k-pop singer is Seventeen.

Seventeen is one of the famous k-pop groups.

Their debut is 2015.5.26.

There are 13 members.

The leader of Seventeen is S.coups.

And there’s Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Wonoo, Woozi and so on.

I like them because I am very happy and very excited when I see them.

Their hit song is ‘Pretty U’, ‘Adore U’, ‘Don’t wanna cry’ and ‘Thanks’.

I like ‘Don’t wanna cry’ the most.

It is perfect in every part.

Also, whenever I hear it, I feel like crying.

I like Woozi the most because he is very cute.

And there’s “Boo Seok Soon”.

It is seventeen’s special unit.

One of them is performance unit, and some of them are vocal unit.

They sang ‘Just Do It’.

It is very exciting.

Seventeen are going to hold a concert at July 1,2,3.

But I can’t go there because of the exam.

IP : 124.50.xxx.130
1 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 제니
    '18.5.24 8:50 PM (61.43.xxx.122)

    My favorite k-pop singer is Seventeen.

    Seventeen is one of the famous k-pop groups.

    Their debut is 2015.5.26. --> Their debut was back in May 26 2015.

    There are 13 members.

    The leader of Seventeen is S.coups.

    And there’s Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Wonoo, Woozi and so on. ---> besides, there are Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Wonoo, Woozi and so on

    I like them because I am very happy and very excited when I see them. --> I like them because I get very happy and excited when I see them.

    Their hit song is ‘Pretty U’, ‘Adore U’, ‘Don’t wanna cry’ and ‘Thanks’.

    I like ‘Don’t wanna cry’ the most.

    It is perfect in every part.

    Also, whenever I hear it, I feel like crying. ---> Also, whenever I listen to it, I feel like crying

    I like Woozi the most because he is very cute.

    And there’s “Boo Seok Soon”.

    It is seventeen’s special unit.

    One of them is performance unit, and some of them are vocal unit. ---> One of them is in charge of the performance, and some of them cover the vocal unit.

    They sang ‘Just Do It’.

    It is very exciting.

    Seventeen are going to hold a concert at July 1,2,3. ---> Seventeen is going to hold a concert in July 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

    But I can’t go there because of the exam.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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