People respond to seat belts as they would to an improvement in road conditions ― by driving faster and less carefully.
여기서 as they would to an improvement in road conditions에서 동사는 뭔지... 생략된 건가요?
그리고 매끄럽게 해석 부탁 드립니다.
미리 감사 드립니다
People respond to seat belts as they would to an improvement in road conditions ― by driving faster and less carefully.
여기서 as they would to an improvement in road conditions에서 동사는 뭔지... 생략된 건가요?
그리고 매끄럽게 해석 부탁 드립니다.
미리 감사 드립니다
People respond to seat belts as they would to an improvement in road conditions ― by driving faster and less carefully.
People respond to seat belts as they would (respond) to an improvement in road conditions ― by driving faster and less carefully.
사람들이 안전벨트에 보이는 반응은 좋아진 도로상태에 보이는 반응과 흡사하다. - 더 빨리 더 부주의하게 운전한다.
운전하면서 안전벨트라는 안전장치가 있으므로 은연중에 (방심하고 ) 속도도 더 내고 부주의하게 운전하는데 이것은 도로조건이 좋아지면 (예를 들면 직선으로 쭉 뻗은 노면이 좋은 도로) 속도 내고 부주의하게 되는 것과 흡사하다는 뜻요. ^^