"주권국가로서 우리는 적절한 시점에 우리 군에 대한 작전권을 환수해야 한다.
한미 양국은 조건이 맞으면 우리가 작전권을 환수하기로 이미 합의했다.
덧붙여 말하자면, 한국과 미국은 오랫동안 연합사령부 시스템을 유지해 왔다.
(우리가) 작전권을 환수하더라도 이 연합사령부 시스템이 유지되는 한 우리 양국은 연합안보 체계를 지속할 것이고, 또 미군은 우리 안보체계 안에서 그들의 역할을 계속 수행할 것이다."
"As a sovereign state, we should have operational command of our forces returned to us at an appropriate time. Korea and the United States have already reached an agreement where we will receive operational control of our forces when the conditions are met. I would like to add that Korea and the U.S. have maintained a combined forces command system for a long time. Even if [we] were to get operational control back, as long as this combined system is maintained, our countries will continue to have combined security and U.S. forces will continue to play their part in our security."
"As a sovereign state, we should have operational command of our forces returned to us at an appropriate time. Korea and the United States have already reached an agreement where we will receive operational control of our forces when the conditions are met. I would like to add that Korea and the U.S. have maintained a combined forces command system for a long time. Even if [we] were to get operational control back, as long as this combined system is maintained, our countries will continue to have combined security and U.S. forces will continue to play their part in our security."