There was a time when I was in a hurry as you are
I was like you
There was a day when I just had to tell my point of view
I was like you
제가 당신 만큼이나 서두르던 시절이 있었지.
제가 꼭 당신 같았어.
제 생각은 기어코 말해야 직성이 풀리는 시절이 있었지.
제가 꼭 당신 같았어.
No I don't mean to make you frown,
No I just want you to slow down
Have you never been mellow,
Have you never tried
To find a comfort from inside you
당신 기분 상하게 할 뜻은 없어.
그냥 당신이 좀 더 여유를 가지고 살았으면 좋겠어.
당신 느긋해본 적 없니?
당신 맘 속에서 위로를 찾으려
노력했던 적 없니?
Have you never been happy just to hear your song
Have you never let someone else be strong
Running around as you do, with your head up in the clouds
I was like you
당신은 당신이 노래를 흥얼거리는 걸 들으면서 행복해 본 적 없니?
당신은 다른 사람에게 힘이 되어준 적이 없니?
저도 당신처럼 멍하니 공상에 잠긴채로 돌아다녔었지.
제가 꼭 당신 같았어.
Never had time to lay back, kick your shoes off, close your eyes
I was like you
Now you're not hard to understand,
You need someone to take your hand
당신은 느긋하게 누워서 신발을 벗어던지고 눈을 감아본 적이 없었지.
제가 꼭 당신 같았어.
이제 당신을 이해할 수 있어.
당신의 손을 잡아줄 누군가가 필요해.