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[MBC 펌}'한국 비하 발언' NBC 방송통해 사과

.... 조회수 : 1,500
작성일 : 2018-02-11 12:44:39
IP : 92.12.xxx.195
7 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. ....
    '18.2.11 12:44 PM (92.12.xxx.195)


  • 2. NBC사과했다는 아침방송
    '18.2.11 12:47 PM (222.153.xxx.12) - 삭제된댓글

    들어보고 싶네요. 링크 있나요?
    뻔뻔하게 한국에서 자사 홈피 접속까지 막았다더니 역시 올림픽 주최측 통해 불만제기하니 사과하는군요.

  • 3. snowmelt
    '18.2.11 12:52 PM (125.181.xxx.34)

    사과를 너무 성의없게 하네..
    홈피 대문글에라도 올려 놓든가 하지..

  • 4. 뉴스 기사로도
    '18.2.11 12:59 PM (221.165.xxx.224) - 삭제된댓글

    아침 7500만명이 보는 아침방송이래요.

  • 5. 기사
    '18.2.11 1:03 PM (119.64.xxx.194)

    NBC apologizes to Korean people after correspondent's 'ignorant, 'insensitive' comment

    NBC Sports has apologized for an incendiary comment made during Friday's Opening Ceremony led to widespread anger and tens of thousands of angry social media posts.

    In the booth with Mike Tirico and Katie Couric, NBC Asian correspondent Joshua Cooper Ramo said that "every Korean" respected Japan for their recent achievements as a nation, insinuating that South Korea had forgotten about the 35 brutal years of Japanese rule that ended after World War II.

    "His incorrect and insensitive comment about Korea's history has enraged many of [Korea's] people," wrote Jung Min-ho in The Korea Times.

    NBC issued an apology a few hours later. In a statement read live on NBCSN early Saturday morning, anchor Carolyn Manno said:

    "During our coverage of the Parade of Nations on Friday we said it was notable that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made the trip to Korea for the Olympics, "representing Japan, a country which occupied Korea from 1910 to 1945 but every Korean will tell you that Japan is a cultural, technological and economic example that has been so important to their own transformation." We understand the Korean people were insulted by these comments and we apologize.

  • 6. 기사
    '18.2.11 1:05 PM (119.64.xxx.194)

    위 기사는 msn 스포츠 와이어에 뜬 내용이예요. 정규 네트웍이 아니라 mbcsn 채널 통해 토욜 아침 위와 같은 사과방송했다고요

  • 7. ..
    '18.2.11 1:12 PM (221.139.xxx.166)

    NBC야, 너희 나라를 영국 식민지여서 영국에 컴플렉스 있고, 영국여왕에는 꼼짝도 못하며, 아메리칸 인디언들을 무자비하게 학살한 역사도 일천한 나라고,
    무기판매를 위해서 지구촌 곳곳에 국지전 지원하고 전쟁 일으키는 나라라고
    지구촌 행사에서 전세계인에게 방송 통해서 말해도 되겠니?

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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